Released June 4, 2018 by That Sounds Fun with Annie F. Downs


YOU GUYS WE DID IT. 100 episodes. And you're still here. (Thanks for that!)  This one is ridiculous and fun and a sprinkling of stuff that matters and lots of Royal Wedding and a promise about Christmas that you don't want to forget (because I'm never talking about it ever again). Just 100 hot takes. Y'all have made my life so much more fun. Thank you. . . . . . Make sure you follow Eddie and listen to The New Activist! (And if you want to hear Eddie and I and some of our other best pals do this mess every week, check out the Relevant Podcast!) http://www.eddiekaufholz.com The New Activist Relevant Podcast http://100daystobrave.com http://anniefdowns.com #thatsoundsfunpodcast ... join in the conversation wherever hashtags are welcome. :)