Episode 121: Jonathan Pitts

Released March 4, 2019 by That Sounds Fun with Annie F. Downs


It's a special day here on the podcast as we welcome Jonathan Pitts- pastor, author, and husband to my friend, the late Wynter Pitts.  The very day she passed away, Jonathan and Wynter turned in a book on marriage called Emptied. I thought talking about this book, and Wynter, and Jonathan's transition to Nashville, would be great at the end of TSF Couples 2019. Hope you'll enjoy this very moving and honest conversation with Jonathan. (We love you, Wynter. You are missed here.) https://twitter.com/PittsTimes6 https://forgirlslikeyou.com . . . . . http://anniefdowns.com #thatsoundsfunpodcast ... join in the conversation wherever hashtags are welcome. :)