
Released September 17, 2019 by Passion City Church with Pastor Louie Giglio


“You cannot be bright in a darkened world unless you have walked in the path of truth.” In week two of our new series, BE BRIGHT, Pastor Louie Giglio wants us to remember that what the World needs is for all of us to be transformed by the Word of God so that when God sends us into the World we shine brightly. It’s not enough just to be right all of the time if we are not shining with the love, the compassion, the grace, and the mercy of Jesus.—At Passion City Church we believe that because God has displayed the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus, our response to that in worship must be extravagant. It is our privilege, and our created purpose, to reflect God’s Glory back to Him through our praise, our sacrifice, and our song. Follow @passioncity: @louiegiglio: Passion City Church is a Jesus church with locations in Atlanta and Washington D.C.  More info on Passion: