volume_upFebruary 16, 2022 The Holy Spirit & You
Did you know that the Lord Jesus himself said 'It is to your advantage that I depart'. Adding "...Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you." (John 16:7). The expose about our relationship with the Holy Spirit in and around those chapters of the Bible are therefore without question of 'life giving' importance. However, more often than not movements have been made to silence the Spirit of God in our midst in - quenching him and shoving Him out of a space Christ died to have him be firmly a part of. Thank you for tuning in and don’t forget to subscribe to go On-Demand.
volume_upFebruary 9, 2022 Preparing to Follow Him Pt.2
Join Pastor Moses Anderson for this week's Communion House podcast, 'Preparing to Follow Him Pt.2'. Ready your ears and your heart for this expose, for when it comes to Jesus' soon coming return many seem to all but ignore any reference to it; so much so our hearts are all but dulled to the idea or even a fearful rise 'that's the end of our lives' comes to mind. Reconsider this thought and silence it - for His second coming is one of joy, anticipation, wholeness and fulfillment of our redemption in full and that is certainly worth celebrating. Thank you for tuning in and don’t forget to subscribe to go On-Demand.
volume_upFebruary 2, 2022 Preparing to Follow Him Pt.1
Have you ever heard the saying, ’failed to prepare? then prepare to fail’. Praise God this will never be said about us when it comes to preparing the follow the Lord. Let us have a heart always ready to serve him, ignited for Him and alive to Him. Let us make a commitment to prepare our hearts no matter where he might lead us! Thank you for tuning in and don’t forget to subscribe to go On-Demand.
volume_upJanuary 26, 2022 Jesus says Look Up
Isn't it far too easy to focus on the things we see right in front of us? Too often our current circumstance framed by our past - be it disappointments or challenges - can constitute the lens of which our whole lives outlook is seen through. As a 'young believer' it was easy to believe, dream, and throw the net of faith out again to haul in the catch; but once 'Life' has dealt a few right hooks it can be heard to come swinging back off the ropes. A popular Netflix movie dons a title in total contradiction to this week's podcast title suggesting we 'don't look up' but quite the contrary Jesus says to us all - 'Look Up!'. Look up to Him - beyond anything and everything we see around us be it personal or indeed global. He is after all the author and the finisher of our Faith (Hebrews 12:2) so lets dust ourselves down, reclaim who we are in Him and believe afresh for good to happen all around us. Thank you for tuning in and don’t forget to subscribe to go On-Demand.
volume_upJanuary 19, 2022 Mary & the Gospel
Do you know that the name Mary can mean rebellion from its Hebrew roots? When you consider then the relationship between Mary and the Gospel - you can now discern a much deeper and fresher meaning between their important connection. We all need to be like Mary - rebellious to say NO in the face of temptation, adversity, or indeed any lure of seduction. Join Pastor Moses Anderson as he explains the alabastar jar, the character of Mary and just how it should deeply influence our relationship with the Gospel. Thank you for tuning in and don’t forget to subscribe to go On-Demand.
volume_upJanuary 12, 2022 Dogs & Giants
Numbers tells the full story of the 12 spies the Prophet Moses selected to spy out the promised land of Canaan. Where many were unfaithful as the story goes Caleb responded “Let us go up at once and occupy it, for we are well able to overcome it.†(Numbers 13:30). Let us therefore be a Caleb generation in our epoch, believers who stand and know their God is fully able to do more than we can dream, think or imagine. Giants will fall when we step forth in Faith. Get ready for an incredible message from our Lead Pastor Moses Anderson. Thank you for tuning in and don’t forget to subscribe to go On-Demand.
volume_upJanuary 5, 2022 Defeating the Enemy Within
Defeating the Enemy Within, sounds easy doesn’t it? But so often our worst enemy can be ourselves! What we speak over ourselves, what we confess, what we fear and in all honesty whatever we begin to believe contrary to the word of God can be a self dug grave to our demise. It’s time to change our heart and weed out all lies and deceit believed within us returning to a sure foundation of Christ Jesus himself. Depart slavery and come home to Sonship to our Heavenly Father. Thank you for tuning in and don’t forget to subscribe to go On-Demand.
