volume_upApril 21, 2023 A Long Awaited Update
Join Rich Langton for a quick update about the future of the Hillsong Creative Podcast.
To subscribe to Cass and Rich Langton’s new creative newsletter & community, go to thehopefulrhino.com
Music credit:
Cozy Place by Keys of Moon | https://soundcloud.com/keysofmoon
Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
volume_upFebruary 23, 2022 165 Serve it Up ft Cass Langton [TN on Demand]
Join Team Night on Demand with Cass Langton
Join the Hillsong Creative team on Mondays, as we journey this season together. If you want to connect with us, please go to hillsong.com/creative
volume_upDecember 12, 2021 164 Loaves & fishes ft Dallas Jenkins (creator of The Chosen)
The Chosen TV Series | App Store | Google Play
Dallas Jenkins
Join the Hillsong Creative team on Mondays, as we explore the intersection of faith & creativity. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative!
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upNovember 28, 2021 163 Celebrating half a billion Bibles in people's hands ft Bobby Gruenewald (founder of YouVersion)
About YouVersion
Bobby Gruenewald on Instagram
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upNovember 7, 2021 The WCC21 Wrap-up ft Cass & Rich [MicroPod]
We'd love to hear your WCC stories & testimonies, feel free share with us @hillsongwcc
Download the brand new Artists Still Live Here (WCC Edition) magazine
Worship & Creative Conference available on demand till November 30th
Use Promo Code: WCC21PODCAST
volume_upNovember 3, 2021 10 Life Hacks to Get the Most out of WCC21 [MicroPod]
Worship & Creative Conference
Use Promo Code: WCC21PODCAST
Login to the WCC Online Portal
volume_upOctober 17, 2021 WCC21 Masterclass Sneak Peak ft Taya, Strand, Shek, Annie, Reid [MicroPod]
Worship & Creative Conference
Use Promo Code: WCC21PODCAST
Join the Hillsong Creative team on Mondays, as we explore the intersection of faith & creativity. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative!
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upOctober 10, 2021 A Sneak Peak of WCC21 ft Cass Langton [MicroPod]
Worship & Creative Conference
Use Promo Code: WCC21PODCAST
Join the Hillsong Creative team on Mondays, as we explore the intersection of faith & creativity. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative!
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 27, 2021 162 Building a Worship Culture ft Jad Gillies [Team Talks]
Team Talks Discussion Guide
Hunger & Devotion
1. Which one of these can I personally strengthen in this season?
2. In our worship team, which of these are a strength, and which ones can we focus on building?
3. What are some practical ways we can cultivate these in our worship team, in our church?
4. Who are some new people we can include in our worship team?
Kevin Prosch music
Louie Giglio Indescribable presentation
Worship & Creative Conference
Promo Code: WCC21PODCAST
Join the Hillsong Creative team on Mondays, as we explore the intersection of faith & creativity. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative!
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 13, 2021 161 In Him, by Him, for Him [MicroPod]
find out more about Worship & Creative Conference
download Artists Still Live Here Magazine
Hope of the Ages - Hillsong Worship
Join the Hillsong Creative team on Mondays, as we explore the intersection of faith & creativity. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative!
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upAugust 30, 2021 160 Artist + Producer + Songwriter = ?? (ft Elle Limebear & Charlotte Adelle)
Elle Limebear
Charlotte Adelle
Join the Hillsong Creative team on Mondays, as we explore the intersection of faith & creativity. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative!
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upAugust 16, 2021 159 Worship, Disappointment, and Sacrifice ft Robert & Amanda Fergusson
Parable of the Pearl of Great Price
Join the Hillsong Creative team on Mondays, as we explore the intersection of faith & creativity. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative!
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upAugust 2, 2021 158 Art, Soap, and Freedom ft Cass & Rich Langton [MicroPod]
Download John SOAP Study
New Y&F EP
Join the Hillsong Creative team on Mondays, as we explore the intersection of faith & creativity. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative!
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upJuly 19, 2021 157 Teachable Moments & Leading with Humility [Team Talks]
Team Talks Discussion Guide
1. What everyday opportunities can we take advantage of, to "be" the culture we want to see in our team?
2. Are we creating good forums for honest discussions with our team? Are we hearing people and lifting them higher?
3. What are some new ways we can communicate value to our team?
Join the Hillsong Creative team on Mondays, as we explore the intersection of faith & creativity. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative!
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upJune 28, 2021 156 (un)Holy Interruptions ft Ben Fielding [TN on Demand]
Join Team Night on Demand with Ben Fielding
Join the Hillsong Creative team on Mondays, as we journey this season together. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upJune 14, 2021 155 A Conversation with Martin Smith [TN on Demand]
Join Team Night on Demand with Martin Smith from Delirious
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upJune 2, 2021 154 Worshipping When You're Not Winning ft Rich Langton [TN on Demand]
Mark 6:14-29
Join Team Night on Demand with Rich Langton
1. If Jesus is our Messiah, then how should we respond?
2. What would it look like to actually live a set-apart life like John the Baptist?
3. What would it look like in 2021, to yield my desire to His desire? In EVERY area of my life
4. What kind of behaviour have I normalised, that I shouldn’t?
5. What does it look like for us to love Jesus ?
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upMay 17, 2021 153 Debunking Myths about Excellence [Team Talks]
Team Talks Discussion Guide
1. Personally, am I bringing excellence to my creative contribution, or am I coasting?
2. As a team, what are the outcomes we are trying to achieve, and which ones can we up our game in?
3. What’s 1 thing we can do differently this week to be more excellent towards the PEOPLE in our team.
Please share your "Team Talks" suggestions with us here
Join the Hillsong Creative team on Mondays, as we explore the intersection of faith & creativity. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative!
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upMay 3, 2021 152 Task vs People - striking a healthy balance [Team Talks]
Team Talks Discussion Guide
1. Personally, where is my task vs people balance, and do I need to adjust anywhere?
2. Collectively as a team, where is our task vs people balance, and do we have weak spots where we can grow?
3. What are 2 practical changes we can make this month, to grow in our weak spots and strike a healthier balance?
Please share your "Team Talks" suggestions with us here
Join the Hillsong Creative team on Mondays, as we explore the intersection of faith & creativity. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative!
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upApril 19, 2021 151 The Worship Footing ft Jad Gillies [TN on Demand]
Join Team Night on Demand with Jad Gillies
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upMarch 21, 2021 150 A Gift, a Request, and Team Talks [MicroPod]
DOWNLOAD Artists Still Live Here Magazine - Issue Two
Please share your "Team Talks" suggestions with us here
Book of Ephesians - Listen on YouVersion
Join the Hillsong Creative team on Mondays, as we journey this season together. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upMarch 7, 2021 149 Worship - A Not So Trivial Pursuit ft Cass Langton [TN on Demand]
Join Team Night on Demand with Cass Langton
Download Hillsong Creative's Worship Manifesto
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upFebruary 21, 2021 148 How supporting 50,000 churches started by meeting a local need ft Aaron Stewart (Planning Center)
Aaron Stewart
About Planning Center
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upFebruary 21, 2021 148 Aaron Stewart (Planning Center)
Aaron Stewart
About Planning Center
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upFebruary 7, 2021 147 William Adoasi (VitaeLondon)
William Adoasi
About Vitae London
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upJanuary 18, 2021 146 Bobby Gruenewald (founder of YouVersion)
About YouVersion
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upJanuary 3, 2021 145 Our Favourite New Year's Resolutions for 2021
Our Top 33 New Year's Resolutions! (Bet You Can't Pick Just One)
30 Day Shred
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upDecember 27, 2020 144 Wrapping Up 2020
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upDecember 13, 2020 143 Our Top 10 Holiday Reading List
Hillsong Creative’s Summer / Holiday Reading List
The Greatest Gift (Ann Voskamp)
The Radical Disciple (John R. W. Stott)
The Rise of the Ultra Runners (Adharanand Finn)
Finding Sanctuary (Christopher Jamison)
40 Days of Decrease (Alicia Britt Chole)
Holy Roar (Chris Tomlin)
The Worship Architect (Constance M. Cherry)
Why We Sleep (Matthew Walker)
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry (John Mark Comer)
The Hiding Place (Corrie ten Boom)
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upDecember 6, 2020 142 The Secret Life of Us ft Brooke Ligertwood
Fruits of the Spirit teaching - Robert Fergusson
Part 1
Part 2
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upNovember 29, 2020 141 Cultivating Gratitude ft Reuben Morgan
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upNovember 22, 2020 140 Why We Worship [TN on Demand]
Join Team Night on Demand with Jad Gillies, Annie Garratt, and the Hillsong Creative team.
