volume_upAugust 14, 2024 The Comeback Heather Graham's Story
Today on this episode of The Comeback, Trey speaks with Heather Graham, who shares her story of overcoming alcoholism. Hear how she confronted her darkest moments, found hope through community, therapy, and Jesus, and is now dedicated to helping others discover that a better life is within reach. This is a story of resilience, redemption, and the unwavering strength of the human spirit. Don't miss it!
This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to understand the true essence of recovery and the relentless pursuit of becoming the best version of oneself. Don't miss out on this engaging and motivational dialogue!
volume_upJuly 8, 2024 The Comeback - James Wylly
Today on this episode of The Comeback, Trey speaks with James Wylly, who shares his incredible story of overcoming alcoholism. James attributes his recovery to the power of Jesus, a steadfast wife who set firm boundaries, and a supportive treatment environment that provided the guiding principles for his journey to freedom.
This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to understand the true essence of recovery and the relentless pursuit of becoming the best version of oneself. Don't miss out on this engaging and motivational dialogue!
That is available on all streaming platforms.
volume_upJune 3, 2024 Trey Lewis shares his story with Neil Crock
In this episode of The Comeback, Neil Crock sits down with Trey Lewis, the CEO of Good Landing Recovery, to delve into a powerful conversation about personal transformation and leadership. Trey opens up about his remarkable journey from struggle to success, offering listeners an inspiring narrative of recovery. Together, they explore the core principles of effective leadership and the vital practices necessary for ongoing personal growth.
This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to understand the true essence of recovery and the relentless pursuit of becoming the best version of oneself. Don't miss out on this engaging and motivational dialogue!
volume_upJuly 6, 2022 Stacey Pennington's Story
Stacey Pennington's Story
In this week's episode, Trey talks with Stacey Pennington. Stacey grew up in a beautiful family with a long line of church pastors. It wasn't until after her high school years that she started to experiment with drugs and alcohol, and that would lead her down a very dark path. The birth of her first child caused a break in the darkness, and Stacey got serious about her recovery. She did all she could to give her child the life he deserved, but she did it in her own strength. It wasn't too long before she went back to the drugs and alcohol.
Stacey knew Then if she didn't get clean, her life within tragically, and her son's life would be impacted forever.
Stacey came to Good Landing and recommitted her life to Christ. She found the missing piece to hold on to sobriety, and she hasn't looked back since!
Now she has over a year clean and is on staff giving back to people who were in her exact situation and are on the front end of their recovery!
volume_upJune 29, 2022 Susan McBride's Story
The Comeback!
Susan McBride's Story
In this week's episode, Trey talks with Susan McBride. She has a highly impactful story to share with us. She had to endure as her family around her struggled with addiction in a variety of ways. Susan fought for her family, made the difficult choices for her family, and was the solid rock at points when she was the only one holding it all together. Things have not always gone according to plan, and one day, tragedy came. After fighting for her daughter's life and stepping in after many overdoses, she received the news that there was one overdose that her daughter would not survive. Now she continues to share her story with others in hopes that they can be impacted and take what could be their last opportunity into long-term sobriety.
We are now part of the Charisma Podcast Network!
That is available on all streaming platforms.
To check it out and subscribe to "The Comeback" on Apple & Spotify, click here →https://goodlandingrecovery.com/podcast/
volume_upJanuary 12, 2022 Best Of 2021 Part 2
Best of 2021 Part 2
This week we will listen in to some of the incredible stories and moments of 2021!!
We will be highlighting stories from Karl Riddett, Taylor Flowers Jr., Michael Silberman, Greg Tackett, Sheri Anderson, Trey Lewis & Rob Lewis.
We are now part of the Charisma Podcast Network!
That is available on all streaming platforms.
volume_upDecember 22, 2021 Episode 101: Matt Gardier's Story
The Comeback Matthew Gardier’s Story
In this episode, you’ll meet Matt Gardier.
Matt grew up in Bridgeport, CT, at a time when drug use was on the rise. He was in and out of many schools and struggled with identity into his early adult life. Like many of his friends, he also fell hard for the lifestyle of partying and drugs. The partying, drinking, and drugs eventually led him into an argument where he was shot twice. During the healing time, Matt had a grace-filled encounter with the Lord through a lady named Febian. Though the Lord had encountered him, he hadn’t entirely given up his lifestyle. It took a geographical change of location to get him out of his environment and connect with a place that would change his life and help him in his journey towards sobriety. Now with almost ten years clean, Matt has a life that he never imagined he would have, and God uses him in a powerful way.
volume_upDecember 1, 2021 Episode 99: Rich Young Ruler
💎Rich Young Ruler💎
This week Trey talks about the rich young ruler and what Jesus said to this man who had such great possessions!
volume_upNovember 24, 2021 Episode 98: Don't Be a Wuss
In this week's podcast, Trey talks about operating with a different spirit "Don't be a wussâ€. In addiction, you can become cynical, and navigate life with a negative or toxic mindset and allow others to influence you negatively. Join us in this episode as Trey shows us some biblical examples of people who would go on to do incredible things because they learned to operate with a different spirit.
