Jentezen Franklin Podcast Jentezen Franklin Podcast Jentezen Franklin delivers inspirational messages as the Senior Pastor of Free Chapel in Gainesville, Georgia; and his ministry impacts generations through various global outreaches and his televised broadcast, Churches


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    July 1, 2024 God Still Makes Stars | Marcus Mecum

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    June 24, 2024 Water Baptisms | Jentezen Franklin

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    June 17, 2024 Fathers, Where Are You? | Jentezen Franklin

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    June 10, 2024 Reliable Reasons for Rejoicing | Javon Ruff

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    May 27, 2024 Forgiveness | Dr. Mark Rutland

    In this sermon based on Matthew 18:21-35, Dr. Mark Rutland addresses the profound theme of forgiveness. Central to the message is the parable of the unmerciful servant, which Jesus uses to illustrate the boundless and merciful nature of divine forgiveness compared to human pettiness and vengefulness. The sermon explores the challenges of forgiving and receiving forgiveness, emphasizing the transformative power of grace in overcoming deep-seated resentments and personal failings.

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    May 20, 2024 Defeating The King of Pride | Jentezen Franklin

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    May 13, 2024 Into the Hands of a Woman | Courteney Bence

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    May 6, 2024 God’s Tiny Details | Jentezen Franklin

    God wants to show Himself strong, astound you, and amaze you with big things. But God is also mindful of the tiny details that make you aware of His love for you.
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    May 6, 2024 God’s Tiny Details In Our Lives | Jentezen Franklin

    God wants to show Himself strong, astound you, and amaze you with big things. But God is also mindful of the tiny details that make you aware of His love for you.
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    April 29, 2024 Wounds That Glow In The Dark | Jentezen Franklin

    Job had everything taken from him by Satan. Yet amid his suffering, he never cursed God. And God gave Job twice as much as he had before! 4,000 years later, people are still reading Job’s story to be encouraged. In the same way, God will use your suffering to help others for generations to come.
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    April 22, 2024 When the Negative is Necessary | Javon Ruff

    Jesus suffered many things on the Cross because they were necessary for his purpose. There are negative things in life you can’t avoid or pray away, but they are necessary steps for where you’re going!
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    April 15, 2024 Small Talk From Angels | Jentezen Franklin

    Zerubbabel laid the foundation, and for 10 years nothing happened. He started, but eventually, the vision God gave him ceased. Then an angel visited the prophet with small talk to encourage him. Do not despise the day of small beginnings because God notices the little things! When God starts something, He will finish it! Don’t give up on the vision and dream God has given you.
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    April 10, 2024 Keeper of the Gates | Jentezen Franklin

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    April 8, 2024 Small Talk From Angels | Jentezen Franklin

    Zerubbabel laid the foundation for 10 years and nothing happened. Then an angel visited the prophet with small talk to encourage him. God notices the little things!
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    April 7, 2024 Keeper of the Gates | Jentezen Franklin

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    April 1, 2024 Easter: The Live Experience with Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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    March 25, 2024 Victory Has A Voice | Jentezen Franklin

    The devil never stops. He is out to steal, kill, and destroy your life. But God has given you a voice! Victory has to be proclaimed before it’s experienced.

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    March 18, 2024 The Power of a Proper Perspective | Jentezen Franklin

    The Promise Land doesn’t represent Heaven; it represents the land of dreams that God has given you. Canaan was not a type of Heaven; it was a type of victory. And as you enter the place of victory and dreams, you must have the proper perspective because there will be giants in the way! There are two kinds of mindsets you can have: grape-tasters and giant-talkers. Before God’s people could go into the Promise Land, He wanted to do three things:
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    March 11, 2024 The Seventh Sacrifice | Jentezen Franklin

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    March 4, 2024 How To Be Unshakeable | Jentezen Franklin

    Everything that can be shaken is being shaken. But no matter how much trouble comes, if you have built your life on the Rock of Jesus Christ, you cannot be shaken!
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    February 26, 2024 The Blessed Marriage | Better Together | Robert Morris

    To be blessed means to be in receipt of God's favor and grace. A blessed marriage is one that is rooted in this divine favor, manifesting in happiness, spiritual harmony, and growth. God’s hope for marriage is that each spouse would live in unity. God hates divorce because they harm people and God loves His people. The unity that marriage brings is designed by God to reflect the intimate relationship between Christ and the Church.
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    February 19, 2024 The One Thing That Will Change Your Marriage | Better Together | Craig Groeschel

    The devil wants to divide what God wants to unite. Oftentimes, social media leaves us wanting “that” kind of relationship. But “that” isn’t real. Marriage is special and God-honoring, but it isn’t always perfect. However, there is one simple tool you can use to change the trajectory of your marriage.
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    February 12, 2024 Put On The Overcoat Of Love | Better Together Jentezen Franklin

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    February 5, 2024 That One Word | Better Together | Dr. Mark Rutland

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    January 29, 2024 The Treasury of Snow | Fast 2024 | Jentezen Franklin

    You are storing up snowflakes in Heaven every time you pray, fast, and read God’s Word that will bless you when the time of trouble comes. God’s promises never fail. His word will not return void. There is a treasury of snow God has prepared for you through your prayers. The way snow collects on mountaintops, your prayers are stored up for the time of trouble.
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    January 22, 2024 Create Your Own Worship | Fast 2024 | Jentezen Franklin

    Jubal was the first man to ever praise God with instruments. He created a way to worship God in the midst of a world filled with murder, idol worship, and violence. Jubal didn’t wait on someone else to worship the Lord. He created a way to worship God in the middle of the mess he was in.You must create a way to worship God no matter how bad your life may be. Fill the last week of your fast with praise and worship to God.
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    January 15, 2024 What Are You Hungry For? | Fast 2024 | Jentezen Franklin

    Peter was fasting when he fell into a trance. Cornelius was fasting when the angel appeared to him. Both men were hungry for food, but they were hungrier for God. What are you hungry for as you fast and pray?
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    January 10, 2024 Windtalkers

    It’s not a surprise to God—and shouldn’t be a surprise to us—when we face battles in this life. Battles are to be expected, but victory is also to be expected. We must realize that our power, our strength, and our ultimate victory comes from the Holy Spirit. When we fail to seek the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives, we are choosing to ignore the dynamic weapon He offers to every believer…
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    January 8, 2024 Fasting - The Power of Doing the Unseen | Jentezen Franklin

    When you fast and pray, the favor of God is attracted to you because God sees what other people don’t see. What we do for God privately, He rewards publicly. The unseen things you do are what get God’s attention.
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    January 3, 2024 When God Declares War

    Whether we recognize it or not, spiritual warfare is being waged all around us. The Lord has declared war against the powers of darkness. We know victory is assured, but we may not realize God expects each of us to do our part to win the battle. Idleness is not an option. Neutrality is not an option. Everyone must choose a side. Have you made your choice? What are you doing to advance the kingdom of God? Are you a spectator or a warrior?
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    December 27, 2023 What to Do in the Time of Famine

    What do you do when the opportunities are drying up, and there is no rain in sight? We’ve all been there: more bills than a paycheck, more expectations from others than you can meet, a great task ahead but all out of steam . . . What do you do? First and foremost, remember that you aren’t just anyone. You are a child of God.
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    December 25, 2023 Follow The Star | Candlelight Service | Jentezen Franklin

    Our expectations control our conduct. The wise men in Matthew 2 followed the bright star in expectation of finding something glorious, but they ended up in a stable. They were expecting a king in a palace, but they found a baby in a stable. What do you do when you start with so much hope and end up at a stable?
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    December 20, 2023 What Happens When We Fast and Pray

    The Bible speaks of a spiritual realm that takes prayer AND fasting to conquer. Daniel knew it. Paul knew it. Jesus knew it. You MUST know it too. You have things in your life that WILL not come off with just a colossal prayer. YOU must fight through Fasting in addition to your prayers. In this message, learn how your physical action through fasting moves God’s hand in your favor.
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    December 13, 2023 Three Success Secrets of Shamgar

    When we’re faced with challenges and battles that seem difficult or insurmountable, Shamgar’s three secrets to success are principles that will bring victory to us today…
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    December 11, 2023 The Stable and The Table | Javon Ruff

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    December 6, 2023 The World's Greatest Crime

    There is an urgency attached to the Gospel. As believers, we hold the keys to eternity. We know The Truth that will set people free. We know that Jesus is the ONLY way to eternal salvation. Our silence is the greatest crime we could ever commit. When you have a true encounter with the Living God, you will be compelled to tell His story.
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    December 4, 2023 They Built and Prospered | Vision 2023 | Jentezen Franklin

    If you keep building, God will keep prospering. If you seek the Lord and do what He asks you to do to build His Kingdom, you will prosper; it’s a biblical principle.
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    November 29, 2023 The Transitional Place

    Change can be scary, but it’s often God’s plan. In a place of transition, we can choose to approach the changes with fear and resistance or we can choose to embrace it as part of God’s ultimate purpose and plan for our lives…
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    November 27, 2023 The Lamb is More Than Enough | Vision 2023 | Jentezen Franklin

    No matter what problems your house may be facing, it’s never too big for Jesus, the Lamb of God. The Lamb is always more than enough. There are some things that a program or counseling cannot take care of. The Lamb is still enough to set anyone free from any addiction, bondage, or defeat. The Lamb of God is the only way!
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    November 22, 2023 The Spirit of Honor

    Showing honor is a biblical principle. When we fail to give honor where honor is due, we miss out on many great works of God. For the sake of our children and our children’s children, we need to establish a culture of honor in our homes and in society. We don’t have to agree with everyone we honor—when we cannot honor the person, we honor the office. In this message, Pastor Jentezen Franklin teaches us the importance of honor and how to establish this principle in our hearts and in our homes, receiving the full reward of Christ!
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    November 20, 2023 4 Ways God Will Provide | Vision 2023 | Jentezen Franklin

    When God sends a wave of blessing your way, there are 4 ways God can bless you. The waves of blessing are moving toward you, but God doesn’t always bless you the same way. So, how does God bless His people?
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    November 15, 2023 The Spirit of Excellence

    Each choice we make carries in it the possibility of transformation. Each decision moves us in one direction or another. Our day-to-day choices can lead us to complacent, mediocre living, or into a spirit of excellence...
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    November 8, 2023 The Rewards of the Generous

    There are immediate rewards for generous people. Don’t rob God of the opportunity to bless you by neglecting generosity—make it a priority. The divine purpose of giving is not to receive it is to honor God. In this message, learn the five “I wills” from God, where He says if you will, I will … and see if God does not open a floodgate of blessing over YOUR life.
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    November 6, 2023 How God Wants To Use You | Jentezen Franklin

    Many times, we only hear about the patriarchs like Abraham, Moses, or David. But there were many unsung heroes in the Bible, without name recognition, but of absolute importance to God. God has something He can use in you, regardless of how insignificant you may think you are.
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    November 1, 2023 The Power of Influence

    Influence is powerful, and you likely have more of it than you think. Your friends, family, co-workers, and people you go to church with are influenced by the way you live your life. Your family will be impacted by your influence for generations to come. A life well lived leaves a legacy of influence.