Some of the stories discussed in this service contain sensitive subject matter. If you need to talk to a pastor, please visit hillsong.com/help
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upNovember 15, 2020 139 Foundations of Worship [TN on Demand]
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upNovember 8, 2020 138 Why Beauty Still Matters [MicroPod]
Artists Still Live Here - Magazine
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upNovember 1, 2020 137 Artists Still Love It Here [TN on Demand]
Artists Still Live Here - Magazine
Artists Still Love It Here [Full TN on YouTube]
Artists Still Live Here from WCC017
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upOctober 25, 2020 136 Hope is Like... [TN on Demand]
Worship & Creative Conference
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upOctober 20, 2020 135 Thinking Well [WCC Revisited]
Swipe up in your podcast app to jump to different sections, or hear a segment again!
Hillsong Worship & Creative Conference Revisited
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upOctober 18, 2020 134 Faith to Innovate [TN on Demand]
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upOctober 11, 2020 133 Worship leading from the living room [MicroPod]
Worship Leading from the Living Room - Chelsea's Blog on Hillsong Collected
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upOctober 4, 2020 132 When a simple 'thank you' changes the world ft Daniel & Justine Flynn
Thank You to the World
Find out more about Thank You and how you can join the movement.
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 A Special Announcement [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 28, 2020 131 Drumroll please [MicroPod]
Praying through the Bible with Hillsong Creative
Hillsong Creative YouTube
Team Night on Demand
Redigging Ancient Wells
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
You can also join our join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we reflect and pray through different books of the Bible, on our "Praying through the Bible" Podcast.
volume_upSeptember 21, 2020 130 Are You Thirsty? ft Rich Langton [TN on Demand]
"Available" - Elevation Worship
"Gratitude" - Brandon Lake
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upSeptember 14, 2020 129 Redig the Wells ft Cass Langton [TN on Demand]
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upSeptember 7, 2020 128 Rhythm, Cadence, & Becoming
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upAugust 31, 2020 MicroPod 57 The Romance of it All
1 Cor 6:19 (NIV)
Ravi Zacharias Quote from "Jesus Among Other Gods"
3 Steps to Better Online Church - Hillsong Collected Blog
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upAugust 31, 2020 127 [Micro] The Romance of it All
1 Cor 6:19 (NIV)
Ravi Zacharias Quote from "Jesus Among Other Gods"
3 Steps to Better Online Church - Hillsong Collected Blog
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upAugust 31, 2020 127 The Romance of it All [MicroPod]
1 Cor 6:19 (NIV)
Ravi Zacharias Quote from "Jesus Among Other Gods"
3 Steps to Better Online Church - Hillsong Collected Blog
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upAugust 31, 2020 127 The Romance of it All [MicroPod]
1 Cor 6:19 (NIV)
Ravi Zacharias Quote from "Jesus Among Other Gods"
3 Steps to Better Online Church - Hillsong Collected Blog
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upAugust 31, 2020 127 The Romance of it All [MicroPod]
1 Cor 6:19 (NIV)
Ravi Zacharias Quote from "Jesus Among Other Gods"
3 Steps to Better Online Church - Hillsong Collected Blog
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upAugust 31, 2020 127 The Romance of it All [MicroPod]
1 Cor 6:19 (NIV)
Ravi Zacharias Quote from "Jesus Among Other Gods"
3 Steps to Better Online Church - Hillsong Collected Blog
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upAugust 31, 2020 127 The Romance of it All [MicroPod]
1 Cor 6:19 (NIV)
Ravi Zacharias Quote from "Jesus Among Other Gods"
3 Steps to Better Online Church - Hillsong Collected Blog
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upAugust 31, 2020 127 The Romance of it All [MicroPod]
1 Cor 6:19 (NIV)
Ravi Zacharias Quote from "Jesus Among Other Gods"
3 Steps to Better Online Church - Hillsong Collected Blog
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upAugust 31, 2020 127 The Romance of it All [MicroPod]
1 Cor 6:19 (NIV)
Ravi Zacharias Quote from "Jesus Among Other Gods"
3 Steps to Better Online Church - Hillsong Collected Blog
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upAugust 31, 2020 127 The Romance of it All [MicroPod]
1 Cor 6:19 (NIV)
Ravi Zacharias Quote from "Jesus Among Other Gods"
3 Steps to Better Online Church - Hillsong Collected Blog
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upAugust 31, 2020 127 The Romance of it All [MicroPod]
1 Cor 6:19 (NIV)
Ravi Zacharias Quote from "Jesus Among Other Gods"
3 Steps to Better Online Church - Hillsong Collected Blog
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upAugust 24, 2020 TMNGHT on Demand 01 (Yet Will I Rejoice ft Cass Langton)
Habakkuk 3:18 (NIV)
All I Need - Hillsong Sweden
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upAugust 18, 2020 MicroPod 56 Joy! (Even in 2020)
James 1:2-8 (NIV)
Selah III (Fruits of the Spirit) - Hillsong Young & Free
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every Monday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upJune 8, 2020 Micropod 55 Love Thy Neighbor
Mark 12:30-31 (NIV)
Greatest Of These - Hillsong United
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upJune 8, 2020 Micropod 55 Love Thy Neighbor
Mark 12:30-31 (NIV)
Greatest Of These - Hillsong United
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upJune 8, 2020 Micropod 55 Love Thy Neighbor
Mark 12:30-31 (NIV)
Greatest Of These - Hillsong United
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upJune 8, 2020 Micropod 55 Love Thy Neighbor
Mark 12:30-31 (NIV)
Greatest Of These - Hillsong United
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upJune 8, 2020 Micropod 55 Love Thy Neighbor
Mark 12:30-31 (NIV)
Greatest Of These - Hillsong United
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upJune 4, 2020 MicroPod 54 Stop and listen
Conversation with Bishop T.D. Jakes and Carl Lentz
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative
volume_upJune 3, 2020 MicroPod 53 A Lament
Conversation with Bishop T.D. Jakes and Carl Lentz
Ps Brian Houston's statement
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative
volume_upJune 2, 2020 MicroPod 52 Music that brings peace ft David Andrew
Sleep Project 2
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upJune 1, 2020 MicroPod 51 Love like that
Praying through Ephesians with Hillsong Creative
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upMay 29, 2020 MicroPod 50 Worship in real life ft David Ware
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upMay 28, 2020 MicroPod 49 Worship and excellence ft Nigel Hendroff
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upMay 27, 2020 MicroPod 48 The private pursuit of worship ft Dean Ussher
Everything Beautiful
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upMay 26, 2020 MicroPod 47 Worship and service ft Adam Dodson
Adam's Top 3 Book Recommendations
Holy Roar - Chris Tomlin & Darren Whitehead
The Worship Architect - Dr Constance Cherry
Engaging with God - David Peterson
Join a "Principles of Worship" virtual lecture (Hillsong College)
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upMay 25, 2020 MicroPod 46 Welcome to Worship Week!