This episode is from our Friday night Recovery Church. Watch it live each Friday at 7 PM here at Good Landing Recovery Headquarters or on Facebook Live!
volume_upNovember 18, 2021 Episode 97: Trey's Story
This week we rewind to our first episode! This has been by far our most popular podcast episode, so we wanted to circle back to it!
The chances are that if you know about Good Landing Recovery, you have also been impacted by the power of Trey's Story!
Take a listen and give this a SHARE!
volume_upNovember 5, 2021 Episode 94: The Story of Jonah
In this week's podcast, Trey talks about the story of Jonah, and it can so closely relate to the journey into freedom from substance abuse. This episode is from our Friday night Recovery Church. Watch it live each Friday at 7 PM here at Good Landing Recovery Headquarters or on Facebook Live!
volume_upOctober 6, 2021 Episode 91: Joe Wilson's Story
In this episode, you’ll meet Joe Wilson. Joe has an unbelievable story for us. Joe is an impactful Pastor, leader, and church planter. He has spent many years on the frontlines in overseas ministry, and has started approximately 5,000 churches! The Lord has used Joe in some incredible ways; however, Joe’s story didn’t exactly start the same way.
Joe grew up in an average family, but there was an absence of a relationship with his father. That led Joe to seek validation from friends and other older guys. He would get cigarettes from his older brother so that he would not tell his parents, and not long after that, his friend introduced him to marijuana. The drug use would continue to increase as he joined the Navy, and it wouldn’t stop until after he was completely homeless. He got connected with a life-giving community of people who would hold him accountable, which was when things started to change for him. He was seeking God during this time, and he finally gave his life to Jesus at a revival crusade. The Lord has taken him on some amazing adventures throughout the years, and Joe has never looked back except to see all that God has rescued him from!
Check this episode out to hear some amazing encounters and more details on Joe’s comeback story!
volume_upSeptember 22, 2021 Episode 90: Mike Silberman's Story
The Comeback! Mike Silberman's story!
In this episode, we have a unique episode to bring to you. Trey sits down with healthcare executive and recovery veteran Mike Silberman. Mike is a skilled business professional who has opened over 17 treatment facilities in his illustrious career, covering all levels of substance abuse treatment. He is responsible for seeing thousands walk into long-term freedom from drugs and alcohol.
Mike has a passion for helping those in recovery as he himself battled with addiction as a young adult. During these years, Mike struggled with the same things others young in recovery struggle with; how to build a sober network, how to get gainful employment with a criminal record, and how to leave the old habits behind. While Mike was successful and now celebrates his long-term sobriety, he has never forgotten the pain and anguish of those early years. In this episode, two high-level industry leaders get honest, real, and candid about what it truly takes to get clean, beat the odds, and create a comeback story!
volume_upSeptember 15, 2021 Episode 89: Karl Riddett's Story
In this episode, you’ll meet Karl Riddett. Karl has a unique and amazing story to share with us. Karl graduated from Georgia Tech. He then embarked on a dream career journey with Chik-Fil-A. He was very successful and was on the path to becoming a Chik-Fil-A owner/operator! The sky was the limit and nothing was standing in his way!
Yet, internally the stress of it all began to affect him. Before too long, he started drinking alcohol to cope. Things went downhill from there. Karl ended up getting a DUI and lost his opportunity for his own store with Chik-Fil-A. That was when the Lord broke in and completely transformed Karl’s life. Now he has a great family and career as an associate pastor at his local church. He runs the Celebrate Recovery ministry that touches hundreds of lives in his community each week.
volume_upSeptember 1, 2021 Episode 87: Angie's Story Final
The Comeback Podcast! Angie Harrell’s Story
In this episode, you’ll meet Angie Harrell. Angie has an incredible story to share with us. She grew up in the metro Atlanta area. On Christmas Day two years ago, tragedy struck her life and sent her into a tailspin. Angie struggled for a while and began self-medicating to cope with the tragedy. Finally, Angie could not take the pain any longer, and she reached out for him. She ended up here at the doors of Good Landing and hasn’t looked back.
She is now a leader in our women’s program and has a powerful story to share that has impacted many lives.
Please listen to this incredible testimony of God’s love and miraculous power!
volume_upAugust 25, 2021 Episode 86: Sheri's Story
Sheri’s Story!
We have a powerful episode this week!
This week Trey talks with Sheri Anderson, a former Homecoming Queen and a college grad with a degree in Microbiology, that grew up in a great home with a loving family!