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    October 30, 2023 Loving God But Not Loving Church | Signs of the Times Revival | Perry Stone

    You can do the right thing but in the wrong way. You can love God and still do stupid things. If you’ve been hurt by a tragedy or church, you must not allow that pain to hinder you from God. Don’t go to Hell over a mystery.
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    October 25, 2023 The Number One Responsibility of Every Man

    Every man is drawn away when he is tempted by his own lusts. Peter summed it up in Acts 2 when he said, “Save yourself from this wicked and perverse generation.” That leads us to the most important responsibility of every man and woman. It's the one responsibility that will guarantee your impact, your influence, and your eternal destination... 
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    October 23, 2023 Israel In Prophecy | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    What God has promised to do for natural Israel, He has promised the same thing to you as the spiritual Israel, the Church. Every promise you read about the nation of Israel, He has made a covenant that is even greater for you. What God has promised to Israel, He has promised to you.
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    October 18, 2023 The Mathematics of Forgiveness

    Our peace is in jeopardy if we allow the world to influence our thoughts and behaviors. We cannot let circumstances “get under our skin” or control us. In this message with Jentezen Franklin we learn that Forgiveness is our doorway to peace ... even when it doesn’t add up!
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    October 16, 2023 Signs of the Times with Pastor John Hagee

    1/4 of the Bible was prophecy when it was written. You can know exactly what God has planned for the future because Bible prophecy is absolutely accurate. The prophetic word of God is a light in the dark times we live in. The United States is in a dark place, and no politician can save America. We must return to Jesus Christ. The answer does not come from Washington; it comes from Heaven.
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    October 16, 2023 Signs of the Times with Pastor John Hagee

    1/4 of the Bible was prophecy when it was written. You can know exactly what God has planned for the future because Bible prophecy is absolutely accurate. The prophetic word of God is a light in the dark times we live in. The United States is in a dark place, and no politician can save America. We must return to Jesus Christ. The answer does not come from Washington; it comes from Heaven.
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    October 16, 2023 Signs of the Times with Pastor John Hagee

    1/4 of the Bible was prophecy when it was written. You can know exactly what God has planned for the future because Bible prophecy is absolutely accurate. The prophetic word of God is a light in the dark times we live in. The United States is in a dark place, and no politician can save America. We must return to Jesus Christ. The answer does not come from Washington; it comes from Heaven.
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    October 11, 2023 The Comeback

    Maybe you've been in a season where it seems like your dreams are dead. Well, God made a promise—and it's time for your comeback! The Lord is ready to bring back to life your purpose, your calling ... your assignment! And just like with Abraham, the promise of a comeback is not just for you, but also for your children and your children's children and generations to come. What's keeping you from your comeback, and what's it going to take to get there?
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    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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  • volume_up
    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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  • volume_up
    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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  • volume_up
    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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  • volume_up
    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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  • volume_up
    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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  • volume_up
    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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  • volume_up
    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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  • volume_up
    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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  • volume_up
    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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  • volume_up
    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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  • volume_up
    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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  • volume_up
    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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    October 9, 2023 Are You Ready? | Signs of the Times | Jentezen Franklin

    There have been signs of the times all throughout history, but they have never happened all at once, like are taking place now. Do you know the season we’re in? You must open your eyes to the signs of the times and be ready for the Rapture.
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    October 4, 2023 The Anointing Makes the Difference

    David was the youngest of eight sons; apparently, no one saw greatness in him. When Samuel came to his house to anoint a king, David’s father didn’t consider David a candidate. He was just a kid out watching the sheep. But when David received the anointing, everything changed. The anointing made all the difference for David. And it still makes all the difference for us today…

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    October 2, 2023 Is This The End? | Signs of the Times | Pastor Jimmy Evans

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    September 27, 2023 Stand Truth Up on Its Feet

    Truth is under attack in our nation. From evolution to abortion to taking prayer out of schools, the truth of God is being replaced by the ideas of man and the lies of Satan. When lies become more accepted than the truth, people become separated from God. They find themselves deceived, entangled in sin, and unable to find the way out of their plight. It’s time to stop the lies and deception. Find out how to put truth back on its feet again in this timely message from Pastor Franklin.
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    September 25, 2023 I Refuse To Be A Professional | Jentezen Franklin

    Don’t let your faith become a profession instead of a passion. If you do, your faith will become polished but not powerful. Your faith must be something you treasure, or eventually, it will become nothing at all.
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    September 20, 2023 Wake Up the Mighty Men

    Have we robbed men of the desire to be great? There's an absence of men in the church today, and I believe God is calling them back to greatness. In this message with Jentezen Franklin, learn how to be a mighty man, a conqueror for the kingdom of God—and your family! He's set you apart as rulers to stand firm and be watchful in this hour.
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    September 13, 2023 God's Hand On Our House

    If we don’t take a stand for righteousness...who will? Satan is doing everything in his power to tear down the walls of spiritual protection around those you love. There is a cause worth fighting for and it is your spouse...your children...your family! In this message hear biblical instruction and learn the critical steps you need to take in order to protect your family against the attacks of the enemy.

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    September 11, 2023 The Power of One Moment | Jentezen Franklin

    Satan offered everything he had to Jesus in one moment. Your life is shaped by critical moments. What will you do with the moments of decision that God gives you?
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    September 6, 2023 Fight For Your Family

    If we don’t take a stand for righteousness...who will? Satan is doing everything in his power to tear down the walls of spiritual protection around those you love. There is a cause worth fighting for and it is your spouse...your children...your family! In this message hear biblical instruction and learn the critical steps you need to take in order to protect your family against the attacks of the enemy.
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    September 4, 2023 Don’t Waste Your Grace | Courteney Bence

    Grace is not just a doctrine but a person: Jesus. It is a gift freely given through the Cross of Jesus. When you give God your weakness, His power qualifies you for your call. Grace makes all your mistakes serve your purpose instead of your shame. It allows you to be set apart. Don’t waste your grace.
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    August 30, 2023 Justification for Unforgiveness

    Love is risky. When we love someone, we become vulnerable. Those we love the most have the power to wound us the deepest. In those times of hurt and pain, how we respond is critical. Will we nurse resentment, bitterness, and unforgiveness? Will we disconnect from the person who hurt us? Or will we invite God into the middle of the mess and the pain? Through God’s great grace, we can be reconciled to those who hurt us. We can make a choice to love like we’ve never been hurt.
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    August 29, 2023 Breaking Through | Bryan Woodson

    Apart from God, everything breaks down. But with God, all things get better! The enemy will break you down, but God will break you through. If God is with you, your destiny is breakthrough.
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    August 23, 2023 Love Like You've Never Been Hurt

    Love is risky. When we love someone, we become vulnerable. Those we love the most have the power to wound us the deepest. In those times of hurt and pain, how we respond is critical. Will we nurse resentment, bitterness, and unforgiveness? Will we disconnect from the person who hurt us? Or will we invite God into the middle of the mess and the pain? Through God’s great grace, we can be reconciled to those who hurt us. We can make a choice to love like we’ve never been hurt.
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    August 21, 2023 How To Get Over It | Jentezen Franklin

    Praise is not conditional or circumstantial. You always have a reason to praise the Lord. David’s life was full of good and bad days, but by the end of his life, David knew God got him through it all. Even in your darkest days, you have a God that will bring you through it and get you over it!
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    August 16, 2023 Great Mercy

    Grace is the Lord giving you something you don’t deserve. Mercy is God holding back what you do deserve. We don’t appreciate mercy until we need it. Mercy is one of the most powerful and profound gifts the Lord has ever given us. The law condemns, but mercy brings life! In this message with Jentezen Franklin, learn how your blessing is in more than just receiving God’s mercy … there’s a blessing in showing His mercy, too!
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    August 16, 2023 Great Mercy

    Grace is the Lord giving you something you don’t deserve. Mercy is God holding back what you do deserve. We don’t appreciate mercy until we need it. Mercy is one of the most powerful and profound gifts the Lord has ever given us. The law condemns, but mercy brings life! In this message with Jentezen Franklin, learn how your blessing is in more than just receiving God’s mercy … there’s a blessing in showing His mercy, too!
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    August 14, 2023 Dreamers: Don’t Forget His Dream | Jentezen Franklin

    Like Joseph in Genesis 42, it is possible to go through so much that you don’t even remember the dream God gave you anymore. Don’t forget the dreams God has given you. If you have, God can restore those dreams again. If God said it is going to come to pass, it will! God will fulfill the dreams He’s given you to reach a great harvest.
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    August 9, 2023 Great Grace

    God has more grace than your disgrace. If you get knocked down, get back up. Resilience is what matters most. Do not allow yesterday to steal your tomorrow. In this message with Jentezen Franklin, learn how God can use the mistakes of your past to transform your future.
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    August 7, 2023 Pastor Jentezen Franklin Live at Free Chapel

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    August 7, 2023 How To Stay Free | Jentezen Franklin

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    August 7, 2023 How To Stay Free | Jentezen Franklin

    God loves gates because they represent choice. Everyone has a choice to serve God or not. So, choose to serve the Lord. And when He sets you free, choose to stay in His presence for the rest of your life.
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    August 7, 2023 How To Stay Free | Jentezen Franklin

    God loves gates because they represent choice. Everyone has a choice to serve God or not. So, choose to serve the Lord. And when He sets you free, choose to stay in His presence for the rest of your life.
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    August 7, 2023 How To Stay Free | Jentezen Franklin

    God loves gates because they represent choice. Everyone has a choice to serve God or not. So, choose to serve the Lord. And when He sets you free, choose to stay in His presence for the rest of your life.
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    August 7, 2023 How To Stay Free | Jentezen Franklin

    God loves gates because they represent choice. Everyone has a choice to serve God or not. So, choose to serve the Lord. And when He sets you free, choose to stay in His presence for the rest of your life.
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    August 7, 2023 How To Stay Free | Jentezen Franklin

    God loves gates because they represent choice. Everyone has a choice to serve God or not. So, choose to serve the Lord. And when He sets you free, choose to stay in His presence for the rest of your life.
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    August 7, 2023 How To Stay Free | Jentezen Franklin

    God loves gates because they represent choice. Everyone has a choice to serve God or not. So, choose to serve the Lord. And when He sets you free, choose to stay in His presence for the rest of your life.
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    August 7, 2023 How To Stay Free | Jentezen Franklin

    God loves gates because they represent choice. Everyone has a choice to serve God or not. So, choose to serve the Lord. And when He sets you free, choose to stay in His presence for the rest of your life.
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    August 7, 2023 How To Stay Free | Jentezen Franklin

    God loves gates because they represent choice. Everyone has a choice to serve God or not. So, choose to serve the Lord. And when He sets you free, choose to stay in His presence for the rest of your life.
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    August 7, 2023 How To Stay Free | Jentezen Franklin

    God loves gates because they represent choice. Everyone has a choice to serve God or not. So, choose to serve the Lord. And when He sets you free, choose to stay in His presence for the rest of your life.
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    August 7, 2023 How To Stay Free | Jentezen Franklin

    God loves gates because they represent choice. Everyone has a choice to serve God or not. So, choose to serve the Lord. And when He sets you free, choose to stay in His presence for the rest of your life.
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    August 7, 2023 How To Stay Free | Jentezen Franklin

