Far too many view God as an overbearing and critical father, sitting with His arms crossed in disapproval of us.If this is how you see God, it will hold you back in significant ways. You won’t want to be close to Him. You’ll struggle to spend time with Him. You’ll struggle to see yourself and others clearly. You’ll struggle to live with the confidence that comes from knowing you are a beloved child.None of this is in God’s true heart for you! Your Father doesn’t just have love for you, He is Love for you! You are made for something untamed, wild, and limitless that can only be found in Jesus! You no longer have to live constantly striving to feel loved. You, beloved, are already fiercely loved.Today on the Conversations podcast, join us as we discuss the new Fiercely Loved 90-day devotional! It’s time to change the way you think God thinks about you.