The Babylon Bee welcomes Austin Robertson, the voice of The Babylon Bee, to the studio to officially celebrate the launch of Bee Radio, a punchy podcast that turns the award-winning reporting of The Babylon Bee into a nicely produced radio broadcast featuring the amazingly smooth, creamy voice of Austin Robertson. To celebrate, everyone in the studio tries their best to do a live Bee Radio broadcast from the podcast room, but Kyle keeps playing the wrong sound effects. The guys talk about the news of the week like, the FBI raiding a pro-life man, Hurricane Ian running through Florida, Gavin Newsom reading Scripture upside down and backwards to turn abortion into love, and Italy’s new Prime Minister quoting G.K. CHESTERTON. Then, Producer Dan and Jarret talk to Tom DiLorenzo about owning the libs with sound economics.  Check Out Bee Radio. It’s a must! Check Out Tom DiLorenzo’s new book The Politically Incorrect Guide To Economics.  This episode is brought to you by our wonderful sponsors who you should absolutely check out: Allegiance Gold Better Help iTarget (Save 10% plus get free shipping when using promo code ‘TheBee’)  Adam Yenser brings you the Weak-ly News in his usual style. There’s also some of that spicy hate mail! Subscribers get access to the full podcast where Kyle, Austin, and Adam answer questions from you, the listener, and Austin answers the second set of Ten Questions!