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upMay 22, 2020 MicroPod 45 Taking the next step ft André Eberle
Eberle Art
André Eberle on Instagram
Sunshine Coast Book
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upMay 21, 2020 MicroPod 44 Family Thursday
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upMay 20, 2020 MicroPod 43 Creativity and trauma ft Alice Brown
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upMay 19, 2020 MicroPod 42 What does support look like? ft Mandy Butler
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upMay 18, 2020 MicroPod 41 Shoutout Monday
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upMay 15, 2020 MicroPod 40 Learning the language
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upMay 14, 2020 MicroPod 39 Creativity and structure ft Joseph Thiang
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upMay 13, 2020 A very mini MicroPod 38
Thinking Well - MEGApod Session
Praying through Ephesians with Hillsong Creative
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upMay 12, 2020 MEGApod 37 Thinking Well
Swipe up in your podcast app to jump to different sections, or hear a segment again
Hillsong Worship & Creative Conference
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upMay 11, 2020 MicroPod 36 Love so good so good
Never Have I Ever - Hillsong Young & Free
Praying through Ephesians with Hillsong Creative
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upMay 8, 2020 MicroPod 35 A Letter to Mother Hearts (Pandemic Edition)
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upMay 7, 2020 MicroPod 34 Desperate for the Wind of God ft Jay Argaet
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upMay 6, 2020 MicroPod 33 What does a unicycle have to do with the Bible?
Praying through Ephesians with Hillsong Creative
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upMay 5, 2020 MicroPod 32 A vulnerable God ft John Mark McMillan
Peopled with Dreams - John Mark McMillan
Live in the Basement - John Mark McMillan
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upMay 4, 2020 MicroPod 31 It Ain't Varnishing Day Yet!
A Year Worth Framing - YouTube
A Year Worth Framing - Podcast
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upMay 1, 2020 MicroPod 30 Beyond the #CreativeIsolationChallenge
Chris Maisano's creative
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upApril 30, 2020 MicroPod 29 Innovation, introversion, and isolation
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upApril 29, 2020 MicroPod 28 New ways of doing what you know to do
Amplified Arts Online Classes
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upApril 28, 2020 MicroPod 27 Life lessons from the driveway ft Dean Ussher
Praying through Philippians with Hillsong Creative - Devotional
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upApril 27, 2020 MicroPod 26 When suffering is not wasted
Praying through Philippians with Hillsong Creative - Devotional
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upApril 24, 2020 MicroPod 25 Homebodies
The First Hello
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upApril 23, 2020 MicroPod 24 The common language of art (Behind "King of Heaven")
"King of Heaven" Presentation - YouTube (available till April 29th)
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upApril 22, 2020 MicroPod 23 Thinking differently ft Fady Hanna
Fady Hanna
Flagship Digital
TEDx presentation - Redefining Our Differences (Fady Hanna)
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upApril 21, 2020 MicroPod 22 Reframing the challenge ft Muchiri Gateri
Blog - 13 Essential Resources for Audio Engineers
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upApril 20, 2020 MicroPod 21 Ten Ideas for your #CreativeIsolationChallenge
10 Free Game-Changing Resources for Creatives - Blog
1. Final Cut Pro Online Course
2. Creative Problem Solving Course
3. Fundamentals of Adobe After Effects Course
4. Introduction to the New Testament
5. Learn To Play Guitar, Bass, or Ukulele
6. Ableton Live 10 Beginners Tutorial
7. Duolingo Language Courses
8. Books
9. Music Theory Course
10. Practical Creative Training
Worship & Creative Conference Downloads
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upApril 17, 2020 MicroPod 20 "The Invitation"
Simple Ways to Co-Write During Self-Isolation - Blog Post
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upApril 16, 2020 MicroPod 19 Lessons from the Crisis in Italy
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upApril 15, 2020 MicroPod 18 The Art of Personal Devotion
Praying through Philippians with Hillsong Creative - YouVersion
Also available in French - L'epitre aux Philippians avec Hillsong Creative
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upApril 14, 2020 MicroPod 17 Doing isolation with no regrets ft Dr Merryn Witham
Dr Merryn Witham
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upApril 13, 2020 MicroPod 16 Choosing to worship in isolation ft Rend Collective
Rend Collective - Choose to Worship
Socially Distant Worship Club
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
volume_upApril 10, 2020 MicroPod 15 Peace in the Chaos ft Eric Liljero
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
If you don't have a church family to join with, we'd love to invite you to our Easter services this weekend!
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
volume_upApril 9, 2020 MicroPod 14 What this Easter reminds us ft Dr Van Shore
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Special thanks to Dr Vangjel Shore (Senior Lecturer, Alphacrusis College)
volume_upApril 8, 2020 MicroPod 13 What could we create during this challenge?
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
United Nations Global Call Out to Creatives
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
volume_upApril 7, 2020 MicroPod 12 What to do on the Bad Days ft Dr Rebecca Loundar
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
My Kindness Plan - Download
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
volume_upApril 6, 2020 MicroPod 11 Truth for Tough Times
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Check Hillsong Collected to read all the scriptures in this episode!
Music in this episode brought to you by our amazing long-time Podcast volunteer Nic Guptill
volume_upApril 2, 2020 MicroPod 10 The Creative Isolation Challenge ft Sloane Simpson
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
volume_upApril 1, 2020 MicroPod 09 Lord Send Revival ft Alex Iosefa
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
Lord Send Revival - available now
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
volume_upMarch 31, 2020 MicroPod 08 A few practical ways to create normality
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative
Check Hillsong Collected for the blog post Cass talked about!
volume_upMarch 30, 2020 MicroPod 07 Is this all a dream?
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative
Share what you're doing and creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
volume_upMarch 29, 2020 MicroPod 06 Worship in this season ft Brooke Ligertwood
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative
Hillsong Worship's Instagram Live
3PM PT/6PM ET/ 9AM AEDT (Monday/Wednesday/Friday)
volume_upMarch 26, 2020 MicroPod 05 The Creative Isolation Challenge ft David J Andrew
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative, and share what you're creating in this season with the hashtag #creativeisolationchallenge
Hymns Album - Apple Music
The Sleep Project - Apple Music
The Sleep Project - Spotify
volume_upMarch 25, 2020 MicroPod 04 Some good news of God at work
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
We'd love to hear your stories of good news and God at work!! Send us a DM @hillsong.creative
volume_upMarch 24, 2020 MicroPod 03 The intersection of faith and technology is community
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative
volume_upMarch 23, 2020 MicroPod 02 Church isn't closed, just the buildings are!
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative
volume_upMarch 22, 2020 MicroPod 01 What on Earth is going on?
Join the Hillsong Creative team every weekday, as we journey this season together. We are doing short "micropod" episodes of the Hillsong Creative Podcast, with devotions and prayer, updates from around the world, and practical insight from various areas of our team.
If you want to connect with us, please send us a DM on @hillsong.creative
volume_upMarch 8, 2020 069 Louie and Shelley Giglio - A Life of Passion
Get up close and personal with Louie & Shelley Giglio, two of the most influential couples in the Church today! Louie and Shelley Giglio are leaders and founders of the Passion Movement, which includes Passion Conferences, Passion Music, and Passion City Church. Their ministry has impacted millions, and in this special interview from Hillsong Conference 2019, they share some of their personal journey, challenges they've faced and lessons they've learnt along the way. This episode is not to be missed!
Louie's Message Notes
volume_upFebruary 23, 2020 068 A Year Worth Framing - ft Cass Langton
Can you see God’s fingerprints on your life?
In this special episode, come behind the scenes of Hillsong Creative as Cass Langton frames the year and decade ahead! This inspiring and practical message will give you fresh tools and vision, and some fun homework to apply in your creative journey.
Are you ready to reset your frames?
A Year Worth Framing - Homework
volume_upFebruary 9, 2020 067 You and Your Worst Enemy - ft Ps Brian Houston
Who is your worst enemy?
