Episode 76: Hilary Yancey

Released May 10, 2018 by That Sounds Fun with Annie F. Downs


I am so so happy to have a sweet mama on the show this week to help kick off your Mother's Day Weekend celebrating! Hilary Yancey has a unique, hard, and beautiful story of her growing family that I think will connect with you and change you. Her first book, Forgiving God: A Story of Faith is moving and powerful and yet intensely vulnerable and kind. You've gonna love it and you're gonna love her.  Happy Mother's Day to all you women who birthed, adopted, raised, cared for, and hugged children. Whether they are yours or they are someone else's but loved by you, you are doing good work. Keep it up. I'm proud to be your friend. http://www.hilaryyancey.com http://100daystobrave.com http://anniefdowns.com #thatsoundsfunpodcast ... join in the conversation wherever hashtags are welcome. :)  Thanks to our friends at Prep Dish for sponsoring this episode! Head to prepdish.com/annie for a 2-week free trial!