volume_upDecember 29, 2021 The Church of Laodicea
The Church of Laodicea is the 7th and final church addressed in Revelation 3:15-16 ultimately suggesting a 'lukewarm' heart and departure from God that was wholly displeasing in His sight. Join Lead Pastor Moses Anderson as he details how today's church is fastly becoming this church and how we all need to heed the prophecy with renewed vigor, looking once again to ignite our hearts for Christ before it's too late. It's time to ignite again with fresh zest beyond any circumstance and situation looking to the author and finisher of our faith. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upDecember 22, 2021 How to be Born Again
In Romans 10:9, Paul writes "..if you confess with your mouth , "Jesus is Lord" and believe in your heart that god raised Him from the dead, you will be saved". There's no more of an important message in the Bible than that Gospel Truth; in any season, wherever you find this podcast - come home to Christ! Tune in to hear Lead Pastor Moses Anderson's timely sermon 'How to be Born Again' as he discusses this paramount Good News and how to walk out our lives activated in the salvation Christ paid on the Cross to give us. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upDecember 15, 2021 Fighting the Good Fight
It's time to lace up those gloves again, put the mouth guard in and get ready to go the full 18 rounds. There's no throwing in the towel when it comes to God, when He's in your corner victory must follow. Some of us may have 'downed tools' and taken a bruise or two in life, but that doesn't mean God didn't have us right where he wanted us - and it's time for us to embrace all he has right here, and right now. Just as 1st Timothy 6:12 reads, Paul's charge to Timothy, "Fight the good fight of Faith". Get ready for a very timely teaching as you tune into this message from Lead Pastor Moses Anderson. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upDecember 8, 2021 Time to Die to Religion | Time to Die Pt. II
Join Lead Pastor Moses Anderson for Part 2 of of the Time to Die Series. This week's podcast episode brings a timely focus on dying to religion and obtaining the true relationship with Christ. Tune in as Pastor Moses details a death to religion; in the sense for what it brings about including a disunity unparalleled in the body of Christ just in differences of theology when we only have one Written Word before us and an enlightening of ho how the 'ritual' of religion itself has maligned so many. This is a podcast not to be missed. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upDecember 1, 2021 Time to Die to Self | Time to Die Pt.1
So many times the point of stumbling in our walk with Chirst or perhaps a better phrase is 'that which is holding us back' is the man in the mirror. If we allow our decision making to be fueled by our own desires, expectations, wants, needs and even emotions without even consulting God - we're in for a very bumpy ride. But there is another way and our Heavenly Father has the correct pursuit layed out for us - we just need to take the first step, denying ourselves and trusting God. Tune into Part 1 of our Time to Die series as Lead Pastor Moses Anderson brings out a timely call that it's time to die to self. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upNovember 24, 2021 How to stop serving mammon
Sometimes we can quickly allow ourselves to be controlled to the beat of someone else's drum. Our responsibilities, particularly when it comes to work can be so 'hustle' fueled parodies we forget to down tools and just take a breathe and rest in Him, our family and the joy filled blessing of the circumstance around us. And the former is just one of many examples how we all can easily allow the system to control us, rather than getting the need of what we need out of the system whilst maintaining our life for Christ at the same time. It's a balance we all struggle with so join Lead Pastor Moses Anderson as he dives into 'How to stop serving mammon'. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upNovember 17, 2021 The United Church
The Lord Jesus is looking for His Church, His Bride to be unified. No longer in petty disagreements over doctrine or tribal affiliations to denominations but true unity around all that He has said. Jesus Christ is perfect theology and it's time to fully entrust ourselves to Him. That includes all he has said, which he has heard the Father saying and all that His Holy Spirit continues to say this day unto all the churches. Tune into hear this very timely rallying call from Lead Pastor Moses Anderson as he encourages us to unify beyond any disagreement and in true focus for our Lord Jesus Christ. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upNovember 10, 2021 Don't Worry, Be Happy
'Don't worry, be happy' - maybe that very phrase gets the whistling soundtrack of the popular song alive in your head? It's an easy song to listen to but it's a much harder concept to live out. Praise God therefore for God's divine enablement by HIs Son Jesus Christ via His price paid victory on the Cross that allows us communion with by His Holy Spirit. We're divinely enabled for any circumstance that comes our way of course, but we must also choose to silence the thoughts in our head verbally - not just in an internal battle of the mind. Join Pastor Moses Anderson for this timely exhortation and much needed focus. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upNovember 3, 2021 Why Jesus gave us the Keys
There are many things which claim to be the key to having a 'good' life. This rhetoric often poses itself as an absolute, a quick fix or those 5 steps to an amazing life. But Jesus, our Lord, said it like this 'I am the way, the truth and the life' (John 14:6). If there were anyone to trust for the keys to have a fulfilling life, I think we can all agree with a statement like this there is only one person to entrust our life to. Tune into this timely teaching from Pastor Moses Anderson as he brings to light just what keys Jesus has given us and why he did so. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upOctober 27, 2021 Occupy your Heart with the Kingdom
It's easy to be preoccupied on the wrong thing, to marinate too long on that thought or simply be distracted by 'good things' that they wear us out. Consider this, a person can be so preoccupied serving or volunteering at their local church that they accrue to their 'God time' nut yet have little time for their own personal Bible study or prayer. But true time spent with God IS that time of separation with Him, His Word and His Spirit; seeking His face, listening and speaking to Him in prayer and receiving what He has for you! With such an example, isn't it time for us all to recalibrate and 'Seek first the Kingdom of God' (Matthew 6:33) just as the Word says? I think you'll agree this is a message we all should occupy our mind to. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upOctober 20, 2021 A Lost Victory Restored