Pastor Brian Houston answers this question in this special session from Worship & Creative Conference 2019, as he delves into the collateral effects of an unchecked ego. Nothing will cloud your inner person more than your ego, and in this podcast, Pastor Brian shares how to experience a life in the fullness of true humility and freedom. He also walks us through ways we can recognise the health of our inner dialogue & self-talk, and insights on cleaning up our mental hard drive, breaking comparison, and allowing Scripture and the Spirit to guide us into a God-given future and hope!
volume_upJanuary 26, 2020 066 Bill Johnson (Bethel) - Lessons from a Legend
What does devotion look like? What do you do when the Holy Spirit moves amongst you? How do you teach to the prophetic?
Bill Johnson, senior pastor of Bethel Church in Redding, CA, answers these questions and many more in this special interview with Cass & Rich at Hillsong Conference. Sharing from his years of ministry experience, from his beginnings in ministry, building church in Weaverville, and seeing many mighty moves of God at Bethel Church. Bill explains how he went from complacency to passionately serving wherever needed, and shares some life-changing lessons from leading a powerful worship movement, the ministry of healing, renewal of the mind, and much more!
volume_upJanuary 12, 2020 065 Ten Creative Leadership Essentials - ft Rich Langton
A perfect reminder for the New Year season! From the archives of Season 4, we bring you one of our favourite episodes with Rich Langton, where we explore the ten essential attributes of a creative leader. Tune into this episode to glean practical insight for you and your team to have the most impact in your sphere of influence. Rich guides us through some challenging questions that will personally and collectively lay a foundation for creativity and leadership.
volume_upDecember 31, 2019 064 A Creative Reboot for your New Year - ft Cass & Rich Langton
Why not start the New Year with a creative reboot? Take time with us in this episode to stop, take stock, and reassess our creative leadership, so we can enter 2020 with everything God has for us!
(You can follow along with the PDF in the shownotes)
Straight from Worship & Creative Conference 2019, Cass & Rich Langton take us through seven questions to reboot our creative leadership. Just in time for the new year, before we get caught up in doing and deadlines, this masterclass offers practical wisdom to help us reset our settings, so we can better inspire others into a desired destination. While leadership is a journey, this episode explores ways to recalibrate our thinking, whatever part of the journey we may be in, to be all we need to be. Discover too how Ephesians 2:10 is a compass for fruitfulness in our Christian life and all things creative as we embark on a novel decade with endless possibilities!
Creative Leadership Reboot (PDF)
volume_upDecember 1, 2019 063 Prophetic Creativity - ft Bobbie Houston, Amanda Cook, Joel Houston, Laura Toggs
Enjoy this panel of a lifetime from Worship & Creative Conference, with Bobbie Houston, Amanda Lindsey Cook, Joel Houston, and Laura Toggs, which first aired in Season 4.
Interviewed by Hannah Hobbs, they chat about the God ideas and the edge of the prophetic in our creative quests. Listen to the panel discuss how the quiet spaces of their lives and the conviction truths of the gospel fuel and maximise their prophetic edge in creativity. If you’re constantly chasing after the new thing, this episode will show you how to release yourself to create from a place of simplicity and curiosity, remembering instead timeless revelations that simply need a fresh perspective. “Creating something out of nothing is the essence of creativity, and everything we ought to do must then reflect the glory of God.â€
You can swipe up on your podcast app to see “Episode Chapters†and jump ahead to a particular segment or replay a question with your team.
volume_upOctober 20, 2019 062 Christine Caine - A Seat at the Table
“Creating something out of nothing is the essence of creativity, and everything we ought to do must then reflect the glory of God.â€
Just in time for Hillsong Worship & Creative Conference, Christine Caine shares a crucial message for creatives everywhere. While our culture often pushes us to race for opportunities and accolades, Christine reminds us to create from a different place - from being seated at the table with Jesus.
P.S. to join the Hillsong Worship & Creative Conference this week, use the promo code PODCAST19 when you register here.
volume_upOctober 13, 2019 061 Behind Hillsong Worship's new album 'Awake' - ft Brooke Ligertwood
From the very studio where it was made, join Brooke Ligertwood, Ben Fielding, Hannah Hobbs, and Cass Langton as they invite us behind the scenes of the new Hillsong Worship album ‘Awake’. Hear the stories behind the songs, the heart and prayer for the album, and the uncommon elements that went into this project. With a sound informed by intercession and laboured over by songwriters, musicians, production engineers, vocalists, and many more, Awake stands as an inclusive album to champion the Church. Our prayer is that as you listen to this album, you would awaken to the revival stirring within, both individually and corporately, as we draw closer to Jesus.
You can swipe up on your podcast app to see “Episode Chaptersâ€, to jump ahead to a particular story or song.
P.S. to join the Hillsong Worship & Creative Conference next week, use the promo code PODCAST19 when you register here.
volume_upOctober 6, 2019 060 Divine Calling and Anointing - ft Robert Fergusson (Hillsong Teaching Pastor)
Would you win the Packing Room Prize? Does the average person on the street see a reflection of Jesus in your art & creativity, or would they only see yourself in it?
We are artisans, called to portray and reflect the face of Christ, but what does it look like to outwork this call in partnership with the Spirit? In this exclusive interview with Robert Fergusson, Hillsong’s Teaching Pastor, we hear from Robert about living out God’s divine calling and the Spirit-filled life. From his own beginnings as a biology teacher to his years in ministry as a preacher and pastor, he compels all creatives to seize the gift of discovering God’s calling, and helps demystify what it means to be anointed. This conversation brings challenging thoughts and might just inspire you to reflect Jesus more intently.
P.S. to join the Hillsong Worship & Creative Conference Online, use the promo code PODCAST19 when you register here.
volume_upSeptember 30, 2019 059 Competition, comparison, and the power of media - ft Ben Field (Hillsong Film & TV)
How many videos have you watched in the last 24 to 48 hours? Between YouTube, Netflix, Instagram, Facebook, TV, etc., chances are you’ve watched more videos than you can even remember. Thanks to screen media, the opportunity to reach and influence people in their everyday lives has probably never been greater for us as creatives in the Church.
In this episode, Rich interviews Ben Field, head of Hillsong’s Film and TV department and former director of popular Australian TV show “Home and Awayâ€. Ben shares about the journey and lessons learnt from his professional career in the TV industry, and his passion to pioneer new avenues for the Church within the film industry. You’ll be inspired and challenged to see people’s lives transformed through the power of media and storytelling.
P.S. to join the Hillsong Worship & Creative Conference Online, use the promo code PODCAST19 when you register here.
volume_upSeptember 23, 2019 058 The inside scoop behind Hillsong Creative - ft Ps Brian Houston
What’s the secret behind Hillsong’s influential worship music? It’s actually not a secret at all - it’s first and foremost the grace of God. It’s also a team of people who are committed to the vision and direction set by their senior pastor. Long before Hillsong songs were sung by millions of people around the world every week, Ps Brian Houston was creating & leading the culture of a worshipping church, and inspiring his own creative team to push the boundaries of leading worship and pointing people to Jesus.
In this episode, we pull back the curtain and give you a sneak peak into what our pastor says to his creative team, what he expects from us and the reasons why! Ps Brian came to Team Night specifically to encourage, inspire, and refocus us towards 13 practical things that he’d love us to move forward in.
Whether we are up front as the worship leader, behind a console pushing faders, or in the back row of the choir, we can all contribute to leading others and pointing them to Jesus. This episode is an invitation to all creatives to grow and lift their perspective!
P.S. to join the Hillsong Worship & Creative Conference "Online Experience", use the promo code PODCAST19 when you register here.
volume_upSeptember 16, 2019 057 Courageous faith & creativity - Mike Gore (Open Doors)
Do I know Jesus, or do I know OF Jesus?
