Episode 99: Jonathan Merritt

Released September 13, 2018 by That Sounds Fun with Annie F. Downs


I love this guy so much. Jonathan Merritt is a dear dear friend and a Georgia Bulldog fan and an incredibly gifted writer. He has more good stuff to say than we had minutes, and we usually talk for hours, but were were self-controlled and only gave y'all the best of us. :)  His new book, Learning to Speak God from Scratch, has changed me and given me words I didn't know I needed. Make sure you get a copy today. And by the way, you can hear me on Jonathan's podcast, Seekers & Speakers, as well!  . . . . . By the way! My new book Remember God is available for pre-order and the first 5000 friends who pre-order the book will get the audiobook (read by me) for free weeks before the book comes out! All the details are on http://anniefdowns.com . . . . . #thatsoundsfunpodcast ... join in the conversation wherever hashtags are welcome. :)