    God loves gates because they represent choice. Everyone has a choice to serve God or not. So, choose to serve the Lord. And when He sets you free, choose to stay in His presence for the rest of your life.
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    August 7, 2023 How To Stay Free | Jentezen Franklin

    God loves gates because they represent choice. Everyone has a choice to serve God or not. So, choose to serve the Lord. And when He sets you free, choose to stay in His presence for the rest of your life.
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    August 7, 2023 How To Stay Free | Jentezen Franklin

    God loves gates because they represent choice. Everyone has a choice to serve God or not. So, choose to serve the Lord. And when He sets you free, choose to stay in His presence for the rest of your life.
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    August 7, 2023 How To Stay Free | Jentezen Franklin

    God loves gates because they represent choice. Everyone has a choice to serve God or not. So, choose to serve the Lord. And when He sets you free, choose to stay in His presence for the rest of your life.
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    August 7, 2023 How To Stay Free | Jentezen Franklin

    God loves gates because they represent choice. Everyone has a choice to serve God or not. So, choose to serve the Lord. And when He sets you free, choose to stay in His presence for the rest of your life.
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    August 7, 2023 How To Stay Free | Jentezen Franklin

    God loves gates because they represent choice. Everyone has a choice to serve God or not. So, choose to serve the Lord. And when He sets you free, choose to stay in His presence for the rest of your life.
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    August 7, 2023 How To Stay Free | Jentezen Franklin

    God loves gates because they represent choice. Everyone has a choice to serve God or not. So, choose to serve the Lord. And when He sets you free, choose to stay in His presence for the rest of your life.
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    August 7, 2023 How To Stay Free | Jentezen Franklin

    God loves gates because they represent choice. Everyone has a choice to serve God or not. So, choose to serve the Lord. And when He sets you free, choose to stay in His presence for the rest of your life.
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    August 7, 2023 How To Stay Free | Jentezen Franklin

    God loves gates because they represent choice. Everyone has a choice to serve God or not. So, choose to serve the Lord. And when He sets you free, choose to stay in His presence for the rest of your life.
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    August 7, 2023 How To Stay Free | Jentezen Franklin

    God loves gates because they represent choice. Everyone has a choice to serve God or not. So, choose to serve the Lord. And when He sets you free, choose to stay in His presence for the rest of your life.
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    August 7, 2023 How To Stay Free | Jentezen Franklin

    God loves gates because they represent choice. Everyone has a choice to serve God or not. So, choose to serve the Lord. And when He sets you free, choose to stay in His presence for the rest of your life.
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    August 2, 2023 God's Law of Attraction

    Your subtraction gains God’s attraction. Don’t settle for being full; create a need for God. Many times we reach a point where we think we are just fine the way we are. But our God wants to respond to our needs. If you want God to continue to pour out His blessings, keep pouring out your requests. God requires a need—let Him know yours!
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    July 26, 2023 Follow Me

    There are two distinctively different definitions for alignment—both have significant spiritual implications. First of all, alignment refers to an arrangement in a straight line or in the correct position. Secondly, alignment refers to a position of agreement or alliance. If you want to be in the correct position to receive favor and blessing from the Lord, you must align your priorities with God’s word!
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    July 19, 2023 First Things

    There are two distinctively different definitions for alignment—both have significant spiritual implications. First of all, alignment refers to an arrangement in a straight line or in the correct position. Secondly, alignment refers to a position of agreement or alliance. If you want to be in the correct position to receive favor and blessing from the Lord, you must align your priorities with God’s word!
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    July 12, 2023 Don't Call This Common

    Jesus said there is a real place called heaven. Heaven is taught repeatedly throughout the Bible. Yes, we are blessed and victorious here on earth, but this life isn't all there is. There's a place where all sorrow, sickness, and death end, and we live in a city whose builder and maker is God. Have you lost sight of heaven while focusing on the things of earth? Does the thought of heaven cause you to rejoice? Are you building your life more on the temporary than the eternal?
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    July 5, 2023 Cooling Down Hot Hearts

    Jesus said there is a real place called heaven. Heaven is taught repeatedly throughout the Bible. Yes, we are blessed and victorious here on earth, but this life isn't all there is. There's a place where all sorrow, sickness, and death end, and we live in a city whose builder and maker is God. Have you lost sight of heaven while focusing on the things of earth? Does the thought of heaven cause you to rejoice? Are you building your life more on the temporary than the eternal?
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    July 3, 2023 Keep Convincing Us | Aaron Marshall

    We all have encountered Jesus through salvation but that experience alone can’t sustain us. You need the Holy Spirit to keep convincing you of God’s nature so you won’t give up. If we want to make a difference, we cannot waiver from the truth; we must allow the Holy Spirit to continue convincing us. Discover more at
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    June 28, 2023 Come Up Here

    Jesus said there is a real place called heaven. Heaven is taught repeatedly throughout the Bible. Yes, we are blessed and victorious here on earth, but this life isn’t all there is. There’s a place where all sorrow, sickness, and death end, and we live in a city whose builder and maker is God. Have you lost sight of heaven while focusing on the things of earth? Does the thought of heaven cause you to rejoice? Are you building your life more on the temporary than the eternal?

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    June 26, 2023 Praise Is Our Purpose | Jentezen Franklin

    Lucifer was not always the devil; he was once the anointed cherub of praise, created to praise and bring glory to God. But he rebelled and was cast out of Heaven. Now, the devil wants to take out your praise because we took his place, and he knows the power of our praise. Will you release the power of praise in your life?
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    June 21, 2023 Come Out of the Stuff

    The riches of this world can crowd out our relationship with Jesus. We are rightly warned to be careful when we prosper because wealth can be deceitful and cause us to love our stuff more than we love our God. Are you overscheduled and overstressed? Is your life overcrowded with possessions? It’s time to come out of the stuff.
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    June 19, 2023 The Blessing that Outlives You | Jentezen Franklin

    Abraham was one of the most significant men in the history of the world, but he was not a perfect man. When faced with a famine, he moved in fear instead of faith. 
    Any time you make decisions out of fear, you will mess up. But when you make a decision out of faith, it will not just go well with you but can affect future generations.
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    June 14, 2023 Cave of Couples

    When the storms of life bear down, couples need to retreat together into the cave of God’s protection. Together is key. In this message with Jentezen Franklin, learn how to double your strength, double your protection, and double the favor of God over your marriage and your family.

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    June 12, 2023 Who’s Your Crew? | Jentezen Franklin

    Rowing is the most selfless sport there is. It requires the complete abandonment of self and total unity. A rowing crew with unity can row faster and easier than they can with pure strength. God’s plan for the Church, your family, your business, and every Kingdom relationship is to dwell in unity like a unified rowing crew. God searches for unity. And when He finds it, it is the landing strip the blessing.
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    June 7, 2023 Beyond These Walls

    Our attitudes and actions spring from our thoughts. Every good or bad thing we do starts as a thought in our minds. Just as one unchecked evil thought led King David to become a liar, an adulterer, and a murderer, one unchecked evil thought can lead us on a path to destruction. So how is your thought life? What kinds of thoughts fill your mind? Changing how you think could change your entire life…

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    June 5, 2023 Divine Encourager | Javon Ruff

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    May 31, 2023 Beware of the Traveler

    Our attitudes and actions spring from our thoughts. Every good or bad thing we do starts as a thought in our minds. Just as one unchecked evil thought led King David to become a liar, an adulterer, and a murderer, one unchecked evil thought can lead us on a path to destruction. How is your thought life? What kinds of thoughts fill your mind? Changing how you think could change your entire life…

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    May 29, 2023 The Wind of the Holy Spirit | Jentezen Franklin

    The wind is a type of the Holy Spirit all throughout Scripture. The 4 powerful winds in the Bible (North, South, East, and West) represent something different in Scripture. Regardless of thewinds that come into your life, God controls them all and uses them for your good and His glory. Do you want the wind of the Holy Spirit to move in your life? All you must do is ask.
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    May 24, 2023 Begging for the Body

    God does not oppose you from having good things so long as they don’t have you. Joseph was wealthy and a disciple, and He did what He was able to do because of his wealth and status, and he leveraged his wealth and status to honor and serve Jesus. Are you using your influence to help the body of Christ?

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    May 22, 2023 The Whispers of God | Jentezen Franklin

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    May 17, 2023 A God Possessed Generation

    Elkanah was an ordinary man used by God in extraordinary ways. His name meant "God-possessed," and he was totally committed to God. Because he was God-possessed, his family experienced miracles, his church was revived, and his nation turned back to God. What could happen if you totally surrendered to God? How would your family change if you were God-possessed? God can use one ordinary person to bring extraordinary change.
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    May 15, 2023 The Spirit of Motherhood | Jentezen Franklin

    For years, mighty men like Samson judged the Israelites, but in the days of Shamgar and Jael, God raised up a mother. Deborah saw the evil and danger in the roads of her city and took a stand, not as a warrior or judge, but as a mother. Where are the mothers that will take a stand for their family and build a road toward God?
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    May 10, 2023 Anchored

    When Paul was at sea in a dangerous storm, the ship dropped four anchors to keep it away from destruction on the rocks. One of the keys to surviving the storm was to be anchored. When we face storms in our lives, the key to making it through is to be anchored to something strong and unshakeable.
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    May 8, 2023 Moments That Mark Us | Jentezen Franklin

    There are moments in life when God marks you. Whether in a service or some other place, there are God encounters when God marks you and changes the rest of your life. It is the place God gives directions, chains break, and breakthrough comes. Will you wrestle with God long enough to receive His blessing?
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    May 3, 2023 Acres of Diamonds

    You are living in acres of diamonds. It may look like nothing right now, but look again. Ask God to open your eyes to see the unfathomable riches of God right where you are. You don’t have to search abroad to find answers and purpose. You have to dig deep where God has you planted to uncover your hidden potential.