"The Battle is the Lord's, we need only to stand still" (ref: Exodus 14:14). Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are perpetually victorious; no matter what we walk through and despite all we might experience our destination is trophy laden and full of the spoils of great things for He has paid for it All! The fruit we bare is all to His Glory, for its dependence is not on the things which we do but all about our heart being positionally surrendered in a place of worship ready for the Master's use! When it comes to this sermon, 'A Lost Victory Restored' join Pastor Moses Anderson as he expresses this timely reminder with absolute precision. This is one not to be missed! Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content! "The Battle is the Lord's, we need only to stand still" (Exodus 14:14)
volume_upOctober 13, 2021 Choose Your Friends Wisely
The Bible says in Proverbs; "A righteous man is cautious in friendship, but the way of the wicked leads them astray." (Proverbs 12:26). With divine wisdom as such at our disposal in the Word of God, we are without excuse. The previous also eludes that friendships can be a perilous pursuit; thank God then that we are armed with every utensil of discernment by His Holy Spirit. What a gift we have received from our Lord Jesus Christ, straight from the arms of our Heavenly Father - for it is truly to our advantage to have such a relationship that endorses our life to its fullest! Tune into this timely teaching from Lead Pastor Moses Anderson as he describes just how we all need to 'Choose our Friends Wisely'. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upOctober 6, 2021 How to Receive God's Help
A famous song by the Beatles once said, "Won't you please, please help me!". However more often than not we're not willing to ask for help when we need it the most. Perhaps we all could be due taking the song more to heart, lay our pride aside and embrace God with a simple question - 'Please help me God' - no matter what it's for! For His understanding far outweighs the value of our own. Tune into this timely exhortation from Pastor Moses Anderson. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upSeptember 29, 2021 Letting Your Soul Prosper
Our Destiny is one which is meant to be prosperous; prosperous in joy resulting in a certain sense of fulfillment. Many people in all walks of life chase that desired outcome but yet find it to be ever elusive. Perhaps therefore it's easy to be lead astray or indeed influenced by factors around us - a retuning is therefore no bad thing and when it comes to our Soul, there is no retuning more paramount. And we have full access to the needed utensils to make that happen - just read 2 Timothy 3:16-17 for more explanation. With that, join Pastor Moses Anderson for this timely focus of 'Letting your Soul Prosper'. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upSeptember 22, 2021 Live Free
Would you rather 'Live bound' or 'Live Free'? We all know the answer to that question without a moment's hesitation! Freedom would be our first choice every time. But do you know that many of us live out life in the former rather than the latter? If we don't know who we are and what position we hold, no matter what walk of life we find ourselves in, we would quickly find ourselves being taken advantage of - that's no different when it comes to the things of God; especially when you consider '...we have an enemy who prowls around like a lion looking for those we can devour' (1st Peter 5:8). But there's only one true Lion - the Lion of Judah (Revelation 5:5) who is firmly on our side, it's time to wake up and live free! Join Pastor Moses Anderson for this timely focus and encouraging word. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upSeptember 15, 2021 Hear God Now
Sometimes we always question if we can hear God? However in the season we find ourselves in it is undoubted that the Heavens are open and our Father is speaking expressly to those who have a willing heart, head and ear to hear. Tuning out what is around us and earnestly seeking to hear His voice is a very honorable and hugely commendable in the epoch we find ourselves. In this episode join Lead Pastor Moses Anderson as empowered by the Spirit he illustrates how we can sharpen our sense of hearing God by reason of use. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upSeptember 8, 2021 The Power of Anticipation
That which we anticipate, or what we look forward to is often something we give added attention and a lot more due concern too. This influence can be so far reaching that it can affect or mood, preparation and reactions to every waking moment, from the mundane to the extraordinary. When you consider the Lord Jesus Christ's return? What affect does the mere mention of this have upon your psyche? Are you filled with anticipation or is it perhaps dread and bewilderment - there's definitely a correct way to look to His coming and how that should activate us and the former is definitely the correct mode! Join Pastor Moses Anderson, Lead Pastor at Communion House as he tackles this very subject with poise and studied expertise alerting us again to that we should look to His coming in full joy and anticipation. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upSeptember 1, 2021 Seeing with your Ears
The Lord speaks expressly to ears that are open to Him! Just as Revelation 2:29 says and Matthew 11:15 both note, Let us who have ears hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying. What we hear is crucial; be it what we can live out in our faith from what we hear from God in emboldened obedience or similarly the tangible moments the the Lord has prepared for us sparked by inspiring testimonies of old. This teaching goes deeper still as Pastor Moses Anderson, Lead Pastor at Communion House takes us on a timely focus of the importance of hearing from God and seeing what we hear! Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upAugust 25, 2021 Stop Fighting the Wrong Enemy
This epoch of time will forever be known for political divisiveness; so much so there can be hostility between loved ones, friends, communities, whilst even dripping into our church environments too; and that's not to mention any other subject such as vaccinations! It's time to stop fighting one another and start focusing on the Lord Jesus and indeed the common enemy we have always had - 'the accuser of the brethren' (Revelation 12:10), satan and all his forces of darkness. Thanks for tuning into this timely sermon from Lead Pastor Moses Anderson, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upAugust 18, 2021 Don't Miss Signs of His Appearing