In this podcast, you will hear Sheri’s story as she turns to alcohol and drugs to cope with her anxiety and deals with the trauma of divorce. Although the drugs had a hold on her, the Lord breaks through and radically transforms her heart and mind! Now she gives back and helps people walk out of the same chains that she used to be stuck in.
volume_upAugust 18, 2021 Episode 85: David Stone's Story
The Comeback! David Stone’s Story
In this episode, you’ll meet David Stone.
David grew up right here in Atlanta, GA, during a time when drug use was on the rise. He too, like many of his friends, fell hard for the lifestyle and was an addict from an early age. The partying, drinking, and drugs lasted into adulthood. After settling down and getting married, David knew he had to stop the damaging cycle of addiction. Through a radical encounter that David credits to the Lord breaking into his life, he was completely delivered. Addiction and all the loss and devastation were behind him. David had finally been set free from the death grip of addiction, or so he thought!
David shares the pain and anguish that addiction caused him in an area of his life he never saw coming, and from a person he NEVER expected! Death, pain, and loss ensued. Yet through the power of God, David is still standing and will share his unbelievable story with you!
If you are struggling in any way, you will be encouraged after this episode!
volume_upAugust 11, 2021 Episode 84: Justin Upchurch's Story
The Comeback! Justin Upchurch's Story
In this episode, you’ll meet Justin Upchurch. Seven months ago, anyone would look at Justin’s life and believe the future was bright. He was a successful professional, had a lovely family, and was set up for a tremendous future.
Then one day, the bottom fell out. Justin was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, which most of us know by its initials, ALS.
Justin was devasted! So many questions, so many thoughts of what to do, how to respond, and most importantly, what would this mean to his family and his future.
In this special episode, Trey and Justin will walk through his journey, how he has been able to answer those questions, and so, so much more!
If you are struggling in any way, you will be encouraged after this episode!
volume_upAugust 4, 2021 Episode 83: Johnny Larson's Story
The Comeback! Johnny Larson’s Story!
In this episode, you’ll meet Johnny Larson. Forty-one years ago, Johnny’s life and his future hung in the balance. Alcohol had a grip on him so strong that nothing else mattered.
With his life falling apart, Johnny cried out to God. Through a radical encounter, the Lord turned Johnny’s life around and saved him from self-destruction.
From that moment forward, Johnny has never looked back. He has spent the last forty-one successful and grateful for the freedom he only found in Jesus!
volume_upJuly 21, 2021 Episode 81: Taylor Flowers' Story
The Comeback!
Taylor Flowers' Story!
In this episode, you’ll meet Taylor Flowers. Taylor was a very successful farmer. He tried to cope, but the stress of work drove him to alcohol for relief. It took courage from his daughter-in-law to confront Taylor and allowed him to seek help to change his life.
Now, clean and sober, Taylor will share his comeback story! He has a powerful testimony of transformation that will inspire anyone who listens.
volume_upJuly 14, 2021 Episode 80: Greg Tackett's Story
The Comeback!
Greg Tackett’s Story!
In this episode, Greg will share his comeback story! Growing up in a strong, Godly family, it wasn’t until college that Greg was introduced to alcohol. Later in life, Greg’s drinking shifted from a social habit to a crippling addiction that would threaten his livelihood and his future.
Greg’s story is just like so many others struggling with the giant of alcoholism. Their family, much like Greg’s was, are hanging in the balance. Yet, Greg made a transformation and is now clean, sober, and a role model for others.
volume_upJune 16, 2021 Episode 79: Nicole's Story
This week our featured guest is Nicole. She was a very responsible child but moving around a lot took its toll on her ability to make friends. She met some older people at work and was introduced to Methamphetamines. She struggled with that addiction for ten years before trading Meth for Alcohol. After multiple DUI’s, she ended up here at Good Landing and has completely transformed her life. She began her journey in an authentic relationship with the Lord and now has a life that she never thought she could have! What an incredible story!
We are now part of the Charisma Podcast Network!
That is available on all streaming platforms.
Listen and subscribe to "The Comeback" on Apple & Spotify, click here →https://goodlandingrecovery.com/podcast/
volume_upMay 19, 2021 Episode 78: Joel & Jen's Story
The Comeback!!
Joel & Jen’s Story
We have a great episode of The Comeback for you!
Joel & Jen Lindquist are our featured guests! They are an incredible newlywed couple that has traveled their separate journeys into recovery after years of active addiction. Now they serve together as they help hundreds of people come out of that lifestyle.
You DO NOT want to miss this!
volume_upMay 12, 2021 Episode 77: Avery's Story
The Comeback!!
Avery’s Story
We have a great episode of The Comeback for you!
Avery Allen is our featured guest! She battled addiction from an early age and has been through many tragedies along the way. She has an incredible story to share that transforms the hearts of many that hear it, and she now uses that story to help people as they walk their path into long-term recovery.
You DO NOT want to miss this!