This episode is an inspiring and confronting conversation with Mike Gore, CEO of Open Doors Australia, an organisation that serves the persecuted Church around the world. Mike shares impacting stories of believers who face persecution on a daily basis, challenging our concept of persecution, faith, and the differences between the Western and the Eastern Church. Mike challenges us that our creativity must make Jesus visible, and how we, together, can all take one more step towards a more courageous relationship with Jesus.
volume_upSeptember 9, 2019 056 Joel Houston (Hillsong United) - "People" stories
How do you create an album? Where do you start? And how do you know when a song is finished? As Hillsong United are in the middle of their “People†tour, Joel Houston answers some of these questions and more. Joel walks us through some of his highlights of the album recording and tour, as he shares about the value of seasons, gratitude and being present for the journey. Joel also talks about the process of writing some of his favourite songs on the album and his experience in how to capture lyrics that bring freshness and authenticity to the Church at large.
Make sure to stick around for the Q&A with Cass Langton after the interview, where she and Rich answer your questions about combining creativity and leadership, and how to not let fear hold you back. You can swipe up on your podcast app to see “Episode Chaptersâ€, to jump ahead to a particular segment or replay a question with your team.
To join the Hillsong Worship & Creative Conference "Online Experience", use the promo code PODCAST19 when you register here.
volume_upSeptember 2, 2019 055 Building Culture in Your Creative Team
This episode explores something crucial to leading any creative team: how to build the culture you want for your team. Rich Langton answers questions from listeners, alongside Muchiri ‘Mush’ Gateri, our Production Oversight in Australia, and worship leader Annie Garratt, one of our most experienced and trusted creative pastors. They answer some of your questions about creating, building, developing and maintaining team culture, and share some practical examples from their years of serving and leading within Hillsong Creative.
If you’re using Apple Podcasts, you can swipe up on your app to see “Episode Chaptersâ€, to jump ahead to a particular segment or replay a question with your team.
volume_upAugust 26, 2019 054 Brooke Ligertwood - Leading Yourself in Worship, and behind “King of Kingsâ€
Recorded live at Hillsong Conference Backstage, Rich Langton chats with Brooke Ligertwood from Hillsong Worship. They explore how to lead yourself in worship, about the importance of worshipping off the platform, and her devotional life as a new mum. Brooke shares the story behind Hillsong Worship’s new single “King of Kingsâ€, and her passion for the Church rising up in this moment in history.
Make sure to stick around for the Q&A with Cass Langton after the interview, where she answers questions about maintaining fresh perspective and new ideas while respecting traditional procedures in church life.
volume_upAugust 19, 2019 053 Laura Toggs - Y&F and the Secret Garden TV (the stories behind the movements)
We kick off Season 6 with the one and only Laura Toggs! Laura is the visionary leader and pioneer of Hillsong Young & Free and The Secret Garden TV, and pastors the youth ministry of Hillsong Church with her husband Peter. In this inspiring and heartfelt interview, Laura shares her story in pioneering these influential movements, as well as her journey as a pastor’s kid in ministry.
volume_upAugust 5, 2019 052 Debunking the myths about practice (The Practice Panel)
Practice, practice, practice! In this special episode that first aired in Season 2, we have a panel interview with four incredible guests from various creative disciplines including music, film creation, audio and dance. They cover how to prioritize practice amidst full and busy lives, what their practice disciplines have looked like over the years, and debunking the myth that talent is everything. We get so many requests to share what we do at Team Nights, so here is a taste to enjoy for you and your creative team!
volume_upJuly 29, 2019 051 A Halftime Reminder - A Year Called Alfred (Cass Langton)
At the halfway point of the year, we wanted to revisit “A Year Called Alfredâ€, a powerful message by Cass Langton, our Global Worship & Creative Pastor. This message gave the direction to our Hillsong Creative team at the start of this year, and we hope you enjoy this halftime reminder!
Cass Langton is our Global Worship & Creative Pastor, and in this episode, we get behind the scenes of the Hillsong Creative team. Cass shares her heart for our team and frames the direction for our year. Be ready to be challenged and inspired as she unpacks the five R’s for 2019: risk, resilience, relationship, reverence, revival. We are believing this message will equally equip and inspire you and your creative teams!
volume_upJuly 15, 2019 050 Coffee with Chris Tomlin (A Taste of Hillsong Conference)
On the heels of Hillsong Conference 2019, this episode is a taste of Conference, as we throwback to one of our favourite episodes from Season 3, a chat with Chris Tomlin from Hillsong Conference.
Chris Tomlin is a world-renowned songwriter and worship leader. In the last 3 decades, there are few who have had as much impact on Christian music as Chris, having given the global Church worship anthems such as How Great Is Our God, Indescribable and Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone). In this wide-ranging interview with Cass Langton, you’ll get to know Chris as much more than a musician, as he walks listeners through key stages of his life, whether it be the start of his marriage or the creative process to writing many of his songs.
volume_upJuly 1, 2019 049 Matt Crocker (Hillsong United) - Stewarding your God-given creativity
Matt Crocker is one of our team’s most experienced songwriters, known widely for his involvement in Hillsong United and writing worship anthems such as “This I Believe (The Creed)â€, “Oceansâ€, and “As You Find Me†on the new People album. Having grown up in Hillsong Church, Matt talks about his journey as a musician, songwriter, and worship leader, and the confidence and diligence to steward creativity in and out of season.
volume_upJune 24, 2019 048 Overcoming Perfectionism - ft Kalley Heiligenthal (Bethel Music)
Kalley Heiligenthal is a songwriter and worship leader from Bethel Music. In this inspiring episode, Kalley reminds us of the power of our humanity, how the raw moments of surrender before God cultivate inspiration and release creativity. She shares how she overcame perfectionism in the journey to writing the popular worship anthem “Ever Beâ€, and shares practical advice for every creative.
volume_upJune 17, 2019 047 Gifting VS Anointing - ft Nathan Finochio
In last week’s episode, we were introduced to the hilarious Nathan Finochio, as he interviewed some of our well-known team. This week, we get to see a completely different side of him, as he shares his profound wisdom about hearing God and the different between gifting and anointing. Nathan has spent years as the teaching pastor of Hillsong NYC, has a passion for theology and communicating the timeless truths of the Gospel in relevant and impacting ways. He’s a songwriter, author, preacher, musician, and an all-around creative. Listen to Nathan share a bit about his journey, the value of spiritual maturity and the power of what we bring individually and collectively as creatives.
To hear more from Nathan, check out his newly released book ‘Hearing God’
volume_upJune 10, 2019 046 From the Roadcases - ft Taya, Laura, Aodhan, Jad, Crocker, JD, Fielding, Hastings, Cass
In this hilarious and light-hearted episode, we bring you a taste of Worship & Creative Conference, as Nathan Finochio interviews some favourites from the Hillsong music team. Get to know Taya, Ben Hastings, Aodhan King, Jad Gillies and plenty more, from their most embarrassing moments to their beginnings as creatives, songwriters and worshippers.
volume_upJune 3, 2019 045 What is Worship? ft Catrina Henderson (Hillsong Israel)
What is worship? In this episode, we have a conversation with Catrina Henderson, our Hillsong Israel Lead Pastor. Having spent years as a Principal of Hillsong College, she’s also a passionate Hebrew and Old Testament scholar, with a postgraduate degree in Ancient History and a Master of Arts in Ancient History. She unpacks the biblical origins of worship, and what it means for us today as God’s people.
volume_upMay 27, 2019 044 Erwin McManus - The Way of the Warrior
Erwin McManus is an author, futurist, filmmaker, designer, and lead pastor of Mosaic Church in LA, passionate about identity and imagination. Listen as Erwin tears the veil between creativity and spirituality. He shares about his life and evolution as a Christian, writer, and creative in the middle of one of the world’s most prominent centers for creativity and innovation. Learn about his creative process for his new book, The Way of the Warrior, and how a living a life of art and beauty is essential to humanity and inner peace.
volume_upMay 13, 2019 043 Q&A for the creative team junkies - ft Cass & Rich Langton
Calling all creative teams! In this bonus episode, our team have taken extra time to answer some of your questions — leading creative teams within church, developing creative leaders, casting vision and much more! Rich answers 15 of your favourite questions, with the help of Cass Langton, Autumn Starra, and Vicky Rough.
