The best way to explore deeper water fast is to dive in. You would never dive in the shallows -- that's dangerous. There's no place to dive in the shallows. You can pretty much see everything from the surface. But God calls us to deeper waters as it relates to exploring His Word. This week I use Stephen Curtis Chapman's 90's hit "Dive" to inspire us to dive into the book of Hebrews. Are you ready to go deeper? Hebrews offers deep waters that lead to endless opportunities to explore many other areas of God's Word. In this week's episode, I discuss: Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture - this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Read in context Read and keep on reading Consult an overview Ask questions Remembering the people of the Bible were real Compare and contrast Make a list Journal your thoughts and/or share with a friend Partner podcast for this episode - Mixtape Theology Stephen Curtis Chapman's Scriptural inspiration from his liner notes Romans 11:33-36 Ephesians 3:16-19 The area of Scripture I was first inspired to explore - Hebrews 5:11-14 How Hebrews may raise more questions at first, especially if you are not deeply acquainted with the first five books of the Bible The reminder that Hebrews was originally written to real people with real struggles, real questions, and real tendencies to turn from truth to their own ways The accusation that the audience no longer tries to understand the deep truths of Scripture Comparing and contrasting Student/teacher Infant/mature Lazy/diligent Foundational teachings - Hebrews 6:1-3 Final encouragement and warnings - Hebrews 6:9-12 Remember that the audience this letter was originally written to was made up of real people with real struggles, questions, and real tendencies to turn from truth to their own ways. Just like us. More Than a Song Playlist Additional Resources Lyrics - Overview of the book of Hebrews - "How to Read the Bible Book by Book" by Fee and Stuart - Amazon paid link Reformation Study Bible Introduction to 2 Corinthians - Amazon paid link Weekly Challenge Read the letter to the Hebrews. Read it over the course of a few days if you need to. Consult an overview of the book to understand the themes better. Focus your study on Hebrews 5:11-6:12, comparing and contrasting student and teacher, infant and mature, and lazy and diligent. Share your thoughts and questions with a friend or journal them. And be sure to hop over to Mixtape Theology to hear the partner episode to this week's installment.