This podcast will be available tomorrow at 7 AM here on our Facebook, Apple Podcast, and Spotify.
volume_upMay 5, 2021 Episode 76: Trey's Dad Tells Their Story
We have a great episode of The Comeback for you!
Trey’s dad, Rob Lewis, will be our featured guest! We will be able to hear Trey’s story through the eyes of his father. This episode will be so helpful to many parents walking out the process of helping their children as they battle and overcome addiction.
We are now part of the Charisma Podcast Network!
That is available on all streaming platforms.
Listen and subscribe to "The Comeback" on Apple & Spotify, click here →https://goodlandingrecovery.com/podcast/
volume_upApril 28, 2021 Episode 75: The Story of Naaman
This week on The Comeback, we dive into the story of Naaman. Naaman was a man that almost missed his healing of leprosy. He shares many of the characteristics of people on the front end of the journey into long-term recovery, and because of his pride, he almost missed the opportunity to be completed healed.
volume_upApril 21, 2021 Episode 74: Troy's Story
Troy’s Story!
This week on The Comeback, we have Troy with us! A highly successful business owner and a man who had a lot to lose. Addiction came into his life and tore everything apart until he ended up in a jail cell with nothing more to lose. Troy came to Good landing and now has over a year and a half clean and does everything he can to give back and help other people who are on the front end of their journey into recovery.
We are now part of the Charisma Podcast Network!
That is available on all streaming platforms.
Listen and subscribe to "The Comeback" on Apple & Spotify, click here →https://goodlandingrecovery.com/podcast/
volume_upApril 14, 2021 Episode 73: The Story of Jonah Featuring Nate McGill
The Story of Jonah Featuring Nate McGill!
This week on The Comeback, we have Nate McGill alongside our CEO Trey Lewis. Nate is sharing with us some of the incredible comparisons between the life of Jonah and many of those who are coming out of the midst of active addiction. You don’t want to miss this one!
volume_upApril 7, 2021 Episode 72: David Hobbs' Story
David Hobbs’ Story!
This week on The Comeback, we have David Hobbs! Join us as he shares his stories of how addiction became a part of everyday life for nearly 20 years. Now he is a leader helping men out of the same addiction he was trapped in! This is an excellent example of how God can come in and take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it for good!
We are now part of the Charisma Podcast Network!
That is available on all streaming platforms.
Listen and subscribe to "The Comeback" on Apple & Spotify, click here →https://goodlandingrecovery.com/podcast/
volume_upMarch 31, 2021 Episode 71: Andrew Green's Story
Andrew Green’s Story!
This week we have Andrew Green on the Comeback! He shares his powerful story of coming out of a life of addiction and into God's calling for his life. Andrew reaches hundreds of thousands of people each week through his ministry.
We are now part of the Charisma Podcast Network!
That is available on all streaming platforms.
Listen and subscribe to "The Comeback" on Apple & Spotify, click here →https://goodlandingrecovery.com/podcast/
volume_upMarch 24, 2021 Episode 70: Trey unpacks the first 3 steps from A Christian perspective
This week on The Comeback, Trey unpacks the first 3 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous from a Christian perspective!
We are now part of the Charisma Podcast Network!
That is available on all streaming platforms.
Listen and subscribe to "The Comeback" on Apple & Spotify, click here →https://goodlandingrecovery.com/podcast/
volume_upMarch 17, 2021 Episode 69: Daniel & Walker's Story (Men in Recovery)
Daniel & Walker’s Story! (Men in Recovery)
This week on The Comeback, we have Daniel Hawkins & Walker Lee! Join us as they share their stories of how addiction came into their lives and changed everything. Now they are leading men out of the same addictions they were trapped in! This is a great example of how God can come in and take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it for good!
We are now part of the Charisma Podcast Network!
That is available on all streaming platforms.
Listen and subscribe to "The Comeback" on Apple & Spotify, click here →https://goodlandingrecovery.com/podcast/
volume_upMarch 10, 2021 Episode 68: Nate McGill's Story
Filmmaker, Videographer, Musician, and Child of God!
This week on The Comeback, we have Nate McGill on with us! He is an accomplished filmmaker, videographer, and musician. He shares his story of hope and how Jesus became the center of his self-worth after years of active addiction.
That is available on all streaming platforms.
volume_upMarch 3, 2021 Episode 67: Danielle's Story (Addiction in the Church)
This week Trey talks with Danielle. She is a pastor's child, a worship leader, and even in the midst of that, she was exposed to drugs and alcohol. This highlights a very important lesson that even people within the church can struggle with these issues.
We are now part of the Charisma Podcast Network!
That is available on all streaming platforms.

Listen and subscribe to "The Comeback" on Apple & Spotify, click here →https://goodlandingrecovery.com/podcast/
volume_upFebruary 24, 2021 Episode 66: Dr. Lelan Bryd's Story
Dr. Lelan Byrd's Story!