Join Pastor Moses Anderson, Lead Pastor at Communion House as he encourages all to be well aware of what God is saying in the season we find ourselves in today. This is a message not to be missed as we prepare our hearts for that fateful day of the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is fateful and joyous revelation that the day of our salvation is closer now than when we first believed (Romans 13:11). Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upAugust 11, 2021 Intercession - The DNA of the Covenant
Join Lead Pastor Moses Anderson for an insightful study into the Power of Intercessory prayer; for truly it is the very DNA of operation for the covenant we have in Christ Jesus. Get ready to absorb a very timely teaching worth every bit of your focus and attention. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upAugust 4, 2021 The Power of Obedience
“Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.†Jesus own words in the Gospel of John 14: 23. There is no truer words to say, that following Christ successfully is quite contingent upon listening to His voice, studying His Word and living out a life of actioned obedience. Join Pastor Moses Anderson for 'The Power of Obedience' as he explains this very notion of importance in great detail that will leave you wanting more. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upJuly 28, 2021 Know God, Know People
The more intimately we know and understand our Heavenly Father, the better we will understand the many facets of people around us. The Bible says in Jeremiah 1:5 that before He formed us in the womb that He knew us - so if ever we needed the inside scoop from someone you truly 'gets us' then it's from God himself. He can help us navigate every personality trait and even how to maneuver and work with a person in partnership so that there's growth to be had for us all. Tune in to hear Lead Pastor Moses Anderson deliver a timely teaching about this very subject and beyond. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upJuly 21, 2021 The Unspoken Ministry of Christ
Join Lead Pastor Moses Anderson as he takes us on a journey of realization that too often the Unspoken Ministry of Christ is witnessed in the fact that the Word of God that we have free access to is too often undervalued and ignored. Sometimes it's even replaced by mere analogy or paraphrase. But what are we missing by not marinating in the written promises of God? Well, there's an abundance of promises and equipping galore beyond what we could even begin to fathom available in the ease of His Life giving covenant. The reality is however you can only be in the know if you choose to be in the know. It's time to rediscover out passion for the written word of God and speak it out. Let the unspoken be spoken! Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upJuly 14, 2021 Growing in Grace
Growth, it's something we yearn for in many areas of our lives. We want to better our temperament, our physical exercise regime, our knowledge or perhaps as the saying goes you may want to grow out Horizons. Look no further if you desire to grow in all these areas and even more! It't time to grow in the knowledge of the Saving Grace we have in our Lord Jesus Christ and how we should live actioned within such an operation of His Love never ending. Join Pastor Moses Anderson for this timely teaching. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upJuly 7, 2021 Know Your God
The Bible says in Daniel 11.32 that 'those who know their God will be strong and do great exploits'. That intimacy with Him is a key to life both in the here and now but also into life eternal. Tune into hear Lead Pastor Moses Anderson unpack this key to obtaining and activating the intimacy we can have with God in full knowing of our Loving Heavenly Father. This embrace, we guarantee, will be life changing! Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upJune 30, 2021 Win the Battle Within
So many times the greatest battles we face are the ones we face internally, our mental wellbeing being the key battle ground. However if we can equip ourselves correctly in how to fight these battles, centering ourselves in God's Word while abiding in Him, the key to a life of daily victory we so desire might be ever closer than we think. It's time to Win the Battle Within! Tune into hear Pastor Moses Anderson with this vey timely word! Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upJune 23, 2021 Secure your Heart
Have you ever heard the saying, that you can 'capture hearts and minds' with good storytelling? This point dips the toes for us that the seat of emotion (the heart) and the seat of thought (the mind) or what we feel and what we think are very well linked in an interdependency. Securing such a partnership is therefore quite crucial especially if such a union could well be under attack on a daily basis. Tune into hear Pastor Moses Anderson unpack much more on this topic about the importance of Securing your Heart (Proverbs 4:23). Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upJune 16, 2021 Get Ready
The old saying goes 'Failing to prepare is preparing to fail'. But when it comes to being a Christian what does that preparation look like? It can too often surprise us that the preparation we need is in fact simple; that is: to embrace the knowledge and understanding of who God says we are and what He has already given us. It's drawing closer to Him and realizing He sees us as a Son and a Daughter of His very own choosing. Join Lead Pastor Moses Anderson as he illustrates that we embrace this identity and truly walk in it things that once hindered will not be the end of our story but the beginning of our testimony - it's time to align, embrace, abide and get ready. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upJune 9, 2021 Faith over Fear
The Bible says "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." (2nd Timothy 1:7). The previous is one of the most quotable scriptures to say but yet it is fastly becoming quite the more challenging mindsets to abide in. Join Outreach Pastor Will Holliday for this podcast episode as he eludes to us just how important it is to be grounded in the fearless goodness of Christ Jesus and operate in a mindset above fear. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upJune 2, 2021 Return the Favor | The Order of the Kingdom Pt. III
