Welcome to What I've Been Watching! This is a series where I tell you the good, great and greatest of Netflix, Disney+ and a few other streaming sites, too. I used to be SO bad at watching TV because I hated taking a break from work. Ridiculous, I know.
So my challenge to anyone like me: Take a break this weekend! This week! Catch up on your favorite show or check out a brand new movie. And don't worry about wondering What to Watch because this episode has you covered :)
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You can also buy my book “Finding Quiet†if you want to know more about my journey in the music business and young adulthood with Anxiety and Tourette. Amazon: https://amzn.to/2Ml8FPO (https://amzn.to/2Ml8FPO)
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Online Therapy - http://faithfulcounseling.com/jamiegrace (http://faithfulcounseling.com/jamiegrace) Use the link above to learn more about Faithful Counseling and get 10% OFF of your first month. It's where I personally go for therapy and I genuinely benefit from what they have to offer.
Thank you for listening :) Love, Jamie Grace
B.S. Child & Youth Development
Diagnosis: Tourette Syndrome, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, OCD, ADHD
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