The most theological man found in all of the Bible was the Apostle Paul. He was an intellectual genius. His mind was unparalleled. He was biblically informed and deeply disciplined. And, according to his own testimony, Paul prayed in tongues more than anyone he knew. He also boldly wrote that he wanted all believers to speak in tongues. In this episode, Jeff begins to address the proper regard we should all have for the gift of tongues. From its prophetic use in the gathered church when tongues are interpreted, to the private use of tongues in prayer and praise which requires no interpreter, this gift is given to build up the body of Christ. Yet, many Christians fail to recognize that the Word of God places guardrails on the usage of the gift of tongues in the gathered assembly. If we fail to properly use any of the gifts which Holy Spirit provides for us, then that gift can become a tool of division and even sin. This message calls all of us to consider our attitudes and activities surrounding the gift of tongues. Reference: 1 Corinthians 14