Choosing to reside in God's favor is a way for us to intensify our experience of God's presence. Within such an actioning is another worthy cause, Praising God for something as if he has already done it; that unction is truly is operating in full trust and returning the favor to God in heart abandoned. Ready to know more? Tune in to hear Pastor Moses Anderson tackle for Part 3 of the Order of the Kingdom series addressing these very timely concepts. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upMay 26, 2021 The Order of Praise | The Order of the Kingdom Pt. II
Imagine a disorderly kingdom, it wouldn't be a very successful kingdom at all would it? That which we care about, we give attention to be it: our homes, our loved ones, our circumstances, even our job - they all require a level of routine maintenance and indeed, management. With that heart comes the "Order of the Kingdom" series, as Lead Pastor Moses Anderson takes us though this timely cross examination of the the focus we need to place on the Kingdom of God and inherent study as how a growing exuberance is needed in us to take hold of what God has prepared for us within said Kingdom. Join us for Pt.2 as Pastor Moses looks at 'The Order of Praise'. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upMay 19, 2021 The Order of the Kingdom
Join Lead Pastor Moses Anderson for the incredible introduction to a new series entitled 'The Order of the Kingdom'. It's time for us to realize afresh the order, the structure and the establishment of the Kingdom of God here on Earth unto Heaven. If we don't know of these things how can we know and understand the priorities of heaven nor the pursuits of heaven amongst other things; listen in, to find out more! Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upApril 28, 2021 Joy is the Mark
Whatever mark of circumstance or event which tries to mark you, Stand Firm; for you are of a different mark! Joy is your mark and the markings which were bestowed upon Christ for our salvation and recompense were partaken in the full understanding of the Deity's sovereignty. It was the Father's joy, the Sons joy to unify His creation once more and now His Holy Spirit bears witness to that very mark. Let Joy be your mark this week and forevermore. Tune into hear Pastor Moses Anderson deliver this very timely message. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upApril 21, 2021 Rise Higher in Grace
2nd Timothy 1:9 reads "He [Christ Jesus] has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time,". What a friend we have in Jesus! What a Saviour we have in Him! Tune into Lead Pastor Moses Anderson as he leads a very timely teaching about how and why we all need to Rise Higher in the Grace of God and how our growing in grace is definitely a more than noble but crucial pursuit. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upApril 14, 2021 Build Your Resistance
Each of our individual endurance or personal stamina comes from our actioned practice or perseverance. They take hold via 'increase' i.e. be it by heading to the gym, or forming those new habits, perhaps even setting new boundaries or changing our lifestyle in said effort. Be it physical, societal or indeed occupational - we all endeavor to make changes for our betterment - but are we as vigilant in that process regards to regards our spiritual and mental wellbeing? It's time to Build our Resistance by addressing the most foundational matter of utmost importance so much so it's a matter of life and death; it's time to grow and increase in who we are in Christ Jesus and all He says about Who We Are. Tune into this very timely teaching from Pastor Moses Anderson as he unpackages how we can 'Build Your Resistance'. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upApril 7, 2021 The Unknown God
Investigating Paul's speech at the Areopagus, or Mars Hill, in Athens, Greece in Acts 17 before the best civic leaders and minds of the time; tune in as Pastor Moses Anderson retells this poignant episode where Paul digs deep into the Athenian psyche over the altar to the 'Unknown God'. As Daniel 11:32 details, those that know their God shall be strong and do great exploits - how blessed are we then to have greater a knowledge and intimacy with God at our very fingertips through Jesus Christ our Lord. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upMarch 31, 2021 Tuning Out the Noise to Hear More Clearly
The world can be a noisy and unfortunately distraction is common place for our attention. When life's decisions have lasting consequences on both yourself and your family the weighted yoke can be hard to bear alone. The truth is, you need not bear it alone - in fact that yoke is not befitting of a Son and Daughter of the Living God. You may ask, How do you know this? Be knowing His Word, both written and spoken. But there's one crucial ingredient to this success, being able to tune out the the wave length of distraction. Tune into this divine wavelength and arm yourself with some very timely teaching from Pastor Moses Anderson. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upMarch 24, 2021 Matthew 7:7 Explained
Join Pastor Moses Anderson for this timely extract from our House2House In-Person gatherings. In this episode Pastor Moses takes us through a detailed analysis of Matthew 7:7 - ASK, SEEK & KNOCK! Have you ever thought that the door you desire to be opened in your life is hinged upon these very three principles not in isolation but are in fact interconnected. It's time to unlock a genuine key to living our lives well and opening our heart to an even more treasured relationship with our God and King Jesus Christ! Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upMarch 17, 2021 See Yourself From Above
Perspective is defined as "a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view". To gain a new perspective often takes a time of reflection allowing for a new focus of understanding; where it may be necessary to stand back and observe how and why you may do certain things. In all the perspectives we can grasp there is one of divine importance however and that's how our Heavenly Father sees us! The installation of a heavenly perspective is a daily download which is imperative for us all to be maintaining. Tune in for this timely message from our Lead Pastor Moses Anderson. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upMarch 10, 2021 7 Ways to Activate the Anointing
The anointing breaks the yoke! But do you know there are ways we can be deliberate to activate the anointing in our lives? Tune into hear Lead Pastor Moses Anderson unpackage 7 ways we can be poised to receive and be activated in our daily lives and in full operation. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upMarch 3, 2021 Seeking God's Presence