We have a powerful episode this week!
This week Trey talks with Dr. Lelan Byrd, who was trained at the Medical College of Georgia, Harvard University Medical School, Georgia Baptist Hospital, and the University of Florida School of Medicine, where he completed a fellowship in Addiction Medicine. Dr. Byrd shares his battle with alcohol addiction and why it became so important that he help show people the way out. His practice is informed, not only by his formal education but by his previous career as a professional athlete and collegiate coach, working with people, especially young people, of widely diverse backgrounds and ethnicities.
volume_upFebruary 17, 2021 Episode 65: Sheri's Story
Sheri’s Story!
We have a powerful episode this week!
This week Trey talks with Sheri Anderson, a former Homecoming Queen and a college grad with a degree in Microbiology, that grew up in a great home with a loving family!
In this podcast, you will hear Sheri’s story as she turns to alcohol and drugs to cope with her anxiety and deals with the trauma of divorce. Although the drugs had a hold on her, the Lord breaks through and radically transforms her heart and mind! Now she gives back and helps people walk out of the same chains that she used to be stuck in.
volume_upFebruary 10, 2021 Episode 64: The Story That Changed Everything - Cliff Heaton
The Story That Changed Everything - Cliff Heaton
We have a story that you need to hear this week!
This week Trey talks with Chris & Cliff Heaton! Hear from them as they talk about what it was like to have the perfect life and a loving family, but still be within the reach of addiction. Their son, Cliff Heaton, struggled with substance abuse for ten years. His life was a major catalyst for Good Landing Recovery getting started and as a result, thousands of people have been impacted by his life and by this story.
That is available on all streaming platforms.
volume_upFebruary 3, 2021 Clay’s Story Part 2 (Parent's perspective)
This week Trey talks with Clay's Parents! Hear Slate & Ginger's story of what it was like to the son they have raised to go from star student to drug addiction. You'll hear how the Lord truly broke in and created a life that is far better than they could've imagined years ago.
volume_upJanuary 27, 2021 Episode 62: Clay's Story Part One
Clay's Story Part One!
Check out this fantastic story!
This week Trey talks with Clay! Clay's life radically changed when he went from a small town in Georgia to a very large college city, which exposed him to a life he had not yet seen. After years of being stuck in the same cycle, Holy Spirit changed his life and did what only God can truly do!
That is available on all streaming platforms.
volume_upJanuary 20, 2021 Episode 61: Jillian & Mitchell's Story
Jillian & Mitchell's Story!
We have a very special episode for you this week!
This week Trey talks to a couple that has been through a lot in their journey. Jillian and her husband Mitchell were in the grips of active addiction. The Lord completely transformed their life, and they are now a beacon of hope to many who are asking themselves the question. "Is there a way out?"
volume_upJanuary 13, 2021 Episode 60: Dustin & Kristen's Story (Marriage Episode)
Dustin & Kristen Bergeron share their story with us!
This week Trey talks to a Incredible couple that has truly seen it all. Hear from a wife that has had to fight for her husband in the midst of active addiction. And hear Dustin's battle of overcoming a relapse after six years of clean time. What does it take to really change and beat this monster we call active addiction?
volume_upJanuary 6, 2021 What It Takes To Get And Stay Clean
This week Trey talks to some incredible guys that have been through the program at Good Landing Recovery. These men have done what it takes to walk into long term recovery. The road is never easy, but you can hear it straight from these guys that there are some practical things you can put in place right now to help you succeed.
That is available on all streaming platforms.
To check it out and subscribe to "The Comeback" on Apple & Spotify, click here →www.thecomebackpodcasting.com
volume_upDecember 9, 2020 Episode 58: Featuring Dave Hodge!
It's Wednesday!!
We have an excellent episode for you!
We are honored to have Dave Hodge on the podcast this week! Dave has worked with motorcycle ministries with ex-biker gang members and runs a non-profit company called JUMP that works with people out of the prison system. David Hodge has an incredible story for us today!
You do NOT want to miss this.
To check it out and subscribe to "The Comeback" on Apple & Spotify, click here →www.thecomebackpodcasting.com
volume_upNovember 25, 2020 Episode 57: Corey Russell's Story
This week we have the honor of having Corey Russell share his story with us! This is powerful! He experienced a radical salvation experience in a college parking lot in Northwest Arkansas. He was immediately set free from a life drugs, alcohol, and immorality and was set on fire by Jesus Christ.
volume_upNovember 18, 2020 Episode 56: Dr. Grady Carter
Episode 56: Dr. Grady Carter by THE COMEBACK : from addiction to redemption
volume_upNovember 11, 2020 Episode 55: Christina Bennett's Story
It's Wednesday!!
Oh man do we have a special one for you!
Check out our latest podcast episode on the Comeback Story of Christina Bennett!