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    May 1, 2023 Your Mess, God’s Miracle | Samuel Rodriguez

    There is a difference between God restoring what you had and Him giving us something you never had. Open your eyes to the new and watch God turn your mess into a miracle. The process is temporary, but the promise is permanent.
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    April 26, 2023 Setting the Stage for Miracles

    If you are going to receive a miracle, you have to set the atmosphere. Your mood and emotions matter. You have to remain tender through prayer and worship. We have a part to play in our own miracle story. Our attitude and our tenderness of heart play a key role in our ability to receive from the Lord.
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    April 24, 2023 The Principles of Multiplication | Pastor Robert Morris

    Our God is a god of multiplication. The miracle of multiplication happens when you obey the Master, just like it did for the disciples in Luke 9 when they fed 5,000 families with 2 fish and 5 loaves. What God has given you will never multiply until you give it. 
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    April 17, 2023 No More Flies

    In the book of Exodus, the first three plagues God struck the land of Egypt with also affected the Israelites. But when the fourth plague of flies came, God drew a line in the sand around His people. Although God’s people suffered, a new season came when God drew a line around His people. 
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    April 17, 2023 No Fly Zone

    In the book of Exodus, the first three plagues God struck the land of Egypt with also affected the Israelites. But when the fourth plague of flies came, God drew a line in the sand around His people. Although God’s people suffered, a new season came when God drew a line around His people. 
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    April 17, 2023 No More Flies

    In the book of Exodus, the first three plagues God struck the land of Egypt with also affected the Israelites. But when the fourth plague of flies came, God drew a line in the sand around His people. Although God’s people suffered, a new season came when God drew a line around His people. 
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    April 17, 2023 No More Flies

    In the book of Exodus, the first three plagues God struck the land of Egypt with also affected the Israelites. But when the fourth plague of flies came, God drew a line in the sand around His people. Although God’s people suffered, a new season came when God drew a line around His people. 
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  • volume_up
    April 17, 2023 No More Flies

    In the book of Exodus, the first three plagues God struck the land of Egypt with also affected the Israelites. But when the fourth plague of flies came, God drew a line in the sand around His people. Although God’s people suffered, a new season came when God drew a line around His people. 
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  • volume_up
    April 17, 2023 No More Flies

    In the book of Exodus, the first three plagues God struck the land of Egypt with also affected the Israelites. But when the fourth plague of flies came, God drew a line in the sand around His people. Although God’s people suffered, a new season came when God drew a line around His people. 
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  • volume_up
    April 17, 2023 No More Flies

    In the book of Exodus, the first three plagues God struck the land of Egypt with also affected the Israelites. But when the fourth plague of flies came, God drew a line in the sand around His people. Although God’s people suffered, a new season came when God drew a line around His people. 
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  • volume_up
    April 17, 2023 No More Flies

    In the book of Exodus, the first three plagues God struck the land of Egypt with also affected the Israelites. But when the fourth plague of flies came, God drew a line in the sand around His people. Although God’s people suffered, a new season came when God drew a line around His people. 
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  • volume_up
    April 17, 2023 No More Flies

    In the book of Exodus, the first three plagues God struck the land of Egypt with also affected the Israelites. But when the fourth plague of flies came, God drew a line in the sand around His people. Although God’s people suffered, a new season came when God drew a line around His people. 
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  • volume_up
    April 17, 2023 No More Flies

    In the book of Exodus, the first three plagues God struck the land of Egypt with also affected the Israelites. But when the fourth plague of flies came, God drew a line in the sand around His people. Although God’s people suffered, a new season came when God drew a line around His people. 
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  • volume_up
    April 17, 2023 No More Flies

    In the book of Exodus, the first three plagues God struck the land of Egypt with also affected the Israelites. But when the fourth plague of flies came, God drew a line in the sand around His people. Although God’s people suffered, a new season came when God drew a line around His people. 
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  • volume_up
    April 17, 2023 No More Flies

    In the book of Exodus, the first three plagues God struck the land of Egypt with also affected the Israelites. But when the fourth plague of flies came, God drew a line in the sand around His people. Although God’s people suffered, a new season came when God drew a line around His people. 
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  • volume_up
    April 17, 2023 No More Flies

    In the book of Exodus, the first three plagues God struck the land of Egypt with also affected the Israelites. But when the fourth plague of flies came, God drew a line in the sand around His people. Although God’s people suffered, a new season came when God drew a line around His people. 
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  • volume_up
    April 17, 2023 No More Flies

    In the book of Exodus, the first three plagues God struck the land of Egypt with also affected the Israelites. But when the fourth plague of flies came, God drew a line in the sand around His people. Although God’s people suffered, a new season came when God drew a line around His people. 
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  • volume_up
    April 17, 2023 No More Flies

    In the book of Exodus, the first three plagues God struck the land of Egypt with also affected the Israelites. But when the fourth plague of flies came, God drew a line in the sand around His people. Although God’s people suffered, a new season came when God drew a line around His people. 
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  • volume_up
    April 17, 2023 No More Flies

    In the book of Exodus, the first three plagues God struck the land of Egypt with also affected the Israelites. But when the fourth plague of flies came, God drew a line in the sand around His people. Although God’s people suffered, a new season came when God drew a line around His people. 
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  • volume_up
    April 17, 2023 No More Flies

    In the book of Exodus, the first three plagues God struck the land of Egypt with also affected the Israelites. But when the fourth plague of flies came, God drew a line in the sand around His people. Although God’s people suffered, a new season came when God drew a line around His people. 
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  • volume_up
    April 17, 2023 No More Flies

    In the book of Exodus, the first three plagues God struck the land of Egypt with also affected the Israelites. But when the fourth plague of flies came, God drew a line in the sand around His people. Although God’s people suffered, a new season came when God drew a line around His people. 
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  • volume_up
    April 17, 2023 No More Flies

    In the book of Exodus, the first three plagues God struck the land of Egypt with also affected the Israelites. But when the fourth plague of flies came, God drew a line in the sand around His people. Although God’s people suffered, a new season came when God drew a line around His people. 
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  • volume_up
    April 17, 2023 No More Flies

    In the book of Exodus, the first three plagues God struck the land of Egypt with also affected the Israelites. But when the fourth plague of flies came, God drew a line in the sand around His people. Although God’s people suffered, a new season came when God drew a line around His people. 
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  • volume_up
    April 17, 2023 No More Flies

    In the book of Exodus, the first three plagues God struck the land of Egypt with also affected the Israelites. But when the fourth plague of flies came, God drew a line in the sand around His people. Although God’s people suffered, a new season came when God drew a line around His people. 
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  • volume_up
    April 17, 2023 No More Flies

    In the book of Exodus, the first three plagues God struck the land of Egypt with also affected the Israelites. But when the fourth plague of flies came, God drew a line in the sand around His people. Although God’s people suffered, a new season came when God drew a line around His people. 
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  • volume_up
    April 17, 2023 No More Flies

    In the book of Exodus, the first three plagues God struck the land of Egypt with also affected the Israelites. But when the fourth plague of flies came, God drew a line in the sand around His people. Although God’s people suffered, a new season came when God drew a line around His people. 
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  • volume_up
    April 17, 2023 No More Flies

    In the book of Exodus, the first three plagues God struck the land of Egypt with also affected the Israelites. But when the fourth plague of flies came, God drew a line in the sand around His people. Although God’s people suffered, a new season came when God drew a line around His people. 
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  • volume_up
    April 17, 2023 No More Flies

    In the book of Exodus, the first three plagues God struck the land of Egypt with also affected the Israelites. But when the fourth plague of flies came, God drew a line in the sand around His people. Although God’s people suffered, a new season came when God drew a line around His people. 
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  • volume_up
    April 17, 2023 No More Flies

    In the book of Exodus, the first three plagues God struck the land of Egypt with also affected the Israelites. But when the fourth plague of flies came, God drew a line in the sand around His people. Although God’s people suffered, a new season came when God drew a line around His people. 
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  • volume_up
    April 17, 2023 No More Flies

    In the book of Exodus, the first three plagues God struck the land of Egypt with also affected the Israelites. But when the fourth plague of flies came, God drew a line in the sand around His people. Although God’s people suffered, a new season came when God drew a line around His people. 
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  • volume_up
    April 17, 2023 No More Flies

    In the book of Exodus, the first three plagues God struck the land of Egypt with also affected the Israelites. But when the fourth plague of flies came, God drew a line in the sand around His people. Although God’s people suffered, a new season came when God drew a line around His people. 
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    April 17, 2023 No More Flies

    In the book of Exodus, the first three plagues God struck the land of Egypt with also affected the Israelites. But when the fourth plague of flies came, God drew a line in the sand around His people. Although God’s people suffered, a new season came when God drew a line around His people. 
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    April 10, 2023 Easter: The Live Experience

    This is "The Easter Experience 2023". There have been significant moments in history that have changed the course of humanity. But none of these compare to the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus.
    Jentezen Franklin presents the Easter Experience recorded live at Free Chapel. You will want to share this message with friends and family as we present the greatest expression of God’s love for you and me.

    To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit

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    Free Chapel's mission is to inspire people to live for Jesus. We're one church with multiple locations, led by Pastor Jentezen Franklin.
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  • volume_up
    March 27, 2023 Which Team Are You On?

    There are only two teams and you are cheering for one of them. There is only team Heaven and Hell. There is no in-between. And if you are undecided, you are on team Hell by default. If you have not received Jesus Christ as your savior, you are on team Hell. Whose team are you on?

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    March 20, 2023 Take A Leap

    There were prophecies about John the Baptist hundreds of years before he was born. And even when he was in his mother’s womb, he leaped when he heard the voice of Jesus’ mother; he knew he had a purpose.
    There are prophecies just like that about you and you have the same assignment to tell everyone about Jesus. You are never too young to begin doing what you were born to do. 

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    March 13, 2023 Pray Big Prayers

    When you understand that God is your champion, the main reason you may not walk in victory is that you limit God. Even after countless miracles in the desert, the people of Israel grieved God by limiting Him. God is able and ready to do a miracle in your life if you do not limit Him.

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    March 10, 2023 The Walls Will Fall

    When Joshua walked around the walls of Jericho, his obedience to God caused the walls that held him from God’s promise to come down. When you finish the final seven days of your fast, God will do the same to whatever walls you are facing. The Enemy may have tried everything he can do to hold you back, but if you remain obedient to God this week, you will watch God do what you cannot do on your own.

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    March 3, 2023 Make Room For Change

    Jesus was not of a noble family or even a great city. Isaiah 53:2 calls Jesus a root out of dry ground, not needing the perfect circumstances to move in your life. You may be facing adversity or had a bad upbringing, but it does not have to determine the outcome of your life. God is not moved by our unfavorable conditions; He can do the miraculous even in the driest places.

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    February 24, 2023 God Can't Keep A Secret

    God is waiting for you in the secret place. God is not a respecter of persons; when you pray, fast, and seek God in secret, He will always reward you in public.

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    February 17, 2023 How to Recover It All

    Ziklag was an in-between city for David. Somewhere between your prophecy and destiny is Ziklag. It is the place of waiting that everyone will go through one way or another. It is the place you cannot avoid, where God develops and equips you for your calling. What will you do in your Ziklag? Will you stand or crumble?

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    February 10, 2023 The Danger of Not Giving God the Glory

    Whatever we do, it must be for the glory of God and not for ourselves. Satan fell because he wanted the credit for his works and did not give God the glory. He will exalt you  in due time, but it must never be about you- your power, your fame, your reward. It’s always about the Lord receiving the glory in all we do. We need to take inventory and give God the glory for the many blessings we have and for the many, many things He has done.

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    January 27, 2023 Three Steps to Victory

    The people of Laish dealt with no one. They left the people of God and modeled themselves after the Sidonians, wicked people. But the people of God do not model themselves after wicked people. Be careful who you allow to influence you and get the right people into your life.

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    December 30, 2022 God's Economy System

    We want to impact on our generation because this is the only life we will live in these bodies. God has called you to have an impact by serving your generation. When God raises someone up from a generation, He calls them to serve that same generation. What will you do with your life?

