Angels and Demons | Sunday Message

Released January 30, 2022 by Greg Laurie Podcast


Although we do not see it, the supernatural world is real, and spiritual battles happen all around us. In this Sunday morning message, Pastor Greg Laurie gives you biblical insight into the world of angels and demons—and your place in the most important battles. Listen in for a riveting message from Revelation 12. 


“Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see!” —2 Kings 6:17

Angels are actively involved in the life of the Christian.

Acts begins with two angels after Jesus ascended. 

It would appear angels are eternal and never die.

Angels have a special work and ministry in the life of the Christian.

1. Angels sometimes deliver us from difficult situations. 

Angels played a major role in getting Peter out of prison again in Acts 12.

2. Angels sometimes stop us and other times they prompt us.

Angels are everywhere in the Bible doing the work of God.

The metaverse is not real but the supernatural world is! 

Demons are fallen angels. 

3. The Devil.

Lucifer came from Heaven.

Satan was once a high-ranking angel.

Lucifer was not satisfied with worshiping God; he wanted to be worshiped himself.

Though Satan lost his once exalted position, he still has access to Heaven.

If Satan can’t enter in the front, he’ll try to get in the back door.

If that doesn’t work, he’ll try to come through the roof or tunnel up under the floor.

4. Satan is not alone, he has a well-organized network of demon powers doing his bidding.

5. The purpose of demons seems to be twofold:

They seek to hinder the purposes of God and to extend the power of Satan.

6. Satan knows his days are numbered.

7. Satan does not want you to know that he attacks with accusation. 

It’s not the bait that constitutes sin; it’s the bite! 

8. They overcome the devil by the blood of the Lamb. 

Our access to God is the result of what Jesus has done for us.

At the cross of Calvary, Jesus dealt the decisive blow against Satan and his forces.

It is through the blood of the Lamb, I can even approach God and find the help I need.

9. They overcame by the word of their testimony.

10. They did not love their lives to the death.

You can be forgiven of your sin! 

Satan says “tomorrow” while the Holy Spirit says “Today is the day of salvation.”

Angels rejoice when a sinner comes to repentance!

Scripture Referenced
Acts 1:11
Luke 24:4
Luke 20:36
Hebrews 1:14
Psalm 34:7
Hebrews 13:2
Revelation 22:8
Matthew 12:24
Hebrews 10:19–20
Colossians 2:14
Ephesians 2:13


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