If you want to skip ahead to specific questions, just swipe up on the Apple Podcasts app as you’re listening, and select the question you want to jump to!
volume_upApril 29, 2019 042 behind the "People" album - ft JD & Taya (Hillsong United)
To celebrate the new album release by Hillsong United, People, listen to this special bonus episode with Taya and JD. Dive deeper into the new album as they answer some of your questions about introducing new songs, worship leading, finding your grace zone and more. You won't want to miss this hilarious and helpful episode!
volume_upApril 8, 2019 041 Ten Essential Attributes of a Creative Leader - ft Rich Langton
In this episode, our host Rich Langton walks us through ten essential attributes of a creative leader. Listen to practical insight for any creative wanting to have a positive impact in their sphere of influence. Take note of some challenging questions you can ask yourself, to lay the foundation for both personal and team development. Afterwards, don’t miss out as Rich & Cass answer some of your questions.
P.S. this is the last episode of Season 4, we’re taking a short break and Season 5 will be starting in a few short weeks. Also, make sure to subscribe and stay tuned for a bonus episode during the break.
volume_upMarch 31, 2019 040 Amanda Lindsey Cook - behind the "House on a Hill" album
Amanda Lindsey Cook invites us into a conversation on her life and journey the past few years. In this vulnerable episode, Amanda talks about the art of discovery and awakening from pain, which inspired her newly-released album House on a Hill. Be inspired as Amanda discusses the value of vulnerability in songwriting and worship, and the importance of having an integrated, authentic soul in your creativity.
volume_upMarch 24, 2019 039 Creating with the Creator - ft Leanne Thomas (Artist)
Listen to Hannah Hobbs talk to artist Leanne Thomas, about progressing into a creative career. Leanne is a professional painter with great expertise on the art of developing your craft and finding gold in your everyday, ordinary life to inspire creativity. Make sure to stay tuned for the extended Q&A segment afterwards, where Rich & Cass Langton and Autumn Hardman take plenty of time to answer YOUR questions.
volume_upMarch 17, 2019 038 Finding the Prophetic Edge in Creativity - ft Bobbie Houston, Amanda Cook, Joel Houston, Laura Toggs
In this panel of a lifetime, Hannah Hobbs chats to Bobbie Houston, Amanda Cook, Joel Houston and Laura Toggs about the God ideas and the edge of the prophetic in our creative quests. Listen to the panel discuss how the quiet spaces of their lives and the conviction truths of the gospel fuel and maximise their prophetic edge in creativity. If you’re constantly chasing after the new thing, this episode will show you how to release yourself to create from a place of simplicity and curiosity, remembering instead timeless revelations that simply need a fresh perspective.
volume_upMarch 10, 2019 037 Real life lessons for every creative - ft Muchiri Gateri
As creatives, what does it take to fulfill the call on our lives? Muchiri (Mush) is the oversight for Creative Technology at Hillsong Church in Australia. Originally from Nairobi, Kenya, Mush shares the inspiring but everyday lessons that have kept him in God’s lane for over 15 years. In this episode, learn about how we are ALL worship leaders, whether we are singers, production engineers, lighting operators, etc. Listen to Mush talk about the weight of the ministry, pursuing our dreams, burnout, and the ability to lead a creative technology team at any capacity.
Make sure to stick around after the message for the bonus Q&A segment in Season 4, where Rich and a special guest take time to answer YOUR questions!
volume_upMarch 3, 2019 036 Salomon Ligthelm (Filmmaker) - Telling Stories That Matter
Salomon Ligthelm is a world-class filmmaker, once a musician turned visual storyteller. In this episode, Salomon talks about his recent venture into the art of feature films, script writing and his latest film project. He is passionate about creating pieces that explore people’s journeys and telling stories that matter. Learn about his inspiration and creative process, his necessity for cathartic expression, and his quest to make faith and creativity work together.
Make sure to stick around after the message for the bonus Q&A segment in Season 4, where Rich and a special guest take time to answer YOUR questions!
volume_upFebruary 24, 2019 035 A Year Called Alfred (Cass Langton)
Season 4 kicks off with a very special message from Cass Langton, our Global Worship & Creative Pastor. In this episode, get behind the scenes with the Hillsong Creative team, as Cass shares her heart for our team this year. Be ready to be challenged and inspired as she unpacks the five R’s for 2019: risk, resilience, relationship, reverence, revival.
Make sure to stick around after the message for the bonus Q&A segment in Season 4, where Rich and a special guest take time to answer YOUR questions!
volume_upNovember 11, 2018 034 This could be the one!
In Australia and across the interwebs, this is the week where we’re all together! This bite-sized episode will give you all the info you need for Worship and Creative Conference - get the inside scoop from Cass, Rich, & Auts on what to expect this week, and how you can get the most out of Conference. If you’re not coming to Sydney, don’t worry - you can still be a part of it, from wherever you’re listening.
P.S. This is the last episode for Season 3, thanks for listening so far and look out for Season 4 coming at you soon! There will be plenty more exclusive interviews with special guests, and a brand new Q&A segment with your host Rich Langton. If you’ve got any questions for our creative team, download the Anchor app on your smartphone to leave Rich a message, and he’ll answer it in future episodes.
volume_upNovember 4, 2018 033 Turning inspiration into action - ft Tony Irving (RunningLightPhotography)
Have you ever been inspired to do something, to create, but that’s as far as it ever goes? Tony Irving found himself inspired, but has spent years turning it into action, cultivating his craft, pursuing and unwrapping the creative gift that God has given him. He’s now a world-renowned landscape photographer, and in this episode, he shares insight into his journey and the lessons he’s learnt along the way.
If you’ve got any questions for Rich, download the Anchor app on your smartphone to leave him a message, and he’ll answer it in future episodes.
volume_upOctober 28, 2018 032 Chris Tomlin (Part 2) - What it really takes
So many people dream and aspire to have their creativity influence thousands, maybe even millions. But what does it really take? In this week’s, we bring back the one and only Chris Tomlin, just as his new album “Holy Roar†is released. In this in-depth interview, Chris talks about his journey so far and the sacrifices he’s had to make along the way.
If you’ve got any questions for Rich, make sure to download the Anchor app on your smartphone to leave him a message, and he’ll answer it in future episodes.
volume_upOctober 21, 2018 031 Stewarding the next generation & dealing with change - ft Julia A'Bell (Lead Pastor, Hillsong Au
Join Julia A’Bell, lead pastor of Hillsong Australia, as she shares how she manages the different seasons of life; from laying down her role as a worship leader to her life as the pastor of Australia’s largest church. She talks about the Holy Spirit’s role in inspiring innovation, and how collaboration, on every level, can bring the most creativity to the table.
Make sure to stick around after the interview for the special segment in Season 3, “Psalms of Ascentâ€, and join the #100daycreativechallenge as we prepare for Worship & Creative Conference 2018.
volume_upOctober 14, 2018 030 Own who you are - ft Gary Clarke (Lead Pastor, Hillsong UK)
In today’s episode we chat with Gary Clarke, who is the lead pastor of Hillsong in the UK. He talks about how we, as the Church, need to use the arts to influence and shape the culture around us, and how “seasonal calling†looks attractive, but may not be as valid as we think it is.
Make sure to stick around after the interview for the special segment in Season 3, “Psalms of Ascentâ€, and join the #100daycreativechallenge as we prepare for Worship & Creative Conference 2018.
volume_upOctober 7, 2018 029 Dream big, think small - ft Fady Hanna (Flagship Digital)
Fady Hanna, founder and managing director of Flagship Digital, an international communication and marketing strategy firm that is one of Australia’s fastest growing businesses, 3 years in a row. He’s twice been named Young Entrepreneur of the Year, and is on the cutting edge of an industry that prides itself on being cutting edge. He encourages us to dream big dreams, but, as creatives, to focus more on the step-by-step process to fulfill those dreams.
