Occupy your Heart with the Kingdom

Released October 27, 2021 by Communion House with Moses Anderson


It's easy to be preoccupied on the wrong thing, to marinate too long on that thought or simply be distracted by 'good things' that they wear us out. Consider this, a person can be so preoccupied serving or volunteering at their local church that they accrue to their 'God time' nut yet have little time for their own personal Bible study or prayer. But true time spent with God IS that time of separation with Him, His Word and His Spirit; seeking His face, listening and speaking to Him in prayer and receiving what He has for you! With such an example, isn't it time for us all to recalibrate and 'Seek first the Kingdom of God' (Matthew 6:33) just as the Word says? I think you'll agree this is a message we all should occupy our mind to. Thanks for tuning in, don't forget to subscribe for more On Demand content!