2017 Christmas Party Episode 5: Gifts For Your Enneagram Type with Seth Abram

Released December 14, 2017 by That Sounds Fun with Annie F. Downs


Y'all know I have so much love for the enneagram. So you KNOW I'm talking about it at every Christmas party I'm going to in real life, so obviously we needed to talk about at THIS party too. My friend Seth Abram is one of the smartest dudes I know, and he's particularly put a lot of time in the last few years into the study of the enneagram. HIS KNOWLEDGE GOES DEEEP, Y'ALL. So I asked him to come on the show and help us sort out Christmas gifts for our friends based on their enneagram number. Get ready, whether you know a little or a lot, this episode is going to blow your mind a bit. It's awesome. https://twitter.com/sethabrammusic https://www.instagram.com/sethabram/ (Remember he wants to answer your questions! Don't be shy!) http://100daystobrave.com http://anniefdowns.com #thatsoundsfunpodcast ... join in the conversation wherever hashtags are welcome. :)