#41: Real by Nichole Nordeman and Luke 1 & 2

Released December 1, 2014 by More Than a Song - Michelle Nezat


How many times will you walk by a nativity scene this Christmas season? Are you like me? Have you become numb to the REAL story behind the figurines? This week's song, "Real" by Nichole Nordeman, reminds us of the REAL people in this familiar scene.

I hope this song will not only inspire you to take a closer look at Scripture, but I hope it will give you a tool that you can use EVERY TIME you read the stories of Biblical characters.
On this week's episode I discuss:

The tool of remembering that Biblical characters are REAL
Al Andrews short story, "Real - A Christmas Story"
Luke 2:1-7
What Mary may have experienced and felt
Luke 1:28-38
A closer look at Luke 2:7
What we can do to ensure Biblical characters stay "real" to us

Read the details that are really there
Do a little research
Take time to imagine how you would feel in their situation and overlay that with historical details the character may have had to endure

Additional Resources

Story behind how the song came to be
Article from ChristianAnswers.net on Myths About Christmas
Article from CatholicIreland.net on the details of the journey shown in the Christmas story

This Week's Challenge

Read the Christmas story details in Luke and Matthew in a variety of versions. Consider another "character" in the Christmas story and follow the three steps outlined in today's episode to ensure this character comes to life in your mind, because after all, they were REAL.