#94: "Just a Girl" by Brandon Heath

Released December 7, 2015 by More Than a Song - Michelle Nezat


How many times have we missed the miracle because there was "no room" for the inconvenient? The birth of Jesus was messy, and loud, and inconvenient, and yet some embraced it and some like the innkeeper sung about in Brandon Heath's song, "Just a Girl," missed out on welcoming the Savior of the World.
I wonder how many miracles we've missed because we said, "no," out of inconvenience?
On this episode I discuss:

Traditions - how my family loves them and how they were instituted by God
The perspective of this week's song as being sung by the innkeeper in the Christmas story
What Scripture really says about the inn - Luke 2:1-7
A quote from Brandon Heath on his perspective of the song - New Release Today Article
How it was inconvenient for those in the inn to make room for Mary to have a baby
What parts of God's plan for Mary's life were inconvenient - Luke 1:28-38
How Joseph threw aside inconvenience to accept God's command - Matthew 1:18-25
The inconvenience Jesus endured by leaving heaven to be born a human to save us from sin - Philippians 2:6-8
The Parable of the Good Samaritan - Luke 10:30-37
Matthew Henry's Commentary on how "selfishness governs all ranks"
A prayer to be wholly yielded to God even if it means messy, loud and inconvenient

Additional Resources

About the Song by Brandon Heath on YouTube
Behind the Song with Kevin Davis - New Release Today
Unwed and Pregnant in Ancient Israel? - an article by Stephanie Landsem

This Week's Challenge

Dive into the Christmas story! Read Matthew 1 and 2 and Luke 1 and 2 for all of the epic details. Consider what messy, loud and inconvenient experiences God is asking you to yield to. Consider the parable in Luke 10:30-37 and in the words of Jesus, "now go and do the same."