#72: "The Unmaking" by Nichole Nordeman & The Book of Ruth

Released July 6, 2015 by More Than a Song - Michelle Nezat


Even though the phrase "the unmaking" does not appear in Scripture, you can vividly see various characters in God's Word go through deconstruction, and we can learn from their journey. This week, I take Nichole Nordeman's song, "The Unmaking" and use it to examine the journey of Naomi found in the Book of Ruth.
God really used Naomi's journey to teach me what should stay and what should go in my own rubble pile, perhaps He will do the same for you. I even created a resource to help walk you through that process.
On this episode I discuss:

Nichole Nordeman's story behind the song - YouTube
Nichole Nordeman's story behind the song written thoughts
Discovering strength and vulnerability in recognizing we all need to go through the unmaking
Unpacking the story of Naomi found in The Book of Ruth
Every good and perfect gift comes from God, but not every tragedy can be interpreted as God turning against you
Coming to a new and renewed perspective of WHO God is by what He says about Himself
Jesus' question about what is really important - Matthew 16:26
The difference between human point of view and God's point of view
Using Naomi as an example, sort through "what should go and what should stay" - use this tool to help
Not elevating other's thoughts and revelations above Scripture
Always returning to God's Word, but growing through both God's Word and the revelation He gives through others

Additional Resources


This Week's Challenge

Read the Book of Ruth several times this week. Ponder the lyrics of this song and the idea of allowing God to unmake us before rebuilding us. Focus on Naomi as an example and use the resource I've created to help you process what should stay and what should go in your own life.