84: It's the Bread Story, with guest, Becca Pouliot

Released September 25, 2023 by Sue's Healthy Minutes with Sue Becker | The Bread Beckers


Sue Becker met Becca Pouliot during her recent visit to a women's conference, hosted by Calvary Chapel, in Chattanooga, TN. From miscarriages and infertility to Tonsillitis and Bronchitis, Becca and her family's health was rapidly declining. This led her to try every other diet widely known by the social masses. However, shortly after adding REAL BREAD to their diet, Becca's family began to heal in more ways than she could have ever expected or imagined. Watch Sue Beckers talk, called She is Diligent, at Calvary Chapel Chattanooga https://www.calvarychatt.com/media/wgbj5gm/she-is-diligent?fbclid=IwAR3Tm-xwYu8YNkIbhE7NAk7MMQRTgA-EDjmKfhgkYrnBnuQhbw3AuTxWlXU. Follow us on Facebook @thebreadbeckers and Instagram @breadbeckers. For more information on the benefits of REAL bread - made from freshly-milled grain, visit our website, breadbeckers.com. Also, watch our video, Only Real Bread - Staff of Life, https://youtu.be/43s0MWGrlT8. *DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this podcast or on our website should be construed as medical advice. Consult your health care provider for your individual nutritional and medical needs. The information presented is based on our research and is strictly that of the author and not necessarily those of any professional group or other individuals.