volume_upMay 4, 2021 REVELATION Ep #37: OUR GREAT HOPE! (5-5-21)
Yes, we have hope! Our Great Hope is the Return of Jesus Christ. This and more will be discussed in our Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upApril 28, 2021 REVELATION - Ep#36 IS HEAVEN BORING? (4-28-21)
Is Heaven Boring??? This and more will be discussed in our Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upApril 22, 2021 REVELATION: Ep #35 - KINGDOM, REBELLION, GREAT WHITE THRONE (4-21-21)
The Kingdom, The Rebellion, and the Great White Throne. These subjects and more will be discussed in our Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upApril 15, 2021 REVELATION: Ep#34 - IS THE MILLENNIAL KINGDOM REAL? (4-14-21)
The Millennial Kingdom - is it real or just a metaphor? This and more will be discussed in our Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upApril 7, 2021 REVELATION Ep #33: ARMAGEDDON! (4-7-21)
Armageddon! The Day of the Lord! This and more will be discussed in our Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upMarch 31, 2021 REVELATION: Ep #32 - WHO'S THE WHORE? (3-31-21)
Who or what is the Whore of Babylon? And why is she being judged by God? These questions and more will be discussed in our Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upMarch 26, 2021 REVELATION: Ep #31 THE 7 BOWL JUDGMENTS (3-24-21)
The 7 Bowl Judgments occur during the second half of the 7 year period of God's Judgment upon the earth. Will the judgments cause the wicked people to repent and be saved? This and more will be discussed in our Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder, and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upMarch 19, 2021 REVELATION Ep #30 - THE MID-POINT! (3-17-21)
Revelation 14 is the Mid-Point of 7-year period of God's Judgment upon the Earth. But, how does this relate to the Rapture? Is the Rapture Pre-Trib or Mid-Trib? These questions and more will be discussed in our Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upMarch 10, 2021 REVELATION: - Ep #29 THE BEAST FROM THE EARTH (3-10-21)
WHAT IS THE BEAST OF THE EARTH? WHAT IS THE MARK OF THE BEAST? These questions and more will be discussed in our Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upMarch 3, 2021 REVELATION Ep #28: THE BEAST FROM THE SEA! (3-3-21)
THE BEAST OF THE SEA! WHAT IS THIS? IS IT THE NEW WORLD ORDER - A WORLD GOVERNMENT? This and more will be discussed in our Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upFebruary 24, 2021 REVELATION Ep#27 - WHO'S THE WOMAN? (2-24-21)
So we are in Revelation Chapter 12, and I got to ask: WHO'S THE WOMAN? This and more will be discussed in our Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upFebruary 17, 2021 REVELATION Ep#26 - THE 7th TRUMPET: Why is it Terrifying? (2-17-21)
THE 7th TRUMPET IS CALLED THE 3rd TERROR. WHY IS IT SO TERRIFYING? This and more will be discussed in our Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upFebruary 10, 2021 REVELATION - Ep#25 WHO ARE THE 2 PROPHETS? (2-10-21)
WHO ARE THE 2 PROPHETS OF REVELATION 11? What is going on upon the Earth during the time of the Trumpet Judgments? These questions and more will be discussed in our Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upFebruary 3, 2021 REVELATION Ep# 24 - TRUMPETS 5-6: Monsters or Demons? (2-3-21)
Revelation 9 records the judgments of God known as the 5th and 6th trumpets. Are these judgements referring to MONSTERS or DEMONS? This and more will be discussed in our Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upJanuary 27, 2021 REVELATION: Ep 23 - THE FIRST 4 TRUMPETS - Judgment Begins! (1-27-21)
GOD'S JUDGMENT BEGINS! The 7-Trumpets mark the start of God's judgment upon the world's unrighteousness. What do the first 4 Trumpets describe? IS AMERICA DESTINED FOR JUDGMENT? These questions and more will be discussed in our Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upJanuary 20, 2021 REVELATION: Ep.23C - THE CHIASM OF THE PROPHECY OF JESUS! (1-20-21)
In Matthew 24, Jesus gives His prophecy of the End Times. But, He adds a twist - called a Chiasm. What is a Chiasm? And what does the Prophecy of Jesus reveal about the Last Days? These questions and more will be answered in our Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
THEY STORMED THE CAPITOL! Do current events demonstrate additional proof that the 6th Seal is the Rapture? This and more will be discussed in our Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upJanuary 6, 2021 REVELATION: Ep#22a THE PROPHECY OF JESUS! (1-6-21)
Did you know that Jesus gave a prophecy about End Times? How does the Prophecy of Jesus relate to our study on the book of Revelation? This and more will be discussed in our new Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upDecember 9, 2020 REVELATION Ep #21 - DREAMS OR NIGHTMARES: 1st Proof - The Feasts of the Lord! (12-9-20)
The Feasts of the Lord demonstrate additional proof that the 6th Seal is the Rapture. This and more will be discussed in our new Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upDecember 2, 2020 REVELATION Ep. #21 - The 7th Seal: Your Dream or Nightmare? Revelation 8:1 (12-2-20)
Will the 7th Seal be your dream or nightmare? This question and more will be discussed in our new Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upNovember 25, 2020 REVELATION Ep. #19 - DREAMS OR NIGHTMARES: What Happens After the Rapture? Revelation 7 (11-25-20)
What happens after the Rapture? This question and more will be discussed in our new Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upNovember 18, 2020 REVELATION Ep#18 - DREAMS OR NIGHTMARES: 6th Seal - The Rapture! Revelation 6:12-17 (11-18-20)
The 6th Seal is the Rapture! This truth and more will be discussed in our new Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upNovember 11, 2020 REVELATION Ep#17b - DREAMS OR NIGHTMARES: Should We Prepare for Persecution? Revelation 6:9-11(11-11-20)