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    December 16, 2022 The Power of the Gift

    Under the Old Covenant, men offered material offerings or gifts to be accepted and saved from sin. You couldn’t ask for forgiveness empty-handed. Everything before the coming of Christ was humankind bringing gifts to God.But this Christmas season, we are reminded of what an incredible, unspeakable gift God has given us through Jesus. He is the most uncommon, spectacular gift of all! Join Jentezen Franklin for fantastic music and lights honoring the arrival of Jesus to the earth in this exceptional Candlelight service at Free Chapel in Gainesville, Georgia.

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    December 9, 2022 We Are Not Crazy

    God measures greatness by service, not status. Greatness isn’t measured by how many people serve you but by how many people YOU serve. That’s how God views service. To be like Jesus is to be a servant. Service is a spiritual gift. We all have the gift of service.

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    November 25, 2022 The Everlasting Covenant

    When God breathed into Adam, He gave him His blood and made a covenant with mankind. Everything God intended for us, God breathed into Adam. Blood has a voice and it cries out to God. Every time Jesus shed his blood, He accomplished something for us through his blood.

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    November 18, 2022 Eliminate Plan B

    People don’t quit if they only have one option. The main reason people quit is that they have an alternate plan in mind. But that very thing you are holding onto is holding you down and preventing you from going up. If you’re going to live by faith, you must cut the ropes to option B! Satan is trying to weaken your determination to keep going. You must make the decision today to cut the rope to plan B and stick to God’s plan.

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    November 11, 2022 The Secret to Being Blessed (Studio Message)

    When a church, nation or individual chooses to bless Israel, a supernatural blessing comes back on that church, nation, or individual (Genesis 12:3). God is watching every church, every nation, and every individual to see how they treat Israel because the way we treat Israel affects the way God treats us.

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    November 4, 2022 A Place Called Heaven

    You are one step away from death. You could be in a casket tonight. We don’t like to think about it, but you are only one step away from death. Kings, queens, the educated, the illiterate, the rich, and the poor will all die. There is another life beyond this one and you will answer to God for the life you lived. Are you ready to meet God? Where will you spend eternity?

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    October 28, 2022 What's It To You?

    It can be easy to compare your life to others, but it will hinder what God wants to do in your life. We make a mistake when we compare. You may never understand certain parts of your life, but Jesus’ invitation to you in the middle of it is the same as it was to Simon Peter in John 21: “Follow Me.”

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    October 21, 2022 You Haven't Seen God's Best Yet

    In Luke 24, Jesus showed the nail prints on his hands and feet to show his disciples what can give and where he can take them. We serve a giving and sending God and he is saying to you today, “Handle me and see.” There are still things he wants to give you and places he wants to send you. Will you look at Jesus today and receive what He wants to do in your life?

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    October 14, 2022 The Secret to Being Blessed

    When a church, nation, or individual chooses to bless Israel, a supernatural blessing comes back on that church, nation, or individual (Genesis 12:3). God is watching every church, every nation, and every individual to see how they treat Israel because the way we treat Israel affects the way God treats us.

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    October 7, 2022 Through His Eyes

    Jesus’ crucifixion is such a powerful representation of God’s love for us that every single detail of the story matters. From His birth in Bethlehem, all the way to the cross, the Son fulfilled every single prophecy that is spoken of the Messiah, including what David wrote in Psalm 22 — a thousand years before the event took place. This message with Jentezen Franklin reveals the new mysteries of the resurrection and how much more grateful we are for eternal life!

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    September 9, 2022 Getting Back To God's Word

    The right word at the right time in the right place is like pieces of gold in the right setting. Words are so powerful and the very things God has used throughout the centuries to transform lives and build His church. Decide on this day who you will serve. Will you serve the Lord? Will you dedicate your life to His purposes in your life and in the earth? Pray for your nation. Pray for your families like never before. Stand on God’s Word when others are falling all, around you.

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    September 2, 2022 The 25th Bear

    There are angry bears and if you are going to places you know you shouldn’t go or doing things you know you shouldn’t do, it’s not too late. But please beware: you may be one encounter away from that 25th bear. Confess and repent today and do not take one more step in that direction. Accept that you need help and ask the Lord to help you. You don’t have to be a victim of that 25th bear. There is nothing you have done that God cannot or will not forgive today. Confess it and repent today and be free. 

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    August 15, 2022 The Power of Short Prayers

    There is power in short prayers. Paul cast a demon out of a woman in 14 words. Hezekiah prayed a 39-word prayer and God added 15 more years to his life. Habakkuk prayed for revival in only 33 words. Jabez prayed 30 words and God answered him. Even the Lord’s Prayer is only 68 words. The more time you spend with Jesus, you’ll spend more time in prayer, but you can start praying with short prayers.

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    August 8, 2022 Colliding With Your Destiny

    Do you believe in divine destiny? Do you have a sense of your own purpose? What if the opportunity came today for you to step into your destiny, would you go forward in trust and faith, or shrink back in fear? We’re all given time and chance, and in this message with Jentezen Franklin, you’ll learn what you must do to be ready when your moment of destiny comes!

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    July 31, 2022 Ask, Seek, Knock (Part 2)

    I'm sure you know the Lord's Prayer. Most of us have heard and said it so many times that we forget the context. The disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray and the Lord's prayer was His response. But we seem to forget what He said to them immediately after the Lord's Prayer; He told them a parable that you may find surprising coming on the heels of one of the most iconic scriptures in the Bible, and yet Jesus thought it was important enough that He included it when they asked Him how to pray. In this message with Jentezen Franklin, you'll be reminded of what it was Jesus said and just how important it is in your life today.

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    July 25, 2022 Ask, Seek, Knock

    It is the midnight hour and there is a harvest of people in the world waiting to experience Christ. If we do not know God intimately, we will not have anything to give our unsaved friends and family. The way to reach the lost is to pray and interceded for them. Like the man in Luke 11, when we pray persistently, God answers our prayers. When God answers our prayers, we will see revival.

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    July 17, 2022 Seed Power

    God rules the earth through His laws, and His promises are spiritual laws to live by. God gives you a seed of promise; everything you need from Him is in that seed.

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    July 17, 2022 Seed Power

    God rules the earth through His laws, and His promises are spiritual laws to live by. God gives you a seed of promise; everything you need from Him is in that seed.

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    July 10, 2022 How To Build A Godly Inheritance for Your Family (Part 2)

    Are you being a wise steward of your heavenly blessing or are you compromising your future for some lesser thing? A Godly inheritance is available to all who follow Him.  When we truly understand the power and purpose of that inheritance, we should guard our hearts and minds all the more, so that one day we can look at generations who are blessed through our stewardship of all the gifts His blessing bestows. In this conclusion of How to Build a Godly Inheritance for Your Family with Pastor Jentezen Franklin, you’ll learn how to protect and pass on your family blessings.

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    July 3, 2022 How To Build A Godly Inheritance for Your Family (Part1)

    There are certain things in a family that should always be passed down from generation to generation. We naturally think of heirloom jewelry, furniture, money, or family businesses as our children's inheritance. But all of those things will one day fade away. What are you doing to pass down your spiritual inheritance? God has a long-term plan for your family, a plan that will lead them into eternity. In this message with Jentezen Franklin learn how to pass on the gift of God that is in YOU to generations to come.

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    June 27, 2022 Enjoy the Journey

    “How can I become great?” This is both the plight and power of humankind. It’s the question that can drive you to succeed, and the one that can get you stuck. It can be the force behind achieving your dreams, or the distress that keeps you from seeing what’s right in front of you. The disciples asked Jesus this question, “Who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven,” and He showed them a child. In this message with Jentezen Franklin, we learn the key to keeping the heart of a child regardless of the hardships we face, and the mighty power that a childlike heart will bring to your life. Life can be hard, but there's greatness in the journey.

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    June 19, 2022 Are You Still in Love with Praise?

    Do you worship from time to time or are you a worshipper? There is a difference between worshipping and being a worshiper. The first is something we do from time to time, an accessory, something we carry in our hand. The second is who we are every day. It’s something we carry in our hearts. How do you become a worshipper? How does being a worshipper transform your life and take you from where you are, to where God wants you to be? Find out in this message with Jentezen Franklin and become a person of praise!

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    June 12, 2022 Whose Report Will You Believe

    If we’re not careful about what we watch and listen to, we'll lose our peace of mind. God knows this, so His Word asks, “Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?” In the Bible, the “arm of the Lord” refers to God’s power to deliver and His providential care over every event in our lives. So whose report are you going to listen to, internalize, and respond to? Jentezen Franklin will encourage you in this message to listen to the voice of God, and trust in His report.

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    June 5, 2022 The End Times in Our Times

    It’s safe to say we’re living in interesting times—the question each of us needs to ask is, in light of the times and in light of scripture, how then should we live? It’s certainly a little less fashionable to be a Christian these days, so what do you do with that? Is it best to blend into our culture in hopes of having a little bit of influence? Or has the time come that it’s more important we stand out and draw a distinct line between what culture says and what we hold to be true? Prepare to be challenged and encouraged in this message with Pastor Jentezen Franklin as he leads the way into these interesting times …

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    May 29, 2022 Loyalty and Love

    How casually do you view marriage? Are you truly a one-and-done 'til death do us part type of person? Or do you think that sometimes it just doesn't work out for any number of reasons? If you judge by our culture, we as a nation seem to take it pretty lightly. Have you ever wondered how God views marriage? We know that generally, He is not a big fan of divorce. We think of Adam and Eve in Genesis and a handful of verses in the new testament. But if you have eyes to see, you can find out how deeply God cares about marriage throughout the Bible in places you wouldn't think.

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    May 23, 2022 Sticks and Stones, Part 2

    Quit thinking God cannot use you. He's not looking for the spectacular, He's not looking for perfection. He's looking for ordinary people whom He's already equipped with everything they'll need to do remarkable miracles for God! If sticks and stones can change history, imagine what a willing person in the hands of God can do! What's in your hands? What's right in front of you? Open your eyes and see what God sees. It's time to let the rocks in your life testify of God's glory.

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    May 15, 2022 Sticks and Stones, Part 1

    When we think about the great works of God, His jaw-dropping, wonder-working power comes to mind, like parting the red sea and bringing the sun to a standstill. But when we look a little closer we see that all through the bible God chose to work through the utterly ordinary. That’s encouraging, but also a little scary. If you see yourself as a common ordinary person, without much to offer, you might want to keep on your toes … you’re exactly the kind of person God likes to use! In this message with Jentezen Franklin learn how God plans to turn your ordinary into something extraordinary.

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    May 9, 2022 The Blessing of Showing Honor

    For many, Mother’s Day carries mixed emotions. Some of us had wonderful mothers, others of us … not so much. If you’re a mom yourself, there are sure to be days when you feel like you are failing and flailing, just trying to keep your head above water and your kids out of it! And then there is the commandment in the Bible to honor your father and mother. What does that mean? And how do you do that, especially if you had less than perfect parents? What if you had terrible parents? The good news is that God is your perfect parent, and He can show you how to live your life in a way that honors the position even when you feel like you cannot honor the person. Not only can God help you live a life honoring your parents, but, in this message with Jentezen Franklin, you will learn when you do there is a specific blessing waiting for you! 

