#100: "Awake Our Souls" by Tim Timmons

Released January 18, 2016 by More Than a Song - Michelle Nezat


Have you ever arrived to a familiar destination only to discover you don't remember experiencing the journey? "Awake Our Souls" by Tim Timmons is a cry for all of us to wake up and experience the Kingdom of God all around us! It inspires me to pick up God's Word and consider what it teaches about the Kingdom.
God asks for our efforts to be focused on His agenda and His way of doing things. God's Word can teach us how.
On this episode I discuss:

The story behind the song - Tim Timmons on YouTube
Getting to the heart...the true source of who we are
Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture with the Bible Interaction Tool Exercise of a topical search - use this free resource
Not stopping at the short list of topical Scriptures...you must read them in CONTEXT
Combating the lies of the enemy with the truth of Scripture
Using commentaries AFTER you have read and considered God's Word for yourself
Experiencing the Fruit of the Spirit rather than just the fruit of my own labor
The story behind the album - Tim Timmons on YouTube
Seeking first the Kingdom of God and HIS righteousness - Matthew 6:33
How the Kingdom of God doesn't look like I expect it to look
When the King was arriving - John 12:12-16
When the King declares His Kingdom is eternal - John 18:36
How the theological truth that the Kingdom of God is eternal in nature changes my posture
Allowing this week's song to be a prayer in our own lives

Additional Resources

Shattered Magazine Article on Tim Timmons and "Awake Our Souls" - Read the article here

This Week's Challenge

Start where I started with a topical search of the Kingdom of God. Download this week's free resource to walk you through the steps. Then progress to reading as much as you can on what Jesus taught about the Kingdom of God. Matthew 13 contains 7 different parables describing the Kingdom of God. It is a great place to start.