Make sure to stick around after the interview for the special segment in Season 3, “Psalms of Ascentâ€, and join the #100daycreativechallenge as we prepare for Worship & Creative Conference 2018.
volume_upOctober 1, 2018 028 Lessons in longevity and leading creatives - ft Jay Cook (Hillsong UK)
What is the enemy of creativity? Jay Cook, the creative pastor of Hillsong UK, helps answer this and many other questions from his 17 years experience on the team. He shares his insight on the unique challenges, sacrifices, and lessons involved in leading and serving on a creative team.
Make sure to stick around after the interview for the special segment in Season 3, “Psalms of Ascentâ€, and join the #100daycreativechallenge as we prepare for Worship & Creative Conference 2018.
volume_upSeptember 24, 2018 027 The question of art - ft Duncan Corby (Academic Dean, Hillsong College)
In this episode, we interview Duncan Corby, the Academic Dean of Hillsong College. He has a Masters in Theology and a passion for worship and art in the Church. With over 20 years experience as a Hillsong College lecturer, he loves helping people develop a biblical faith that is relevant to our modern world. This conversation with Duncan and Rich talks about our responsibility as Christian artists to create meaningful art.
Make sure to stick around after the interview for the special segment in Season 3, “Psalms of Ascentâ€, and join the #100daycreativechallenge as we prepare for Worship & Creative Conference 2018.
volume_upSeptember 17, 2018 026 More than entertainment - ft "Finding Faith"
This week we hear from Andrew Tierney and Tim Dunfield of the band “Finding Faithâ€. Andrew is one of the original members of the Australian pop band Human Nature, which has toured internationally with Celine Dion and Michael Jackson, and have just completed their 1500th show. Tim has a background as a worship and teaching pastor, and their conversation covers many practical lessons any creative can learn from and apply.
Make sure to stick around after the interview for the special segment in Season 3, “Psalms of Ascentâ€, and join the #100daycreativechallenge as we prepare for Worship & Creative Conference 2018.
volume_upSeptember 10, 2018 025 Empathy as a key to creativity - ft Caitlin Crosby (The Giving Keys)
This week’s episode is with Caitlin Crosby, founder and CEO of The Giving Keys. She’s a mother, actress, musician, entrepreneur and has been featured on Oprah’s Supersoul 100, Ellen, and TEDx talks. Caitlin’s passion for helping others led her to employ homeless people to start making jewelry. Now 10 years later, The Giving Keys has grown into a thriving fashion business, and has helped over 100 of its employees transition out of homelessness.
Make sure to stick around after the interview for the special segment in Season 3, “Psalms of Ascentâ€, and join the #100daycreativechallenge as we prepare for Worship & Creative Conference 2018.
volume_upSeptember 3, 2018 024 Coffee with Chris Tomlin
This week’s guest is world-renowned songwriter and worship leader Chris Tomlin. In the last 3 decades, there are few who have had as much impact on Christian music as Chris, having given the global Church worship anthems such as How Great Is Our God, Indescribable and Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone). In this wide-ranging interview with Cass Langton, you’ll get to know Chris as much more than a musician, as he walks listeners through key stages of his life, whether it be the start of his marriage or the creative process to writing many of his songs.
Make sure to stick around after the interview for the special segment in Season 3, “Psalms of Ascentâ€, and join the #100daycreativechallenge as we prepare for Worship & Creative Conference 2018.
volume_upAugust 27, 2018 023 Cornerstone, more than a song - ft Eric Liljero (Hillsong Sweden)
Listen to Eric Liljero, the creative pastor of Hillsong Sweden, as he shares how a tragedy in Scandinavia helped inspire one of the worship anthems of this generation, Cornerstone. Eric unpacks the defining moments that have taught him the importance of patience and authenticity, and how he’s learnt to use creative rejection and disappointments to fuel his own personal growth.
Make sure to stick around after the interview for the special segment in Season 3, “Psalms of Ascentâ€, and join the #100daycreativechallenge as we prepare for Worship & Creative Conference 2018.
volume_upAugust 20, 2018 022 Creating art that leaves a legacy - ft Leighton Ching (Passion, sixstepsrecords)
Leighton Ching, Art Director and Lead Graphic Designer at Passion City Church and sixstepsrecords, has created the artwork that millions of people would recognise, including for Louie Giglio & Passion, the Jesus Bible, and major Christian artists like Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman, Christy Nockels and more. He discusses his extensive journey to discover and develop his craft. Self-taught in his trade, Leighton talks about what it looks like to learn from leading artists, honing in on skill sets and maturing behind the scenes. Leighton shares the importance of staying faithful and diligent to the work, pressing on toward the goal.
Make sure to stick around after the interview for the special segment in Season 3, “Psalms of Ascentâ€, and join the #100daycreativechallenge as we prepare for Worship & Creative Conference 2018.
volume_upAugust 12, 2018 021 From dream to reality - ft Ben & Alissa Poppett (Wanderers Travel Co.)
Ben & Alissa Poppett, founders of Wanderers Travel Co., talk about the startup what the journey looked like to turn a dream into a thriving, inspiring business. They share about the importance of excellence in every bit of the process including scaling and growing a team, and the reality of what it takes to build a brand to be proud of.
Make sure to stick around after the interview for the special segment in Season 3, “Psalms of Ascentâ€, and join the #100daycreativechallenge as we prepare for Worship & Creative Conference 2018.
volume_upAugust 4, 2018 020 Jonathan "JD" Douglass (Hillsong United) - Godly confidence in the seen and unseen
Season 3 of the Podcast kicks off with an interview with JD from Hillsong United. Known around the world for his passionate worship leading, he shares his journey of confidence that is unshaken by the ups and downs of life and opportunity, but rooted firmly in Christ.
Make sure to stick around after the interview for the special segment in Season 3, “Psalms of Ascentâ€, and join the #100daycreativechallenge as we prepare for Worship & Creative Conference 2018.
volume_upJuly 23, 2018 019 Bonus - Special Announcement!
We're on a short break after finishing Season 2, but we had something special to share that couldn't wait till Season 3. So here's a bonus episode with a special announcement!
volume_upJuly 2, 2018 018 The Art of Rescue - ft Cass Langton (Global Creative Pastor)
In the final episode for Season 2, we have a signature message from Cass Langton, “The Art of Rescueâ€. Spoken at our first ever Worship & Creative Conference. She speaks to the heart and purpose of creativity, how we steward our gifts and find our creative callings. This special episode will inspire creatives in every artistic sphere, and stir imagination for how to pursue creativity that changes the world.
Make sure to stick around after the message for the special segment in Season 2, “The Creative Compassâ€.
volume_upJune 25, 2018 017 A balanced life and being your creative best - ft Joel A'Bell (Hillsong Australia Lead Pastor)
Joel A’Bell, lead pastor of Hillsong Church Australia, reveals the catalyst that led him to a full stop in the process to find work/life balance. Joel shares on the significance of being interruptible so others can come and glean from the harvest in our life, and bring your best to your creativity. With a background in IT, he also talks about the power of technology, structures and systems to enable Christ-like growth, and in growing leaders, how talent is pinpointed before it’s developed.
Make sure to stick around after the interview for the special segment in Season 2, “The Creative Compassâ€.
volume_upJune 18, 2018 016 From conference stages to a welcoming environment - ft Kris Mateika (Stage & Set Design)
Step into the world of innovative creativity on a budget and deadlines, with our resident stage design genius; Kris Mateika. Passionate about transforming church auditoriums into spaces that say “welcome homeâ€, she shares insights into her creative process, working with a variety of teams to execute an idea, and going from the dreaming stages to scaling back an idea whilst maintaining its integrity.
