#53: "Day One" by Matthew West & Lamentations

Released February 23, 2015 by More Than a Song - Michelle Nezat


Are you at a place in your life where you wish you could just have a do over? This week we will see the treacherous, discouraging captivity that the people of God had fallen prey to, but as our Scripture and this week's song, "Day One" by Matthew West, teaches us, God's mercies are new every morning.

Today is a new day...make it count!
On this week's episode I discuss:

Matthew West's video on the story behind the song
The Scripture inspiration behind the song - Lamentations 3:22-23
His mercies are new every morning
Background study on the Book of Lamentations
Some of the tools I used in my background study that I share with you

The Maxwell Leadership Bible
The Apologetics Study Bible

The study tool of reviewing chapter and section headlines to get an overview of what is happening
Jerusalem's sin and our sin - Lamentations 1:7-9
Hope from the pit - Lamentations 3:55-57
Recalling the truth of who God is brings hope - Lamentations 3:19-26
God restores - Lamentations 5:21

Additional Resources

Get Day One here
Story behind the song - You Tube Video with Matthew West
Interesting parallel study comparing God's instructions and warnings in Deuteronomy and what is reflected in Lamentations

This Week's Challenge

Read Lamentations! Don't forget to read them as separate poems, and remember the tremendously emotional place the author is in when writing them. Then while you are reading them one poem at a time, highlight verses that bring conviction and verses that bring hope.