She has told her story all around the country including Capitol Hill!
You do NOT want to miss this.
To check it out and subscribe to "The Comeback" on Apple & Spotify, click here →www.thecomebackpodcasting.com
volume_upOctober 28, 2020 Episode 54: The Life Of Joseph
This week we’re going deep into jealousy, betrayal, and justice. All lessons from the life of Joseph!
volume_upOctober 21, 2020 Episode 53: The Prodigal Son
This week Trey talks about the prodigal son and just how the father in that story is just like our Heavenly Father and is ready to welcome us home.
volume_upOctober 14, 2020 Episode 52: One Year Episode
What an incredible honor it has been to share stories of hope, restoration, and redemption with you for the last year! This is and will continue to be a platform where you can hear about real transformation through the power of Jesus.
Join us for a special episode with the founder of Good Landing Recovery, Trey Lewis. We will listen back to some of the most powerful moments of the last year.
volume_upOctober 7, 2020 Mark Stovall's Story
Mark Stovall's Story by THE COMEBACK : from addiction to redemption
volume_upSeptember 29, 2020 Rush's Story
It's Wednesday!! 🎉
This is a POWERFUL Episode!!
Talk about a tear jerker!ðŸ˜ðŸ™Œ
Check out our latest podcast episode on the Comeback Story of Rush Jolly!
He is our Director of Clinical Outreach here at Good Landing Recovery.
DON'T miss this one.
To check it out and subscribe to "The Comeback" on Apple & Spotify, click here →www.thecomebackpodcasting.com
volume_upSeptember 23, 2020 Episode 51: Jeff Lyle's Story Part 2
This week's episode is one you DON'T want to miss. Our featured guest, Jeff Lyle, will share his powerful testimony and how God transformed his heart and gave him a vision for sobriety, leadership! He shares about his newly released book "Figuring it out as I go" and his recent comeback story in overcoming and battling cancer.
volume_upSeptember 16, 2020 Episode 50: Jeff Lyle's Story Part 1
This week's episode is one you DON'T want to miss. Our featured guest, Jeff Lyle, will share his powerful testimony and how God transformed his heart and gave him a vision for sobriety, leadership! He shares about his newly released book "Figuring it out as I go" and his recent comeback story in overcoming and battling cancer.
volume_upSeptember 9, 2020 Episode 49: Featuring Todd White Part 2
This week we have a very special guest!!!
Todd White!!
He has impacted MILLIONS of people through his story of how the Lord completely changed his life. A life that spent 22 years in active addiction. This is one of the most powerful stories we've heard.
volume_upSeptember 2, 2020 Episode 48: Featuring Todd White
This week we have a very special guest!!!
Todd White!!
He has impacted MILLIONS of people through his story of how the Lord completely changed his life. A life that spent 22 years in active addiction. This is one of the most powerful stories we've heard.
volume_upAugust 26, 2020 Episode 47: Women in Recovery
Today we are focusing on women in recovery! There are many things that keep women from making it into the door of a treatment center. Today we want to celebrate two amazing women who have not only made it in those doors but have overcome addiction and are showing other women the way out!
Thank you, Summer & Angeline!
volume_upAugust 19, 2020 Episode 46: Brien Bush's story
Our featured guest, Brien Bush, will share his story of God's goodness and amazing grace. Brein is a residential manager and program technician on our team and has a powerful testimony to share! He is a passionate leader, and has transformed the lives of many through her witness as a believer.
You don't want to miss this! That is available on all streaming platforms. 🙌
To check it out and subscribe to "The Comeback" on Apple & Spotify, click here →www.thecomebackpodcasting.com
volume_upAugust 12, 2020 Episode 45: 7 Steps to your 2020 Comeback!
CHECK IT OUT!!!! 🚨🚨🚨
7 Steps To Your 2020 Comeback!!!
This week we have our COO Charlie Campbell giving you a powerful word out of Joshua! He lays out seven easy steps to make the rest of this year the start of your comeback story!!
That is available on all streaming platforms.
To check it out and subscribe to "The Comeback" on Apple & Spotify,
click here →www.thecomebackpodcasting.com
volume_upAugust 5, 2020 Episode 44: Emma Carter's Story
Our featured guest, Emma Carter is a leader here at Good Landing Recovery that helps women as they come out of their life of addiction. It's a powerful story from a person that God has used in a powerful way.
You don't want to miss this! That is available on all streaming platforms.
volume_upJuly 29, 2020 Episode 43: Mike Klapatch Podcast
This week we have the honor of having Mike Klapatch on the podcast. He shares his incredible story of overcoming drug addiction through the power of Jesus and talks about walking things out even though there can be bumps in the road.
volume_upJuly 22, 2020 Episode 42: Christina Bennett's Story
It's Wednesday!!
Oh man do we have a special one for you!
