January 2018 Rhythms: Good Food + Simoni Kigweba

Released January 18, 2018 by That Sounds Fun with Annie F. Downs


To continue in our theme of small important rhythms we can add to our lives, chef to the Nashville stars, Simoni Kigweba, came on the show to talk about food. Not dieting. Not shoulds and should nots. But what would it look like for us to just eat better food? To have a knife and a pan and a pot and know what we are eating? Simoni is a dear friend and probably my favorite chef in this town- and how he ended up cooking in Nashville was a story I had never heard and it moved me to tears. Once you hear the episode, I'd love to know more about your island. :)  https://www.simonikigweba.com http://100daystobrave.com http://anniefdowns.com #thatsoundsfunpodcast ... join in the conversation wherever hashtags are welcome. :)