Trust is not always an easy thing to do. Sometimes we wrongly assign character to someone because of the actions of another. It would be a shame to assign character to God based on our interactions with people. In their song, "I Will Trust My Saviour Jesus," City Alight reminds us of many reasons we can and should trust Him. The psalms teach us much about the trustworthy nature of our God as well. Join me as we explore Psalm 33 together. In this episode, I discuss: Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture - this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Explore a topic Consult an outside resource Make a list The 30 Day Music Challenge The live conversation I had with Joel Arcieri and Vince Wright - YouTube Recording Exploring a new topic in an area of Scripture you have been sitting in How Scripture is alive and active (Hebrews 4:12) AND we are constantly growing in maturity and perspective Being willing to dig for insight like treasure - Proverbs 2:3-4 Psalm 33 beginning and ending with trusting God - Psalm 33:4, Psalm 33:21 How we can trust everything God does - Psalm 33:1-5 Exploring the activities of God recorded by the psalmist in Psalm 33 How we can trust what God does because He is our creator and designer and His creation is good Consulting an outside resource - Reformation Study Bible The joy and inheritance for the people of God God as all-knowing How we often trust external things that don't have the power to save completely like God does Trusting in the name (and thus the character) of God as revealed in Scripture Enjoy the official live performance below. More Than a Song Playlist Additional Resources Lyrics and chords - This Week's Challenge Spend some time in Psalm 33 this week. Maybe listen to an audio version of it every morning and then choose a day to interact with the text. Consider what the psalm teaches us about the actions of God and the character of God. Ponder why His actions and character should cause you to place your trust in Him. And in the words of Apostle Paul in Romans 15:3, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."