Check out our latest podcast episode on the Comeback Story of Christina Bennett!
She has told her story all around the country including Capitol Hill!
You do NOT want to miss this.
To check it out and subscribe to "The Comeback" on Apple & Spotify, click here →www.thecomebackpodcasting.com
volume_upJuly 15, 2020 Bobby Humphrey's Story
This week's episode is one you DON'T want to miss. Our featured guest, Bobby Humphrey, will share his powerful testimony and how God transformed his heart and gave him a vision for sobriety, leadership, and business!
volume_upJuly 8, 2020 Glenn's Story
Our featured guest, Glenn Yankowski is a leader in addiction recovery and helps hundreds of people each week as they come out of their life of addiction. It's a powerful story from a person that God has used in a powerful way.
volume_upJuly 1, 2020 Holly's Story
On this weeks episode we hear from Holly Lewis! She has an incredible story of how God was so faithfully to run after her. Right as she was in the middle of her season spent living in the world the Lord captures her heart for good.
volume_upJune 24, 2020 Episode 38: Darryll's Story
This week Our featured guest, former pro-athlete Darryll Stinson, will be telling the powerful story of a life-changing encounter that led to an arduous journey of discovering what his identity and purpose was outside of sports. Darryll is on a mission to help people experience life — and life more abundantly and was recently featured on TEDx Talks. You don't want to miss this!
volume_upJune 17, 2020 Episode 37: Featuring Mary Brooks
This episode on The Comeback. We have Mary Brooks, our Clinical Director at Good Landing Recovery. She will share her story and also provide vital keys for success in early recovery and so much more! That'll be avilable on all streaming platforms.
volume_upJune 10, 2020 Episode 36: 7 Steps to Your 2020 Comeback!!!
7 Steps To Your 2020 Comeback!!!
This week we have our COO Charlie Campbell giving you a powerful word out of Joshua! He lays out seven easy steps to make the rest of this year the start of your comeback story!!
volume_upJune 3, 2020 Episode 35: Dr. Grady Carter
This week on The Comeback we have a very special guest. Dr. Grady Carter! He is a Christian Psychiatrist! He has helped transform thousands of people lives.
volume_upMay 27, 2020 Episode 35: The Story Of Good Landing Recovery
This week Trey talks about the process of starting Good Landing Recovery. Everything from how the transition happened, to venturing into the unknown and relying on God's hand to guide Him through the journey.
volume_upMay 20, 2020 Episode 34: Billy Humphrey's Story
This week we have Billy Humphrey on the Comeback! Billy is an INCREDIBLE pastor and leader! He is also the Director of International House of Prayer Atlanta His story is gripping!
volume_upMay 13, 2020 Episode 33: Andrew Green's Story
This week have Andrew Green on the Comeback! He shares his powerful of coming out of a life of addiction and into God's calling for his life. Andrew reaches hundreds of thousands of people each week now through his ministry.
volume_upMay 6, 2020 Episode 32: Featuring Todd White PART 2
Todd White!!
He has impacted MILLIONS of people through his story of how the Lord completely changed his life. A life that spent 22 years in active addiction. This is one of the most powerful stories we've heard.
volume_upApril 29, 2020 Episode 31: Featuring Todd White
This week we have a very special guest!!!
Todd White!!
He has impacted MILLIONS of people through his story of how the Lord completely changed his life. A life that spent 22 years in active addiction. This is one of the most powerful stories we've heard.
volume_upApril 22, 2020 Episode 30: Nate McGill's Story
This week on The Comeback we have Nate McGill on with us! He shares his story of hope and how Jesus became the center of his self worth after years of active addiction.
volume_upApril 15, 2020 Episode 29: What Does Love Look Like?
This week on The Comeback Trey breaks down. "WHAT DOES LOVE NEED TO LOOK LIKE?" This is EXTREMELY important on the front end of someones journey into recovery.
volume_upApril 8, 2020 Episode 28: Let's Talk COVID-19
This week on The Comeback Trey and Charlie Campbell talk about navigating COVID-19 and substance abuse treatment.
volume_upApril 1, 2020 Episode 27: Higher Power Vs The Love Of The Father
This week Trey talks about Jesus AKA HIGHER POWER. All of the 12 steps talk about a higher power but what they don't all talk about is the TRANSFORMING LOVE of our Heavenly Father.
volume_upMarch 18, 2020 Episode 26: Mark Stovall Podcast
This week we have the pleasure of having Mark Stovall on the comeback. Join us as he talks about his incredible encounter with Jesus and how he was transformed out of a life of addiction.
volume_upMarch 11, 2020 Episode 25: The Life Of Joseph
This week we’re going deep into jealousy, betrayal, and justice. All lessons from the life of Joseph!
volume_upMarch 4, 2020 Episode 24: David And Goliath
This week Trey talks on the story of David and Goliath. How David having something real in God cultivated not on the battle field translated to him having real power when facing the giant.
