With all of the talk these days about what is and is not "essential," it's good to be reminded that God's presence IS essential. Natalie Grant goes so far to declare God's presence as our weapon against the darkness in her song, "My Weapon."   Let's discover how essential God's presence was to Moses in Exodus 33. On this week's episode I discuss: Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture - this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Read in context Use the section titles to get your bearings Write out Scripture in your own words The 30 Day Music Challenge - ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE HERE God's initial response to NOT go with His people - Exodus 33:1-4 Getting really good at discovering what the Word of God says before moving on to other steps Getting our bearings in large books of the Bible by using section headings Discovering when Moses went up the mountain - Exodus 24:9-14 Acknowledging WHY God was so angry with the people that He would not accompany them to the promised land - Exodus 32:11-14 Writing out the scene in your own words (maybe even dramatizing it as I did) Moses interceding for the people - Exodus 32:11-14, Exodus 33:12-17 A reminder from Episode 338 that joy accompanies the presence of God A reminder from Episode 337 that our Great High Priest intercedes for us to this day Really considering what it would be like taking even one more step without the presence of God  Additional Resources Lyrics and Chords - PraiseCharts.com Story Behind the Song "My Weapon" by Natalie Grant - YouTube Video This Week's Challenge Read Exodus 32-34 and consider what it would be like for the people of God to be led by His angel, but without the presence of God. Prayerfully ponder how essential God's presence is in your own life. Can you declare with Moses, "How will it be known that I and your people have found favor with you unless you go with us?"