SHOULD WE PREPARE FOR PERSECUTION? This question and more will be answered in our new Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upNovember 4, 2020 REVELATION Ep#17-a - DREAMS OR NIGHTMARES: Would You Die for Jesus? Revelation 6:9-11 (11-4-20)
Would You Die for Jesus? This question and more will be answered in our new Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upOctober 28, 2020 REVELATION Ep#16 - DREAMS OR NIGHTMARES: The Horsemen of the Apocalypse! Revelation 6:3-8 (10-28-20)
Are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse beginning to come forth? This question and more will be answered in our new Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upOctober 22, 2020 REVELATION Ep#15 - DREAMS OR NIGHTMARES: The Coming World Government! Revelation 6:1-2 (10-21-20)
Is the 1st Seal the formation of a World-Wide Government? This question and more will be answered in our new Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upOctober 14, 2020 REVELATION Ep#14 - DREAMS OR NIGHTMARES: The 7 Seals Revealed! Revelation 6:1-8:1 (10-14-20)
THE 7-SEALS REVEALED! What are the 7-Seals? Are they going to happen soon? Will the Church go through all the Seals? These questions and more will be answered in our new Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upOctober 7, 2020 REVELATION Ep#13 - DREAMS OR NIGHTMARES: What is the Ceremony of the 7 Seals? Revelation 4-5 (10-7-20)
WHAT IS THE CEREMONY OF THE 7-SEALS? This question and more will be answered in our new Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upSeptember 30, 2020 REVELATION Ep#12 - DREAMS OR NIGHTMARES: What is the Rapture? Revelation 4:1 (9-30-20)
WHAT IS THE RAPTURE? This question and more will be answered in our new Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upSeptember 23, 2020 REVELATION Ep#11 - DREAMS OR NIGHTMARES: What is the Apostasy? Revelation 3:14-22 (9-23-20)
WHAT IS THE APOSTASY? This question and more will be answered in our new Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upSeptember 16, 2020 REVELATION Ep#10 - DREAMS OR NIGHTMARES: What Makes a Good Church? Revelation 3:7-13 (9-16-20)
WHAT MAKES A GOOD CHURCH? This question and more will be answered in our new Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upSeptember 10, 2020 REVELATION Ep#9 - DREAMS OR NIGHTMARES: Are Protestants All That? Revelation 3:1-6 (9-9-20)
ARE PROTESTANTS ALL THAT? Or do we have some of the same problems as the Roman Catholic church? These questions and more will be answered in our new Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upSeptember 2, 2020 REVELATION Ep#8 - DREAMS OR NIGHTMARES: Can Churches Go Bad? Revelation 2:18-29 (9-2-20)
CAN CHURCHES GO BAD? This question and more will be answered in our new Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upAugust 26, 2020 REVELATION Ep#7b - DREAMS OR NIGHTMARES: Are Pastors Above You? Revelation 2:12-17 (8-26-20)
ARE PASTORS AND PRIESTS ABOVE YOU? WHAT ABOUT THE POPE? IS IT GOOD TO PRAY TO MARY? These questions and more will be answered in our new Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This session completes our conversation about the church of Pergamum. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upAugust 19, 2020 REVELATION Ep#7a - DREAMS OR NIGHTMARES: Can a Church be Worldly? Revelation 2:12-17 (8-19-20)
CAN A CHURCH BE WORLDLY? This question and more will be answered in our new Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries....
volume_upAugust 12, 2020 REVELATION Ep#6 - DREAMS OR NIGHTMARES: Are Martyrs Ancient History? Revelation 2:8 -11 (8-12-20)
ARE MARTYRS ANCIENT HISTORY? This question and more will be answered in our new Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries....
volume_upAugust 5, 2020 REVELATION Ep#5 - DREAMS OR NIGHTMARES - Do We Still Love Jesus? Revelation 2:1-7 (8-5-20)
DOES THE AMERICAN CHURCH STILL LOVE JESUS? This question and more will be answered in our new Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries....
Now on the major Podcast Platforms:
volume_upJuly 29, 2020 REVELATION Ep#4 - DREAMS OR NIGHTMARES: Has Satan Retired? Revelation 2 (7-29-20)
HAS SATAN RETIRED? This question and more will be answered in our new Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries....
volume_upJuly 22, 2020 REVELATION Ep#3 - DREAMS OR NIGHTMARES: Is There a Spiritual War? Revelation CH 2
IS THERE A SPIRITUAL WAR? This question and more will be answered in our new Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to www.churchdiscipleshipministries.com
volume_upJuly 17, 2020 REVELATION Ep#2 - DREAMS OR NIGHTMARES: Who is Jesus Really? Revelation 1:1-19
WHO IS JESUS REALLY? This question and more will be answered in our new Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on the Revelation of Jesus Christ". This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45PxFPL-dDw
volume_upJuly 15, 2020 REVELATION Ep#1 - DREAMS OR NIGHTMARES: Is there Hope for Us? Luke 21:5-36
IS THERE HOPE FOR US? Is this the End of the Age? Is God judging America? These questions and more will be answered in our new Bible Study "Dreams or Nightmares? - A Study on Revelation. This series is part of the TODD TALKS BIBLE discipleship channel. TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries (CDM). The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. For more information go to https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com or https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqn1KtsOyIRuNHF2yCFGv2A
volume_upJuly 15, 2020 INTRO TO PODCAST - How the Church Lost America
TODD TALKS BIBLE is sponsored by Church Discipleship Ministries. The instructor is Todd Toles, Founder and Director of CDM. https://churchdiscipleshipministries.com