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    May 1, 2022 The Blood, The Cloud and The Sea

    What comes to mind when you hear the word baptism? Have you ever attended a baptism service and experienced people going public with their faith? Many people don’t understand what baptism is or what it accomplishes. You may think of it as an act, a ceremony, or a right of passage. While it is all of those things, something much more profound is taking place during baptism. Something that can and should mark you and continue to have an impact on your life. It is a public dying of your old life and a rising into a new one. In this message, Pastor Jentezen Franklin unpacks the ongoing gifts of baptism and the important role it plays in our lives as believers.

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    April 24, 2022 Act Like a Man

    We need men who will act like men, strong and courageous. We need men to be watchful and stand firm in the faith. This is a season where all believers need to be on their guard for their families and their faith. Don’t be wishy-washy. Stand on the unshakable Word of God and do all things in love.

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    April 17, 2022 Life After Life

    It’s easy for the significance of Easter to get lost in the shuffle. The family gatherings are wonderful, the egg hunts make for great memories. But in the hustle and bustle of it all, the meaning of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead is squeezed into that hour or so of church and then gets swept away in the rest of the day. One thing that is so easy to lose sight of is that part of what the resurrection means for us is that we, too, will have a bodily resurrection one day. It’s something worth thinking about. This week with Pastor Jentezen Franklin we focus on the truly Good News of Easter.

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    April 10, 2022 The Secrets of the Covenant

    Covenant is an interesting word. It can be another word for a promise. In our current culture, promises are often taken lightly, but the Hebrew word for covenant literally means to cut or to shed blood. A covenant in the biblical sense means blood has been shed by one or both parties in a pledge to the other. When we fully understand the power of the covenant or promise we have in Christ, it is nothing short of life-changing. It was not a promise made in haste, but a new and final blood covenant that would cover all of humanity. This week, Pastor Jentezen Franklin unlocks the secrets of the covenant for those who are willing to enter in.

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    April 3, 2022 Celebrating the Little Victories

    God doesn’t intend burdens and battles to dominate your life. He wants you to know there is help in the middle of your challenges. And when you see even the smallest of breakthroughs, celebrate the victory! In this message with Jentezen Franklin, learn that God’s grace is sufficient for the day you are in right now and discover His goodness in celebrating the little victories.

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    March 20, 2022 Satan's Master Man

    When the end times come, there will be social agitation and troubled waters—directly related to social and racial unrest, much like we see today—troubled like a churning sea with muck and mire surfacing. The Bible warns that the anti-Christ will surface in a time like this. Are you ready? In this message with Jentezen Franklin, unravel end times mysteries and discover God’s plan of victory!

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    March 13, 2022 Satan's Master Plan

    We see the signs of the times, we see the world is in turmoil, but don’t be discouraged. As we are seeing scripture and prophesy come to life right before our eyes, Jentezen Franklin teaches us in this message that Satan is not the only one with a plan! Do not let your heart be disturbed. God is with us and we need to stay connected to God’s people—to His church—for comfort and encouragement, for His Word says, “you who are troubled rest with us.”

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    March 6, 2022 Setting the Stage for Miracles

    Atmosphere is essential for miracles. Your mood and emotions matter. Your worship and praise make a difference. As believers, we have a part to play in our own miracle story. In this message with Jentezen Franklin, learn to set the stage for miracles in your life by aligning your attitude with God’s Word rather than your circumstances.

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    February 27, 2022 The Overflowing Cup

    God’s blessings are overflowing. Your life is full of goodness, kindness, love, and favor from your Heavenly Father. You have more blessings than burdens, and in this message with Jentezen Franklin, you’ll learn to identify those things and rejoice in God’s faithfulness.

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    February 20, 2022 Making Love Last

    Do you believe love can last a lifetime? God created us for fellowship and intimacy. It's natural to want more than friendship. It's a gift to fall in love. Staying in love? That takes work! In this message from ONE Marriage Conference with Jentezen Franklin, we learn the biblical keys to making love last.

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    February 14, 2022 Missional Marriage

    Marriage is not a duet — it's a trio. It's a man, a woman, and Jesus Christ. With Christ as the third cord wrapped around you, He'll hold you together through the storms and the setbacks. He will equip you to face every challenge in your sacred covenant.  Discover the complete blessings of God on your family, and open your heart to the profound assignment God has for you and your marriage in this special message with Jentezen Franklin recorded live at One Marriage Conference!

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    February 6, 2022 This is Your Year

    You may feel that you have been in a rut, perhaps for years. But the hope offered to you in this message is that this is your year. Stay planted in the soil you are planted in now because this year is going to be different. You may feel fruitless, but your greatest season of producing fruit is here if you will do these two things … 

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    January 30, 2022 Seek

    God searches through the whole universe to see who is seeking Him. Are you? Is He your first thought in the morning and throughout the day? Do you spend time in His Word daily or is it something you do now and then? In this message, Jentezen Franklin will teach you how seeking the Lord unlocks blessings and purpose according to God’s Word. Why not make THIS year different than any other year?

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    January 21, 2022 Open My Eyes from Gethsemane

    When God opens your eyes, you’ll see the path to your purpose more clearly than ever before. In this message with Jentezen Franklin, get ready to launch into the new year, fasting and learning to uncover God’s divine provision, direction and protection that is right in front of you. Ask God to open your eyes and watch your future unfold!

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    January 16, 2022 The Problem Solving Ezra Fast

    Do you believe in the power of prayer and fasting? Ezra did. He believed fasting could bring protection to himself, his children, and all of their possessions. In this message with Jentezen Franklin, hear how God gave Ezra a step-by-step solution to his crisis. Let this be the year God opens your eyes to His divine solution through prayer and fasting!

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    January 9, 2022 When We Fast, from Mount Gilboa

    Heaven has no shortage of blessing and anointing. Our Father has no shortage of miracles and healing. There’s always oil pouring from Heaven, but the earth has a shortage of empty vessels to receive fresh oil. Are you ready to empty yourself and become an empty vessel?


    This week, with Pastor Jentezen Franklin, learn how prayer and fasting will prepare you for a deeper, more intimate relationship with Jesus.

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    January 2, 2022 One With Him So I'll Be One With Them

    Being one with God is such an essential aspect of your life. As believers, we are called to avoid division that can lead to a disconnect between you and God. You may ask why unity is so significant? In this week’s message, Pastor Jentezen Franklin shares the keys to the power of unity and what it means to stop picking one another apart and love like God loves.

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    December 26, 2021 Christmas in Color

    The story of Christmas erases misconceptions about God and who He is. Jesus came because God loves us so much and He wanted to express that love. Jesus is our example of how God loves, thinks, and feels. This Christmas, experience God’s amazing love through our musical spectacular, Christmas in Color, with a special message from Jentezen Franklin.  

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    December 18, 2021 Christmas Candlelight Service

    Christmas is truly a season of giving. Sometimes the stress of “giving” takes the joy out of the Holiday as parents, friends and family who want so badly to give the very best gifts are left feeling like they can’t do enough. But what if all your loved ones want from you is, well, you. In a world that is focused on exalting self—self-esteem, self-awareness, self-confidence, self-image, self-sufficiency, self-improvement, and even selfies!—what if you humbled yourself? What if this Christmas, you put self on the shelf and focused on the interests of others? How would that change your marriage, your children, or even your job? The greatest gift you can give Jesus on his birthday is yourself. It’s the greatest gift you can give your parents, your children, your spouse …. And if you want to give all of yourself to those you love, you have to start by giving all yourself to Jesus.

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    December 12, 2021 So What If They Don't Believe?

    There are dreams and goals that God has placed within each of us. It may be a dream of starting a ministry or business, or it could be to see a loved one accept Christ. But what happens when your dream faces discouragement and doubt? In this week's message, Jentezen Franklin gives you 3 keys to standing on the promises of God in the midst of opposition. 

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    December 6, 2021 Are You Still in Love with Praise?

    Do you worship from time to time or are you a worshipper? There is a difference between worshipping and being a worshiper. The first is something we do from time to time, an accessory, something we carry in our hand. The second is who we are every day. It’s something we carry in our hearts. How do you become a worshipper? How does being a worshipper transform your life and take you from where you are, to where God wants you to be? Find out in this message with Jentezen Franklin and become a person of praise!

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    November 28, 2021 How to Finish Stronger Than You Started

    You can find the faith to overcome and finish stronger than you started! You can do better than you’re doing right now. In “How to Finish Stronger Than You Started,” you’ll see that how your story began is far less important than the direction you’re traveling now. Are you moving toward God, or away from Him? Just because you had a bad start, or made some poor decisions along the way, doesn’t mean you have to walk out that destination. You can change the course of your future today!

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    November 21, 2021 I Love My Master

    Your faith is a choice. When you walk with Jesus, you are always free to leave. But the closer you get to Him, the less you will want to wander away. God’s love is complete and secure. He knows that if we walk away, sooner or later, we’ll be back, because the world cannot offer anything close to the love, the peace, and the hope He gives to us freely. He doesn’t demand your love, or that you obey His Word, He gives you a choice. He said, “If anyone loves Me he will keep My word.” In this message with Jentezen Franklin, we learn that when we choose to love the Master, He’ll hold nothing back from us!

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    November 14, 2021 Prayer Service with Jentezen Franklin

    When you pray, you’re aligning your life with God’s will. You’re speaking and listening. You’re seeking and learning. You’re giving and receiving. Your prayer life is like Jacob’s ladder. It’s the foundation of your connection and communication with God. The bigger the foundation, the bigger God can build on! And it’s so much more than a chance to ask for what you want. Prayer is your opportunity to send up your praise, adoration, and gratitude, as well as your worries, your desires, and your troubles. God tells us to cast our cares on Him. He says if we ask, we will receive; and when we seek, we will find. Get ready to make prayer a priority in your life and find all that God has for you!

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    November 6, 2021 Prayer is the Priority

    We were made in God’s image for the purpose of fellowship with Him. It has always been about a daily relationship with God. Our prayer life is the key to that relationship To forget to pray is to forget God. This week with Jentezen Franklin learn to make prayer a priority.

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    October 31, 2021 God Uses Life's Bruises

    Do you ever catch yourself wishing for a wrinkle-free, worry-free life? It seems like, from the outside, those lives exist. But let’s be honest. Have you ever actually met someone with a wrinkle-free, worry-free life? It’s pretty much the law of nature that no one makes it through life without taking some punches. No one makes it to the finish line without making some bad decisions. Sometimes we’re tempted to believe that the dents and dings in our life disqualify us from being used by God. Well, you might be surprised to learn in this message with Jentezen Franklin that God can do some of His best work through our hurts and brokenness. It’s the kind of beautiful, redemptive work only He can do.

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    October 24, 2021 Faith in the Father's House

    Your faith is more precious than gold, more precious than anything in your life. Sometimes we have to go through difficult times to be reminded how important our faith really is. The heroes in the Bible lived lives of extreme faith that sustained them in times of great trial, even unto death. In this message with Jentezen Franklin, learn that even when you are in a time of testing and proving, even when your circumstances are not good, you must hold on to your faith and believe God is good.

