2018 Christmas Party Episode 3: Jon McLaughlin

Released December 3, 2018 by That Sounds Fun with Annie F. Downs


He's back, y'all! Jon McLaughlin swings through our Christmas party again this year and no one is mad about THAT. He's a favorite around here- you guys tell me all the time. So he's back, and he's got a new album to tell us about- Angst and Grace. It's so so good. Merry Christmas to us, getting to laugh with this dude and listen to some amazing new tunes. . . . . . Just a reminder that Advent started yesterday! Read alone with us at SheReadsTruth and HeReadsTruth. It's going to be a great Christmas season. . . . . . Want to give an autographed copy of 100 Days to Brave as a Christmas gift? Head to your local Barnes and Noble to get one of the thousands of hand-signed copies from yours truly! . . . . . http://anniefdowns.com #thatsoundsfunpodcast ... join in the conversation wherever hashtags are welcome. :)