Tuesday's Program Guide

Nathan Bozeman

My goal with this show is to share the Gospel as much as possible, help people grow in their knowledge of the Word, and share quotes from pastors and philosophers to provoke thoughtful discussion! If that sounds like something for you, join me Monday-Friday from 10am - 3pm and Saturday Overnight from Midnight until Noon on Sunday.

Scheduled Time12:00am

Ray Haynes

Scheduled Time6:00am

My MoneyLife with Chuck Bentley

Providing help, hope and insight - all from a biblical perspective.

Scheduled Time6:45am

A Word With You with Ron Hutchcraft

Four-and-a-half fast moving minutes, using the power of Scripture and the warmth of everyday life stories to present the Gospel and challenge believers to be rescuers.

Scheduled Time8:45am

Donna Rodriguez

Scheduled Time10:00am

Restoration Church with Pastor Chuck Ramsey

Welcome to Truth Matters with Pastor Chuck Ramsey of Restoration Church in Alpharetta. We love the Word, love people, and love helping people understand the Word. If you know the truth, it can set you free. We believe this teaching will help you walk in that freedom.

Scheduled Time12:30pm

Coffee with Corrie

Drive home with a friend that loves Jesus. Join her for hourly prayer times, sermon clips, devotions, and laughter as she talks about living a life running after Jesus.

Scheduled Time3:00pm

Answers with Ken Ham

Ken Ham is president of Answers in Genesis and cofounder of the 75,000-square-foot Creation Museum. This daily, 60-second audio program is also broadcast on over 800 radio stations.

Scheduled Time3:15pm

Real Love Now with Dr. Don Allen

Dr. Don Allen from The Church @ War Hill in Dawsonville, GA.

Scheduled Time7:00pm

Tim Watkins

Spend some quality time with Tim Watkins each evening for his seasoned ministry of encouragement and word-filled ministry, drawing you into a closer relationship with Jesus and equipping you for the new life in the Holy Spirit.

Scheduled Time7:00pm

The Official Adventures in Odyssey Podcast

Created for children ages 8-12 (but loved by listeners of all ages), Adventures in Odyssey is a 30-minute drama that combines the faith lessons parents appreciate with characters and stories that kids love! The official podcast gives behind-the-scenes information on the show, gives deleted scenes and answers fan questions.

Scheduled Time8:00pm

Focus on the Family Broadcast

Focus on the Family is a half-hour daily dose of encouragement and advice for the family with Jim Daly and John Fuller. Focus on the Family began airing in 1977. It is now carried daily on 2,000 radio outlets in the United States and has become one of today's most recognized Christian radio programs.

Scheduled Time9:00pm