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    October 10, 2021 Where Is God

    Have you ever been through a season of life where it seemed God had just up and vanished? Maybe you’re in one of those seasons right now, where you feel like crying out, “God where are you?” Even when you know God will never abandon you, sometimes there is fear or doubt in your heart. Maybe even anger or resentment. But, as you’ll learn with Jentezen Franklin in this message, even when it feels like God is impossible to find, there is a roadmap that leads us to faith, perseverance, growth and a fresh encounter with His goodness.

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    October 3, 2021 Let Us Worship

    God is inviting us to lift our voices to him. In times like this, praise and worship is our most effective weapon, and crying out to God is our true source of hope. In this powerful revival experience, with Jentezen Franklin and Sean Feucht, your heavy burdens will be lifted as you exalt the Lord and enter into His presence. 

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    September 26, 2021 What Great Faith Can Do

    Only you and I can make God marvel. You can astonish God. When you believe His word above what you see, and more than what you feel, God marvels at you.

    Seas parting, a donkey talking, a man coming out of the belly of a whale, and God did not marvel. An ax head floating in the Jordan, a bush burning and booming with a voice in the wilderness, water coming out of rocks, and God was not astonished. But when a mere man—not even a religious man—humbled himself and believed in the power of Jesus Christ above what his natural eye could see and his heavy heart could feel, Jesus marveled … and He answered his request. If you feel the answer to your prayer has been a long time waiting, you’ll find your hope restored in this message with Jentezen Franklin.

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    September 13, 2021 This is Not Your Final Chapter

    Do you ever think of your life as a story? If not, why not? Scripture calls Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith. He says there are good works which He’s prepared for us to do in advance. God has been telling His story through all of human history, and if your life is part of a larger story, that means you’re in a chapter right now. What you’re experiencing is not the whole story, there’s more to be told. In this message with Jentezen Franklin, you’ll learn to understand your story and the role you play in God’s story.

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    September 6, 2021 What to do When You Are Running on Empty

    If your spirit was a fuel tank, how full would you say it is right now? Are you filled to overflowing? Do you have enough to get you through the day? The week? Or are you running on fumes? There will be seasons and circumstances in our lives that seem to drain us of every last drop of anointing and spiritual food. Times when you know you still love God, but stirring your spirit feels like raising the dead. Those moments are dangerous, and the enemy will try to convince us to throw in the towel. But take heart! God’s invitation to refuel is ever present. And in this message with Jentezen Franklin, you’ll learn just how to refill when you’re running on empty.

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    August 29, 2021 On a Prophetic Journey

    Have you ever been through a season in your life where you just can’t understand it? When you trace the line of your past to your present, it doesn’t seem to tell you anything about your future? Often we forget that our life has an author—a loving father who chose to write our name into His story. And He wants to tell a fascinating story through our days... if we’ll let Him. Today you’ll learn from Pastor Jentezen Franklin that we’re not in this story alone. In fact, God will speak to others on our behalf. He’ll encourage us and give us the direction we need at just the right time.

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    August 22, 2021 It's Your Funeral, Enjoy It!

    The children of Israel passed through the water, but the enemy pursuing them was swallowed up by it. Water baptism is the place of separation; it is the place where we bury our enemies. Baptism is the pool where we leave our past. It’s the washing away of our mistakes. It’s diving into the life God has planned for us! In this message with Jentezen Franklin, “It’s Your Funeral, Enjoy It!” hear unforgettable words from everyday people, and witness firsthand the power of baptism, plus learn 3 ways water baptism will benefit your spiritual life for years to come.

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    August 15, 2021 The Five Ingredients of an Anointed Life

    There are five things you must have in your life for the anointing of the Lord to be present. Each is critical to taking your walk with Christ to the next level. In this message with Jentezen Franklin, learn what you can do to experience a greater level of the power and presence of God in your life.

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    August 8, 2021 The Power of Bold Prayers

    Have you ever held back on your prayers because you were afraid God wouldn’t come through? If we only ask for what we think is possible in our own ability, we limit God. He’s not looking for small, polite prayers. God is honored by bold requests. When we pray unwaveringly and expectantly, it’s actually an expression of our faith in him. In this message with Jentezen Franklin, we learn that with great faith comes bold prayers!

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    August 1, 2021 What the Holy Spirit Wants to Do Through You

    If you’ve ever thought church was a drag, I’m afraid you didn’t get a chance to know the real Jesus. When we look at the Jesus revealed to us in Scripture, we find that He was, quite literally, the life of the party. In fact the very minute God chose to launch Jesus’ ministry was at a party. You probably know the story; they ran out of wine and Jesus made more. What He made was better than anything they’d ever had! Wherever Jesus went, He brought life and love. As you listen to this message, What the Holy Spirit Wants to Do for You, think about the parts of your life where you need Jesus to bring life, and invite Him in to do just that.

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    July 26, 2021 Then Jesus Came

    You are not alone. You are not the first to feel a void, or to think something is missing in your life. You’re not the only one who thinks your mistakes are unforgivable. But you are the one Jesus came for.  And when Jesus comes, He changes things. Take a moment to listen or watch this message with Jentezen Franklin, and let the presence of God change things for you.

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    July 4, 2021 God's Promise for Broken Families

    There’s a prophetic promise in Jeremiah 31 for every mother and father who are weeping for their lost children. You may feel helpless and desperate now, but a word from God can change everything. I believe this word will change your perspective, change your outlook, and restore your hope for what’s to come. God said “your work will be rewarded … they will return from the land of the enemy.”

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    June 27, 2021 Climbers

    Being near the Lord is worth the climb. It will always be easier to quit, but God is looking for climbers; those who dare to dream dreams and live a life that requires faith. In this message with Jentezen Franklin, learn what blessings are waiting on top of the mountain when you’re willing to make the uphill climb. Are you up to the challenge?

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    June 13, 2021 Defending Your Field of Dreams

    Have you ever had a defining moment when you knew that God was speaking to you and Giving you specific guidance and direction for your life? If you have, you probably remember the place and time vividly. It’s that place where God gave you a glimpse of what he had in mind when he dreamed you up in eternity past. Well that destiny doesn’t just happen. You can be sure that the enemy will do all that he can to keep you from becoming all that God wants you to be. In this message with Jentezen Franklin, you’ll learn to remember that place and defend the dream that God placed in your heart.

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    June 6, 2021 Just Add Water

    If you look throughout the history of the church, there have been many issues that divide denominations and create confusion. Baptism is one of those issues. Some people get sprinkled with water as babies in elaborate ceremonies. Others get dunked in a backyard pool or river in their jeans and t-shirt. Some believe baptism doesn’t matter at all, while others believe if you’re not baptized, you’re not even saved. With all the confusion, many adult Christians still don’t understand what Baptism is or is not. In Just Add Water, Pastor Jentezen Franklin helps us understand the meaning of water baptism and the significant role it plays in our lives as Believers.

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    May 30, 2021 Change Your Words, Change Your Life

    What is your overall outlook on life? Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Do you tend to see silver linings, or do you mostly see gray skies and rain? Think about this: God spoke the world into creation, then He created man in His image... and gave him the power to speak! What does that mean for you and me? God says in Isaiah, He creates the fruit of our lips. The words we say affect our world. In this message with Pastor Jentezen Franklin, you’ll see how the fastest way to change your life is to change your words.


    Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. -Hebrews 10:23

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    May 23, 2021 Flies in the Ointment

    The heat of the summer brings house flies, gnats, and mosquitos. Where we live in Georgia, if you don’t take them on early and come up with a strategy to protect your home, they’ll overtake you! They take over your house, your yard and before you know it, they are everywhere. Scripture says sin is like a fly defiling something that is precious. Are we as careful to protect our heart against sin as we are protecting our home against insects? In this message, Pastor Jentezen Franklin unpacks the importance of being intentional about protecting ourselves against that which wants to defile us...protecting ourselves against sin.

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    May 9, 2021 Life After Life

    Growing up in church I remember hearing the song “I’ll fly away” at least twelve thousand times. The funny thing was, it always sounded so dreary. Who wants to sing about dying? Then one day I just read the lyrics, and I got it! Back in 1929 Albert E. Brumley got a glimpse of what awaited him on the other side of this life and wrote this famous hymn, which has been renewing hope in people since the depression era. If you fear death, the Gospel is even better news than you think. This week Pastor Jentezen Franklin helps us develop a more biblical picture of life after life.

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    May 2, 2021 The Secrets of the Covenant

    Covenant is an interesting word. The Hebrew word for covenant literally means to cut, or to shed blood. A covenant in the biblical sense means blood has been shed by one or both parties in pledge to the other. In our current culture, promises are often taken lightly. But when we fully understand the power of the covenant we have in Christ, it is nothing short of life-changing. It was not a promise made in haste, but a new and final blood covenant that would cover all of humanity. This week, Pastor Jentezen Franklin unlocks the secrets of the covenant for those who are willing to enter in.

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    April 24, 2021 Saul's Last Supper

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    April 18, 2021 Raise Your Voice

    The enemy has no allies. He attacks his own just as he attacks those who are striving to live for God. The difference is that you and I, as children of God, have access to help! In these unprecedented times, we are all fighting battles. Some of you are facing fear and uncertainty that you’ve never known, and we cannot stay silent and pretend everything is OK. As you’ll learn in this message, silence is a sin in the “city.” When you’re in the “city of God” all you have to do is raise your voice and the Rescuer will come running. Before you run from God, run to Him!

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    April 18, 2021 Raise Your Voice, Part 2

    The enemy has no allies. He attacks his own just as he attacks those who are striving to live for God. The difference is that you and I, as children of God, have access to help! In these unprecedented times, we are all fighting battles. Some of you are facing fear and uncertainty that you’ve never known, and we cannot stay silent and pretend everything is OK. As you’ll learn in this message, silence is a sin in the “city.” When you’re in the “city of God” all you have to do is raise your voice and the Rescuer will come running. Before you run from God, run to Him!

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    April 18, 2021 Raise Your Voice

    The enemy has no allies. He attacks his own just as he attacks those who are striving to live for God. The difference is that you and I, as children of God, have access to help! In these unprecedented times, we are all fighting battles. Some of you are facing fear and uncertainty that you’ve never known, and we cannot stay silent and pretend everything is OK. As you’ll learn in this message, silence is a sin in the “city.” When you’re in the “city of God” all you have to do is raise your voice and the Rescuer will come running. Before you run from God, run to Him!

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    April 18, 2021 Raise Your Voice

    The enemy has no allies. He attacks his own just as he attacks those who are striving to live for God. The difference is that you and I, as children of God, have access to help! In these unprecedented times, we are all fighting battles. Some of you are facing fear and uncertainty that you’ve never known, and we cannot stay silent and pretend everything is OK. As you’ll learn in this message, silence is a sin in the “city.” When you’re in the “city of God” all you have to do is raise your voice and the Rescuer will come running. Before you run from God, run to Him!

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    April 18, 2021 Raise Your Voice

    The enemy has no allies. He attacks his own just as he attacks those who are striving to live for God. The difference is that you and I, as children of God, have access to help! In these unprecedented times, we are all fighting battles. Some of you are facing fear and uncertainty that you’ve never known, and we cannot stay silent and pretend everything is OK. As you’ll learn in this message, silence is a sin in the “city.” When you’re in the “city of God” all you have to do is raise your voice and the Rescuer will come running. Before you run from God, run to Him!

