#43: Light of the World by Lauren Daigle & Luke 2

Released December 15, 2014 by More Than a Song - Michelle Nezat


I love how this week's song leads us to the Christmas story AND deep into God's Word searching out details about the Light of the World, Jesus Christ.  Lauren Daigle's "Light of the World", includes lyrics we can relate to and that point us back to God's Word.

If you feel like you are walking in darkness, please know that the sunrise has visited us from on high to give you light and guide your feet into the way of peace.
On this week's episode I discuss:

Our desire for the "next thing"
Giving yourself the margin to allow truth to sink in
Luke 2:13-14 where the multitude of angels appeared to the shepherds
Zachariah's prophecy over John that includes details about Jesus in Luke 1:76-79
Matthew 4:16 describing the Light that has dawned (cross reference in Isaiah 9:2)
Jesus referring to Himself as the Light of the World in John 8:12


Additional Resources

New Release Tuesday article behind the song "Light of the World"

This Week's Challenge

Read Luke 1 & 2...again. This time focus on the areas we talked about today -- Zechariah's prophecy, the angels and the shepherds, or any other part you find yourself skipping over. Want to go deeper? Do a search in BibleHub.com or BibleGateway.com for "light of the world". Read the verses you find in context and chase down some cross references.