We serve a loving God. He helps us in our weakness, He causes everything to work together for our good, He gives us right standing before Him by taking away the sin nature we could never conquer on our own, and so much more. Riley Clemmons sings about this in her song "For The Good," but it all came from Paul's letter to the Romans. Let's read this letter together. Grab a Reader's Bible, and I'll meet you in the letter to the Romans. In this episode, I discuss: Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture - this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Read in context Read and keep on reading Setting our hope on WHO God is over what He can do for us How the Intitute for Bible Reading is changing the way people read the Bible - InstituteForBibleReading.org Immersing ourselves in the text of the Bible with fewer distractions - Immerse: The Reading Bible My recommended resource - Immerse: Messiah (the complete New Testament in one reading volume) - Amazon Paid Link Reading Romans from the beginning, through our focus area of Scripture, and stopping at a natural point How Paul uses a pattern of ancient rhetoric known as a diatribe - EnterTheBible.org definition Identifying the natural divisions in Paul's long letter to the Romans - "How to Read the Bible Book by Book" by Fee and Stuart Amazon Paid Link Seeing the law of sin, the law of Moses, and the law of the Spirit in Romans 5-8 Three things the Holy Spirit gives us a sense of new life a new mind-set a new identity How our suffering doesn't mean God doesn't love us or can't redeem it for our good and His glory More Than a Song Playlist Additional Resources "For The Good" by Riley Clemmons - Behind the song with Kevin Davis - New Release Today Article "For The Good" Lyrics - New Release Today Weekly Challenge Grab a reader's Bible, start in Romans 1, and read through chapter 11. (Here's an online option if you can't secure a paper copy.) Immerse yourself in the letter from Paul to the believers in Rome. Go back to chapter 8 to see how the Spirit of God changes everything -- including our perspective on suffering. Rejoice in the right standing we have before God because of Christ and in the love of God that stands firm through it all.