volume_upFebruary 26, 2020 Episode 23: The Prodigal Son
This week Trey talks about the prodigal son and just how the father in that story is just like our Heavenly Father and is ready to welcome us home.
volume_upFebruary 19, 2020 Episode 22: Rich Young Ruler
This week Trey talks about the rich young ruler and what Jesus said to this man who had such great possessions.
volume_upFebruary 12, 2020 Episode 21: Humility
This week Trey talks about humility and the role that it plays in our lives as we start our comeback story.
volume_upFebruary 5, 2020 Episode 20: REWIND Trey's Story
This week we rewind back to our first episode! This has been by far our most popular episode so we wanted to circle back on our 20th episode!
Take a listen to Trey's Story!
volume_upJanuary 29, 2020 Episode 19: Georgia Overdose Prevention
This week our featured guest, Georgia Overdose Prevention, shares their powerful story of how they came to create legislation to prevent premature death in addicts!
volume_upJanuary 22, 2020 Episode 18: Bobby Humphrey's Story
This week's episode is one you DON'T want to miss. Our featured guest, Bobby Humphrey, will share his powerful testimony and how God transformed his heart and gave him a vision for sobriety, leadership, and business!
volume_upJanuary 15, 2020 Episode 17: Chelsea's Story
This week we have Chelsea tell her story of redemption. She is a passionate leader, and has transformed the lives of many with her witness to Jesus.
volume_upJanuary 8, 2020 Episode 16: Trey's Message at Calvary Chapel Westside in Rochester, New York
This week we have Trey Lewis giving the Sunday morning message at Calvary Chapel Westside in Rochester, New York! What an amazing church with such an incredible history.
volume_upJanuary 1, 2020 Episode 15: Glenn's Story
This week we have Glenn tell us his powerful story of redemption as he is the founder of an organization that help hundreds of people each week coming out of addiction.
volume_upDecember 18, 2019 Episode 14: Darryll's Story
This week Our featured guest, former pro-athlete Darryll Stinson, will be telling the powerful story of a life-changing encounter that led to an arduous journey of discovering what his identity and purpose was outside of sports. Darryll is on a mission to help people experience life — and life more abundantly and was recently featured on TEDx Talks. You don't want to miss this!
volume_upDecember 11, 2019 Episode 13: Holly's Story
On this weeks episode we hear from Holly Lewis! She has an incredible story of how God was so faithfully to run after her. Right as she was in the middle of her season spent living in the world the Lord captures her heart for good.
volume_upDecember 4, 2019 Episode 12: Featuring Mary Brooks
This episode on The Comeback. We have Mary Brooks, our Clinical Director at Good Landing Recovery. She will share her story and also provide vital keys for success in early recovery and so much more! That'll be avilable on all streaming platforms.
volume_upNovember 27, 2019 Episode 11: Jon & Mallory's Story (Marriage Edition)
This week we talk to Jon & Mallory about their journey through Jon's addiction. There are things that need to happen on the front end of tackling this beast called addiction. Join us as we unfold the life changing events that they faced, and find out what has kept them together through it all.
volume_upNovember 20, 2019 Episode 10: Daniel Best's Story
This episode we have Daniel Best share his powerful story of all that God has done in his life to get him to this very moment. There are tough time, and there are incredible moments and all the while God is faithful.
volume_upNovember 13, 2019 Episode 9: Rush's Story
On this Episode Rush tells his incredible story of the path through the 12 steps and the long road that addiction put him on. In the midst of what can seem like our biggest nightmare when our past catch up with us, God comes through to show us grace.
volume_upNovember 6, 2019 Episode 8: Christina's Story
This week we have Christina Bennett on The Comeback! She tells us her powerful story and all that has taken place in her life.
volume_upOctober 30, 2019 Episode 7: George's Story
This week Trey talks with George Terrell. George has a TON of experience in treatment and has quite a story of his own.
volume_upOctober 23, 2019 Episode 6: Brandon's Story
On this weeks episode we here from Brandon! His story a great one and we are excited to share the transformation that happened in his life.
volume_upOctober 16, 2019 Episode 5: Taylor's Story
This week we hear from Taylor. She has such a powerful story of transformation and just a remarkable journey of how she made it to Good Landing Recovery\.
volume_upOctober 9, 2019 Episode 4: The Story Of Good Landing Recovery
This week Trey talks about the process of starting Good Landing Recovery. Everything from how the transition happened, to venturing into the unknown and relying on God's hand to guide Him through the journey.
volume_upOctober 2, 2019 Episode 3: Identity
This week Trey talks about Identity and how we often time place it in the wrong areas of our life.
volume_upSeptember 25, 2019 Episode 2: Hope
Trey talks about hope, and how we all have placed it in the wrong area at times.