Giving Tyranny The Tombstone Piledriver | The Glenn Jacobs Interview

Released August 10, 2021 by The Babylon Bee


On The Babylon Bee Interview Show, Kyle and Ethan talk to Glenn Jacobs. Glenn Jacobs is the current Knoxville County Mayor and is also known as the WWE wrestler Kane. They talk about being a wrestling star, libertarian philosophy, and the best hot chicken in Tennessee. Glenn had gained most of his fame from being one of the most feared villains with his intimidating physique and red mask he has worn throughout his career. Glenn felt an obligation to keep freedom going for the next generation by becoming the mayor of Knoxville County.  Kyle and Ethan start the interview by finding out who is behind the Kane mask. Glenn obliges by describing his journey as a wrestler and what led him into becoming a libertarian. Kyle and Ethan find out the best food in Tennessee while Ethan reveals a secret about Kyle that shocks Glenn. Glenn goes into how he has been leading his county and all the obstacles he has had to work through.  Glenn reveals which President he would figuratively lay a smackdown on and which President he would have the ultimate tag team with. They all talk about the growing opposition to talking to the other political side and what can be done to help keep an open conversation between our political parties. Ethan is able to get the ultimate cool story out of Glenn Jacobs before entering the Subscriber portion.  In the Subscriber Portion, subscribers get some questions asked by Kyle and Ethan such as  finding out which politician Glenn would lay a figurative chokeslam on. Glenn goes in depth on how libertarianism and Christianity can work together. Glenn talks about what drove him to English Literature as a major in college. Kyle and Ethan ask Glenn the 10 questions with Glenn giving one of the best fight stories.Â