Make sure to stick around after the interview for the special segment in Season 2, “The Creative Compassâ€.
volume_upJune 11, 2018 015 Debunking the myths about practice - ft The Practice Panel
Practice, practice, practice! In this special episode, we have a panel interview with 4 incredible guests from various creative disciplines including music, film creation, audio, and dance. They cover how to prioritize practice amidst full and busy lives, what their practice disciplines have looked like over the years, and debunking the myth that talent is everything.
We get so many requests to share what we do at Team Nights, so we thought this was the perfect interview to share with our Podcast listeners! Enjoy this exclusive interview from Hills Team Night with Sebastian Strand, Tabitha Alfredsson, Chelsea LaRosa, and Muchiri Gateri.
Make sure to stick around after the interview for the special segment in Season 2, “The Creative Compassâ€.
volume_upJune 5, 2018 014 The creative power of art & imagination - ft Jeremy Courtney (Preemptive Love Coalition)
Is there a place for art in devastated places? Join Jeremy Court, founder of the Preemptive Love Coalition, as he talks about the impact of art and story from his perspective on the front lines of providing aid in some of the most war-torn parts of the world. Hear him discuss how imagination threatens groups like ISIS as well as how making soap brought hope and transformation to an entire community.
Make sure to stick around after the interview for the special segment in Season 2, “The Creative Compassâ€.
volume_upMay 28, 2018 013 Managing ego and creative relationships - ft Ben Nicholson (Video Content Director)
Ben Nicholson, a highly accredited video director and creative producer, talks about his personal journey of starting out in the field and how he found himself working with Grammy-Award winning artists and events like the Super Bowl Halftime Show. Ben discusses the significance of finding a balanced rhythm in the midst of a fast-paced industry, prioritizing relationships and community in addition to task.
Make sure to stick around after the interview for the special segment in Season 2, “The Creative Compassâ€.
volume_upMay 21, 2018 012 Healthy growth and managing volunteers - ft Chris Davenport (Hillsong NYC Creative Pastor)
Hear Chris Davenport discuss the ins and outs of being the creative pastor at Hillsong NYC as well as the challenges that come with maintaining a healthy culture in an actively growing team. Working with a volunteer team in the city that never sleeps, Chris provides key tips to become an intentional leader, prioritizing detail and consistent communication in a creative environment.
Make sure to stick around after the interview for the special segment in Season 2, “The Creative Compassâ€.
volume_upMay 14, 2018 011 Rich Langton (Hillsong Creative Pastor) - Healthy culture & caring for your team
Season 2 of the Podcast kicks off with a special interview with host Rich Langton. Rich and his wife Cass lead and pastor the Hillsong Creative team, with him focusing on the leadership of the team in Australia. He speaks vulnerably about his journey over the years and the unexpected paths in following Christ’s calling for his life. Rich shares passionately about creating a healthy team culture, where people are pastored and cared for alongside the stewarding of their contribution, including when tough conversations need to be had.
volume_upApril 9, 2018 010 Brooke Ligertwood (Hillsong Worship) - Authentic worship & creativity, and There Is More album
Only days after its worldwide release, hear Brooke Ligertwood talk about putting together the new Hillsong Worship album “There Is Moreâ€. Along with discussing some of the new songs including “New Wineâ€, she explains the creative process behind the album, focused not simply on a theme but labouring to find which songs are right for this season. She shares her heart on finding new expression for unchanging, timeless truths as well as what it means to authentically worship & create from our own relationship with Jesus.
P.S. This is the last episode for Season 1 of the podcast. We’ll be back in a few weeks with more insightful interviews with a variety of guests, as well as some exciting new segments in Season 2!
volume_upApril 3, 2018 009 Ben Fielding (Hillsong Worship) - Songwriting, collaboration, and What a Beautiful Name
Ben Fielding, worship leader and Grammy Award-winning songwriter from Hillsong Worship, discusses the process of writing songs, and developing a culture of feedback and collaboration with other writers. Having penned some of the modern Church’s most wide-reaching songs like Mighty to Save and What a Beautiful Name, Ben unpacks the importance of melody and Biblical lyrics, and his heart for writing worship anthems that point people to Jesus.
volume_upMarch 26, 2018 008 Brian Houston (Global Senior Pastor) - There Is More
Join Brian Houston, founder and Global Senior Pastor of Hillsong Church, as he shares wisdom from over 40 years of ministry. Brian offers profound insight on partnering with God in dreaming for more for our lives and our creativity, which is the theme of his new book ‘There Is More’. He also talks about the process of building credibility throughout your life in both good times and bad as well as how life is founded on our consistent everyday decisions.
volume_upMarch 18, 2018 007 Cass Langton Part 2 (Global Creative Pastor) - Leading creatives & finding your own unique voice
In the second installment of this interview with Cass Langton, the Global Worship & Creative Pastor of Hillsong Church, we hear about the challenges and joys of leading talented and gifted individuals, and finding your own unique voice as a creative person. She gives insight on what it has meant to support the vision of leaders and senior pastors in her 20 years as part Hillsong Church. Cass also talks candidly about the dreaming and the preparation leading up to Colour Conference and collaborating with Ps Bobbie Houston, as well as sharing her reflections and heart for the annual Hillsong Worship and Creative Conference.
volume_upMarch 12, 2018 006 Cass Langton Part 1 (Global Creative Pastor) - Creativity in the Church, artisans as evangelists
In the first of a 2-part interview with Hillsong Church’s Global Worship and Creative Pastor, Cass Langton talks about the importance of developing a Christ-centered and inclusive creative team. Cass shares milestones and wisdom gathered from her own journey into creative leadership, highlighting the significance of “hidden seasons,†building margin to continually hear from God, and her heart for creatives in the Church.
volume_upMarch 5, 2018 005 David Whitworth (Bethel Music) - Collaborating with different artists
Hear David Whitworth dive into the role of a recording and travelling musician with Bethel Music, keeping a fixed vision while dealing with setbacks and the need for constant output. David shares his personal experiences of collaborative music creation and developing a unique creative rapport with different artists. He talks about the importance of having a creative outlet and finding new ways to stretch his craft of musicianship.
volume_upFebruary 26, 2018 004 Jay Argaet (Art Director) - Creating album covers for Hillsong United
Jay Argaet, Global Communications and Art Director of Hillsong Church, unmasks the execution of creating a visual identity for the church. He talks about the importance of structure and parameters while pushing the limits of an oftentimes chaotic environment. Listen to Jay demystify the process to harvest wild ideas and dream for the impossible, including the tumultuous journey behind creating the artwork for Hillsong United’s recent album “Wonderâ€.
volume_upFebruary 15, 2018 003 Charles Nieman (Author & Pastor) - Creating through hardship
Pastor Charles Nieman is a man of discipline who learned the art of chewing on revelation before putting pen to paper. Hear Pastor Nieman share the journey of Abundant Life Faith Center, with over 30,000 members. He shares honestly and vulnerably about losing his wife to cancer, and the insights and lessons he’s learnt from this journey, including how to keep going and keep creating through the worst hardship in life.
volume_upFebruary 8, 2018 002 Stefan Kunz: Typographer with creative giants like Apple & Adobe
Listen to Stefan Kunz, lettering artist & teacher, as he shares the story of how he dropped a desk job to follow the call of God at the dawn of his creative pursuit. Stefan sees himself as somewhat of a brand manager for the kingdom of God, helping to visually and creatively communicate the message of the Gospel. With more than 200k followers on Instagram and creative partnerships with industry giants such as Apple, Adobe, & Hallmark, Stefan breaks down his own process in the hope of inspiring other creatives.
volume_upFebruary 1, 2018 001 Taya Smith (Hillsong United) - Small Beginnings
In this heartfelt interview with Taya Smith from Hillsong United, she shares her journey of seemingly small beginnings that laid the foundation for everything she does now. She talks openly about the stretch and capacity of a busy, travel-filled life and the process of learning to rely on God in every season. She also explains how she’s learnt to bring her own story and revelation of Christ to the songs she has the opportunity to sing and steward.