  • volume_up
    April 18, 2021 Raise Your Voice

    The enemy has no allies. He attacks his own just as he attacks those who are striving to live for God. The difference is that you and I, as children of God, have access to help! In these unprecedented times, we are all fighting battles. Some of you are facing fear and uncertainty that you’ve never known, and we cannot stay silent and pretend everything is OK. As you’ll learn in this message, silence is a sin in the “city.” When you’re in the “city of God” all you have to do is raise your voice and the Rescuer will come running. Before you run from God, run to Him!

  • volume_up
    April 18, 2021 Raise Your Voice

    The enemy has no allies. He attacks his own just as he attacks those who are striving to live for God. The difference is that you and I, as children of God, have access to help! In these unprecedented times, we are all fighting battles. Some of you are facing fear and uncertainty that you’ve never known, and we cannot stay silent and pretend everything is OK. As you’ll learn in this message, silence is a sin in the “city.” When you’re in the “city of God” all you have to do is raise your voice and the Rescuer will come running. Before you run from God, run to Him!

  • volume_up
    April 18, 2021 Raise Your Voice

    The enemy has no allies. He attacks his own just as he attacks those who are striving to live for God. The difference is that you and I, as children of God, have access to help! In these unprecedented times, we are all fighting battles. Some of you are facing fear and uncertainty that you’ve never known, and we cannot stay silent and pretend everything is OK. As you’ll learn in this message, silence is a sin in the “city.” When you’re in the “city of God” all you have to do is raise your voice and the Rescuer will come running. Before you run from God, run to Him!

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    April 18, 2021 Raise Your Voice

    The enemy has no allies. He attacks his own just as he attacks those who are striving to live for God. The difference is that you and I, as children of God, have access to help! In these unprecedented times, we are all fighting battles. Some of you are facing fear and uncertainty that you’ve never known, and we cannot stay silent and pretend everything is OK. As you’ll learn in this message, silence is a sin in the “city.” When you’re in the “city of God” all you have to do is raise your voice and the Rescuer will come running. Before you run from God, run to Him!

  • volume_up
    April 18, 2021 Raise Your Voice

    The enemy has no allies. He attacks his own just as he attacks those who are striving to live for God. The difference is that you and I, as children of God, have access to help! In these unprecedented times, we are all fighting battles. Some of you are facing fear and uncertainty that you’ve never known, and we cannot stay silent and pretend everything is OK. As you’ll learn in this message, silence is a sin in the “city.” When you’re in the “city of God” all you have to do is raise your voice and the Rescuer will come running. Before you run from God, run to Him!

  • volume_up
    April 18, 2021 Raise Your Voice

    The enemy has no allies. He attacks his own just as he attacks those who are striving to live for God. The difference is that you and I, as children of God, have access to help! In these unprecedented times, we are all fighting battles. Some of you are facing fear and uncertainty that you’ve never known, and we cannot stay silent and pretend everything is OK. As you’ll learn in this message, silence is a sin in the “city.” When you’re in the “city of God” all you have to do is raise your voice and the Rescuer will come running. Before you run from God, run to Him!

  • volume_up
    April 18, 2021 Raise Your Voice

    The enemy has no allies. He attacks his own just as he attacks those who are striving to live for God. The difference is that you and I, as children of God, have access to help! In these unprecedented times, we are all fighting battles. Some of you are facing fear and uncertainty that you’ve never known, and we cannot stay silent and pretend everything is OK. As you’ll learn in this message, silence is a sin in the “city.” When you’re in the “city of God” all you have to do is raise your voice and the Rescuer will come running. Before you run from God, run to Him!

  • volume_up
    April 18, 2021 Raise Your Voice

    The enemy has no allies. He attacks his own just as he attacks those who are striving to live for God. The difference is that you and I, as children of God, have access to help! In these unprecedented times, we are all fighting battles. Some of you are facing fear and uncertainty that you’ve never known, and we cannot stay silent and pretend everything is OK. As you’ll learn in this message, silence is a sin in the “city.” When you’re in the “city of God” all you have to do is raise your voice and the Rescuer will come running. Before you run from God, run to Him!

  • volume_up
    April 18, 2021 Raise Your Voice

    The enemy has no allies. He attacks his own just as he attacks those who are striving to live for God. The difference is that you and I, as children of God, have access to help! In these unprecedented times, we are all fighting battles. Some of you are facing fear and uncertainty that you’ve never known, and we cannot stay silent and pretend everything is OK. As you’ll learn in this message, silence is a sin in the “city.” When you’re in the “city of God” all you have to do is raise your voice and the Rescuer will come running. Before you run from God, run to Him!

  • volume_up
    April 18, 2021 Raise Your Voice

    The enemy has no allies. He attacks his own just as he attacks those who are striving to live for God. The difference is that you and I, as children of God, have access to help! In these unprecedented times, we are all fighting battles. Some of you are facing fear and uncertainty that you’ve never known, and we cannot stay silent and pretend everything is OK. As you’ll learn in this message, silence is a sin in the “city.” When you’re in the “city of God” all you have to do is raise your voice and the Rescuer will come running. Before you run from God, run to Him!

  • volume_up
    April 18, 2021 Raise Your Voice

    The enemy has no allies. He attacks his own just as he attacks those who are striving to live for God. The difference is that you and I, as children of God, have access to help! In these unprecedented times, we are all fighting battles. Some of you are facing fear and uncertainty that you’ve never known, and we cannot stay silent and pretend everything is OK. As you’ll learn in this message, silence is a sin in the “city.” When you’re in the “city of God” all you have to do is raise your voice and the Rescuer will come running. Before you run from God, run to Him!

  • volume_up
    April 18, 2021 Raise Your Voice

    The enemy has no allies. He attacks his own just as he attacks those who are striving to live for God. The difference is that you and I, as children of God, have access to help! In these unprecedented times, we are all fighting battles. Some of you are facing fear and uncertainty that you’ve never known, and we cannot stay silent and pretend everything is OK. As you’ll learn in this message, silence is a sin in the “city.” When you’re in the “city of God” all you have to do is raise your voice and the Rescuer will come running. Before you run from God, run to Him!

  • volume_up
    April 18, 2021 Raise Your Voice

    The enemy has no allies. He attacks his own just as he attacks those who are striving to live for God. The difference is that you and I, as children of God, have access to help! In these unprecedented times, we are all fighting battles. Some of you are facing fear and uncertainty that you’ve never known, and we cannot stay silent and pretend everything is OK. As you’ll learn in this message, silence is a sin in the “city.” When you’re in the “city of God” all you have to do is raise your voice and the Rescuer will come running. Before you run from God, run to Him!

  • volume_up
    April 18, 2021 Raise Your Voice

    The enemy has no allies. He attacks his own just as he attacks those who are striving to live for God. The difference is that you and I, as children of God, have access to help! In these unprecedented times, we are all fighting battles. Some of you are facing fear and uncertainty that you’ve never known, and we cannot stay silent and pretend everything is OK. As you’ll learn in this message, silence is a sin in the “city.” When you’re in the “city of God” all you have to do is raise your voice and the Rescuer will come running. Before you run from God, run to Him!

  • volume_up
    April 18, 2021 Raise Your Voice

    The enemy has no allies. He attacks his own just as he attacks those who are striving to live for God. The difference is that you and I, as children of God, have access to help! In these unprecedented times, we are all fighting battles. Some of you are facing fear and uncertainty that you’ve never known, and we cannot stay silent and pretend everything is OK. As you’ll learn in this message, silence is a sin in the “city.” When you’re in the “city of God” all you have to do is raise your voice and the Rescuer will come running. Before you run from God, run to Him!

  • volume_up
    April 18, 2021 Raise Your Voice

    The enemy has no allies. He attacks his own just as he attacks those who are striving to live for God. The difference is that you and I, as children of God, have access to help! In these unprecedented times, we are all fighting battles. Some of you are facing fear and uncertainty that you’ve never known, and we cannot stay silent and pretend everything is OK. As you’ll learn in this message, silence is a sin in the “city.” When you’re in the “city of God” all you have to do is raise your voice and the Rescuer will come running. Before you run from God, run to Him!

  • volume_up
    April 18, 2021 Raise Your Voice

    The enemy has no allies. He attacks his own just as he attacks those who are striving to live for God. The difference is that you and I, as children of God, have access to help! In these unprecedented times, we are all fighting battles. Some of you are facing fear and uncertainty that you’ve never known, and we cannot stay silent and pretend everything is OK. As you’ll learn in this message, silence is a sin in the “city.” When you’re in the “city of God” all you have to do is raise your voice and the Rescuer will come running. Before you run from God, run to Him!

  • volume_up
    April 18, 2021 Raise Your Voice

    The enemy has no allies. He attacks his own just as he attacks those who are striving to live for God. The difference is that you and I, as children of God, have access to help! In these unprecedented times, we are all fighting battles. Some of you are facing fear and uncertainty that you’ve never known, and we cannot stay silent and pretend everything is OK. As you’ll learn in this message, silence is a sin in the “city.” When you’re in the “city of God” all you have to do is raise your voice and the Rescuer will come running. Before you run from God, run to Him!

  • volume_up
    April 18, 2021 Raise Your Voice

    The enemy has no allies. He attacks his own just as he attacks those who are striving to live for God. The difference is that you and I, as children of God, have access to help! In these unprecedented times, we are all fighting battles. Some of you are facing fear and uncertainty that you’ve never known, and we cannot stay silent and pretend everything is OK. As you’ll learn in this message, silence is a sin in the “city.” When you’re in the “city of God” all you have to do is raise your voice and the Rescuer will come running. Before you run from God, run to Him!

  • volume_up
    April 18, 2021 Raise Your Voice

    The enemy has no allies. He attacks his own just as he attacks those who are striving to live for God. The difference is that you and I, as children of God, have access to help! In these unprecedented times, we are all fighting battles. Some of you are facing fear and uncertainty that you’ve never known, and we cannot stay silent and pretend everything is OK. As you’ll learn in this message, silence is a sin in the “city.” When you’re in the “city of God” all you have to do is raise your voice and the Rescuer will come running. Before you run from God, run to Him!

  • volume_up
    April 18, 2021 Raise Your Voice

    The enemy has no allies. He attacks his own just as he attacks those who are striving to live for God. The difference is that you and I, as children of God, have access to help! In these unprecedented times, we are all fighting battles. Some of you are facing fear and uncertainty that you’ve never known, and we cannot stay silent and pretend everything is OK. As you’ll learn in this message, silence is a sin in the “city.” When you’re in the “city of God” all you have to do is raise your voice and the Rescuer will come running. Before you run from God, run to Him!

  • volume_up
    April 18, 2021 Raise Your Voice

    The enemy has no allies. He attacks his own just as he attacks those who are striving to live for God. The difference is that you and I, as children of God, have access to help! In these unprecedented times, we are all fighting battles. Some of you are facing fear and uncertainty that you’ve never known, and we cannot stay silent and pretend everything is OK. As you’ll learn in this message, silence is a sin in the “city.” When you’re in the “city of God” all you have to do is raise your voice and the Rescuer will come running. Before you run from God, run to Him!