Familiarity can be defined as having a "close acquaintance with or knowledge of something.", knowing this definition it should be our daily goal to increase our familiarity with God. Our Heavenly Father, the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit in the fullness of the deity are accessible to us as believers but being only fleeting familiar with them is doing nothing but robbing ourselves of the full exposure of what God truly has for us. God has given us the authority to inhabit the office of Sons and Daughters of him but most of us are acting like we're merely just acquaintances; it's time to rectify that mindset. Tune into this timely teaching from Pastor Moses Anderson to find out more. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upFebruary 17, 2021 God's Presence & You
Knowing God's voice and marinating in His presence is crucial for the life of every believer. Believe it or not, be it God or another spiritual influence we're often unwittingly allowing ourselves to be swayed and guided more than we can care to admit. With such a battle going on for our mind's focus surely then it's crucial to understand the relationship between God's Presence and indeed, Ourselves! Tune into this timely extract from our House2House In-Person gatherings by Pastor Moses Anderson as he unpackages how important it is to get this balance right. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upFebruary 10, 2021 A Good Soldier of the Cross
Join Will Holliday our Outreach Pastor as he focuses on 2nd Timothy 2:4 and what it means to be a soldier in the army of God, the challenges and battles one may face and how alert we need to be to maintain our connection to high command, our Lord Jesus Christ. Whatever we face, whatever challenge comes our way - we must maintain our ranks, encourage one another and stand firm in our victorious stance. It's time to realize we are Soldiers of the Cross! Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upFebruary 3, 2021 The Wrecking Ball
Join Pastor Moses Anderson for a throwback sermon from April 2020 but nevertheless to a timely prophetic word we find in operation as we speak. For those of you who have followed our In-Person services you will know this has been highlighted again and again in our midst as one we should desire to re-listen to. The Wrecking Ball is one of those prophetic words which just keeps on delivering and one we know the Spirit of the Lord has spoken unto the churches. This is one not to be missed. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upJanuary 27, 2021 God's Wisdom for the Times
Join Pastor Moses Anderson for this insightful teaching titled "God's Wisdom for the Times". If we are to consult anyone about the seasons and circumstance we find ourselves in let us look to the the one who knows the end from the beginning and furthermore the one who promised to be with us always, even unto the end of the Ages (Matthew 28:20). Need we say any more? Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upJanuary 20, 2021 Have No Fear
Join Pastor Moses Anderson for a true rallying call for us all during the season: to 'Have no Fear'. It is said that the Bible says 'Fear Not' 365 times, that's once a day for a year - with such a consistency this is obviously a message that our Heavenly Father wants us to receive. And that reality doesn't come any simpler than 2nd Timothy 1:7, 'For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind'. Tune in to hear more from Pastor Moses on this timely teaching. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upJanuary 13, 2021 The New Jerusalem | Heaven's Real Estate Pt. 6
Join Pastor Moses Anderson for the concluding episode of the Heaven's Real Estate series as he describes the key to it all, the New Heaven & the New Earth and the city sent from Heaven to be with us here on Earth, the New Jerusalem 'where the river of the water of life flows' (Revelation 22:1). This is a very timely and powerful teaching to marinate in - so grab your bible, or listen on the go and hear what our Heavenly Father is saying unto the churches. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upJanuary 6, 2021 What are you Connected to? | Heaven's Real Estate Pt. 5
Join Pastor Moses Anderson for the full teaching of Pt 5 of Heaven's Real Estate series entitled 'What are you connected to?'. Tune into this timely focus as Communion House's Lead Pastor details the integral importance of where our source is located and indeed what we allow ourselves to be connected to. Taking insight from the circumstantial connections, relational connections - like friends, family, coworkers and more - and it can be cultural connections or indeed negative religious connections not grounded in God's word or truth. Tune into this profound teaching as Pastor Moses tackles these very tasks. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upDecember 30, 2020 Where is your heart located? | Heaven's Real Estate Pt. 4
Pastor Moses Anderson returns to the series with Pt 4 of Heaven's Real Estate focusing on WHERE we allow our heart to be located! Anyone with understanding of real estate will know all to well that the key is always location, location, location! So where are you letting your heart reside? Do you have it secured in good housing or prone to the elements with more maintenance? Tune into find out more! Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upDecember 23, 2020 There are No Graveyards in Heaven | Heaven's Real Estate Pt. 3
Join Will Holliday, our Outreach Pastor as he details Pt 3 of the Heaven's Real Estate Series with 'There are No Graveyards in Heaven'! What 6 foot deep mindsets that are not befitting to a Kingdom believer do you need to get rid of? How have you allowed circumstance to shape you when your destiny is authorised in Christ for so much more. Tune in to find out more as we find out there are No Graveyards in Heaven! Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upDecember 16, 2020 True Kingdom Assets | Heaven's Real Estate Pt. 2
We need to begin to realize our True Kingdom Assets, and indeed how we are a valued asset of the Kingdom in the hands of our Father. Join Lead Pastor Moses Anderson as he details Part 2 of a new impactful series: Heaven's Real Estate. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upDecember 9, 2020 Heaven's Real Estate Pt. 1
Did you know that Heaven's Real Estate and its Kingdom reflection are meant to be apparent here and now? It's just as the Lord's prayer says Father, let your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven (Matthew 6:9-13) . Join Lead Pastor Moses Anderson as he begins a new impactful series: Heaven's Real Estate. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upDecember 2, 2020 The Power to Make Things Happen
