#68: "Through All Of It" by Colton Dixon & Abraham's Story

Released June 8, 2015 by More Than a Song - Michelle Nezat


We all love a good story. I especially love stories that grab my attention from the beginning. I don't even mind reading long stories when they have lots of twists and turns, unexpected developments, climactic moments and where the good guy wins in the end. Allow me to introduce you to a story like this in the Bible. It is the story of Abraham and we will be using Colton Dixon's song "Through All Of It" to explore Abraham's journey.
By closely observing Abraham's life journey we can learn about him, God and ourselves.
On this episode I discuss:

Listening carefully to the lyrics of the music you listen to most frequently
Using a song not only to inspire us to read God's Word, but to bring back to mind the stories we are reading
Abraham's story in Genesis 11-25
Taking Keith Ferrin's advice in his book, "How To Enjoy Reading Your Bible" to "watch the whole movie"
The Bible interaction tool of reading more
Using the lyrics of our song to identify with the journey of Abraham
Abraham's heritage
Your circumstances don't change God
There is power in a story
The closer you listen, the more understanding you will be given - Mark 4:24

Additional Resources
This Week's Challenge

Read Abraham's story! Genesis 11-25 is a healthy section of Scripture, but I think if you try, you will enter the story and get lost in it. We are blessed as children of Abraham because of our faith in God and because through Abraham we received the ultimate promised Son. Abraham's story resonates throughout all of eternity. Maybe it's time we become familiar with it. Don't just read it once. Spend all week reading it over and over and see what happens!