#44: Baby Boy by For King & Country and Luke 1 & 2

Released December 22, 2014 by More Than a Song - Michelle Nezat


When you strip everything away and focus intently on the baby Jesus of the Bible, you will see what For King & Country describes in their song, "Baby Boy" -- you will see a king without a crown, a baby boy without a bed and unexpected majesty.

Hopefully at the end of our study we will respond as the band does with a resounding, "Alleluia, what a King!"
On this week's episode I discuss:

The epic crescendo of the arrival of baby Jesus
How God had this plan from the beginning
The fullness of time found in Galatians 4:4-5
God beginning with the end in mind even before He made the world in Ephesians 1:4-5
God's plan is all about relationship
Jesus was not just a willing participant, but was in on the planning John 1:1-5, 14
Focusing on the details of Jesus revealed in Luke 1 & 2


Additional Resources

New Release Tuesday article behind the song "Baby Boy"

This Week's Challenge

Read Luke 1 & 2...again. This time focus on ANY reference to Jesus. Write down each mention in a list, either in your journal or a scratch piece of paper.