Join Pastor Moses Anderson for The Power to Make Things Happen; an instalment coming from the God of Creation series details how our positional understanding of who God says we are facilitates the supernatural in our lives beyond our wildest imaginations. You need to tune into this timely teaching! Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upNovember 25, 2020 Know who you are - A Discussion with Pastor Moses & George Lee
Join Pastor Moses Anderson & Communion House own George Lee for a discussion of on the importance of Knowing Who we are in Christ. This is one not to be missed as these stalwarts unpackage gems upon gems of God given experince and years wisdom to share with us all. Tune in to find out more. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upNovember 18, 2020 Draw Closer
It's time for us all to Draw Closer to Our God! Join Pastor Moses Anderson, Lead Pastor of Communion House for this timely exhortation of WHY we need to have desire to know our God deeper every moment of every day. So what are you waiting for it's time to dive into this teaching and get to know God deeper! Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upNovember 11, 2020 JOY! | The Winning Mind Pt. 4
Join Pastor Moses for the conclusion The Winning Mind series! We Need the Father's JOY! To have a Winning Mind is to have the mind of Christ, but what do we do with the complication of our subconscious? The subconscious are those reactions to everyday experiences carved by our experiences, culture and upbringing both good and bad; what we have to be sure of, IS, that our mind is grounded in Him - the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upNovember 4, 2020 The Winning Mind Pt. 3
Join Pastor Moses for the The Winning Mind Pt. 3! To have a Winning Mind is to have the mind of Christ, but what do we do with the complication of our subconscious? The subconscious are those reactions to everyday experiences carved by our experiences, culture and upbringing both good and bad; what we have to be sure of, IS, that our mind is grounded in Him - the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upOctober 28, 2020 The Winning Mind Pt. 2
Join Pastor Moses for Pt.2 of the Winning Mind Series! The Winning Mind is to have the mind of Christ, but what do we do with the complication of our subconscious? The subconscious are those reactions to everyday experiences carved by our experiences, culture and upbringing both good and bad; what we have to be sure of, IS, that our mind is grounded in Him - the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upOctober 21, 2020 Child of Love
The Bible says we cannot begin to imagine how wide, how long, how deep His Love is for us! (Ephesians 3:18). As a believer it can be so easy to register the Lordship of God, but do we comprehend the Father's Love - His care, heart, grace, wonder, refuge, mercy and so much more - that He has for us. The gospel truth of the Good News can be forgotten too easily in life's woes but let us not forget Jesus and his willingness alongside our Heavenly Father to bring us back in complete harmony with Him by the Cross. What a life we can now lead knowing our identity as a Child of Love, Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upOctober 14, 2020 The Winning Mind
The Winning Mind is to have the mind of Christ, but what do we do with the complication of our subconscious? The subconscious are those reactions to everyday experiences carved by our experiences, culture and upbringing both good and bad; what we have to be sure of, IS, that our mind is grounded in Him - the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ. Come and find out more with Pastor Moses Anderson. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upOctober 7, 2020 Powering your Life with Fasting
Join Pastor Moses for Pt. 2 for the Fasting series. Fasting is one of those things that can spark a debate or two in Christian circles but it's crucial to realise there's an importance in it. Our Lord Jesus said himself that, "But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting." (Matthew 17:21) in the area of deliverance from demonic oppression. Wow! What else may we be missing in not moving in such obedience? What does fasting look like and are we unwittingly moving in it more than we know? Come and find out more with Pastor Moses Anderson. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upSeptember 30, 2020 How Fasting Powers Your Prayers
Fasting is one of those things that can spark a debate or two in Christian circles but it's crucial to realise there's an importance in it. Our Lord Jesus said himself that, "But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting." (Matthew 17:21) in the area of deliverance from demonic oppression. Wow! What else may we be missing in not moving in such obedience? What does fasting look like and are we unwittingly moving in it more than we know? Come and find out more with Pastor Moses Anderson. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upSeptember 23, 2020 How to Stand
So often life can get us down, it's hard to know where to stand or even how to stand. Knowing that God stands with us through it all should encourage us to regain our vigor and rise again. But it's so important to know 'how and when' to stand and with 'whom'; thankfully the Bible points us in the right direction of people and the precursor - can we see Jesus in it & with it? Come and embrace this timely teaching by Pastor Moses Anderson to find out more. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upSeptember 16, 2020 Be 'Just' Friends
We might just be men and women, but we have been justified and made righteous by a powerful and living King by Faith! When we realize this, we can have such a unique life full of blessings and abundance NOW by realising the unending depths of our Lord Jesus' grace for us all and just how life changing that can be. Tune in to hear this timely teaching from Pastor Moses Anderson about the truth of just how JUST we are in HIM and how you can live out this truth today. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upSeptember 9, 2020 Preparing for the Harvest
Just as the Lord Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.†(Matthew 9:37-38 ESV). Tackling this very issue Pastor Moses urges us to awaken unto being a fervent & effectual witness for Christ and how the heralded revivals of old should ignite a hunger in us for the promise of 'MORE' just around the corner. You don't want to miss this!
Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upSeptember 2, 2020 Preparing for the Times Ahead Pt. 2
Preparing and understanding the times we find ourselves in as believers is so crucial; but it is also of the utmost importance that we arm ourselves for the future with all that Christ has for us. Join Pastor Moses Anderson for Pt.2 of Preparing for the Times Ahead as he explains more about this very concept.
Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
Music: Bensound.com
volume_upAugust 26, 2020 Remaining Steadfast in Turbulence
Life can be full or turmoil but just like the sitting in an airplane - we need to realise, 'it's just turbulence' and we will get through this. This is a rallying call not to panic as others may be, but to stand firm in the truth of Christ Jesus. Tune into today's message preached by Communion House's senior pastor; Pastor Moses Anderson.
Visit our website: https://www.communion.house
volume_upAugust 19, 2020 Preparing for the Times Ahead Pt.1
Just as the Lord Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.†(Matthew 9:37-38 ESV). Tackling this very issue Pastor Moses urges us to awaken unto being a fervent & effectual witness for Christ and how the heralded revivals of old should ignite a hunger in us for the promise of 'MORE' just around the corner. You don't want to miss this! Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upAugust 12, 2020 Being the Righteousness of God
Tune into today's message preached by Communion House's senior pastor; Pastor Moses Anderson as he teaches us from Bible study fuelled focus just 'how' we are the righteousness of God by Christ Jesus and how that should take affect in our daily lives today. Visit our website: https://www.communion.house
volume_upAugust 12, 2020 The Joy of the Lord
Tune into today's message preached by Communion House's senior pastor; Pastor Moses Anderson. Do you know the Joy of the Lord is our strength to overcome any obstacle, any challenge and any circumstance? Well - if you need a timely reminder - you'd better listen in! Visit our website: https://www.communion.house
volume_upAugust 5, 2020 Resurrection Power
As Pastor Moses concludes the Gospel of Resemblance series, tune in to hear how the Resurrection Power of Christ is alive in us and how we must realize we as believers play a crucial role in impacting the lives of those around us.
Tune into today's message preached by Communion House's senior pastor; Pastor Moses Anderson.
Visit our website: https://www.communion.house
volume_upAugust 5, 2020 Pray as the Lord Desires Pt. 2
Tune into today's House2House Podcast, Communion House's weekly teaching for all our House2House gatherings. Visit our website: https://www.communion.house
volume_upJuly 29, 2020 Needs, Issues & the Answer
We all have issues & we all have needs - but there is an answer - His name is Jesus Christ!
Tune into a message preached by Communion House's outreach pastor, Will Holliday.
Visit our website: https://www.communion.house
volume_upJuly 29, 2020 Pray as the Lord Desires Pt. 1
Tune in as Pastor Moses teaches on How to pray aptly and precisely as the Lord Jesus would desire us to pray today.
Visit our website: https://www.communion.house
volume_upJuly 22, 2020 Divine Reconciliation
From the Vault; Earlier this year Pastor Moses foretold how the Power of the Holy Spirit is coming in a wave of reconciliation to re-unite the church and the bride of Christ. This is a must listen!
Tune into today's message preached by Communion House's lead pastor; Pastor Moses Anderson.
Follow Communion House on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/communionhouse/
Follow Communion House on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/communionhouse/ Thanks for joining, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!
volume_upJuly 22, 2020 The Power of Identity
Tune in as Pastor Moses describes how crucial it is for us as believers to have our identity grounded in Christ Jesus.
Visit our website: https://www.communion.house
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volume_upJuly 15, 2020 What is Revival?
Tune in as Pastor Moses details and explains what we should look for, expect for, pray for and yearn for when it comes to the topic of Revival. You don't want to miss this.
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volume_upJuly 15, 2020 The Gospel of Resemblance
Tune in today as Pastor Moses Anderson speaks on the Gospel of Resemblance, illustrating how as believers we need to grow, go deeper and endeavor to resemble Christ to the world around us.
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Follow Communion House on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/communionhouse/
Subscribe to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/communionhouse/
volume_upJuly 6, 2020 The Ministry of Remembrance
Tune in today's message by Pastor Moses titled: 'The Ministry of Remembrance'.
Here you will find the latest sermons from Pastor Moses Anderson and Team.
Follow Communion House on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/communionhouse/
Follow Communion House on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/communionhouse/
volume_upJuly 3, 2020 The Power of Time
Tune in today as Pastor Moses Anderson continues to encourage and preach out of the series, The Power to Become. This week Pastor Moses teaches us the power of time and faith! Welcome to the new Communion House youtube channel.
Here you will find the latest sermons from Pastor Moses Anderson and Team.
Follow Communion House on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/communionhouse/
Follow Communion House on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/communionhouse/
Music: Bensound.com