#49: "While I'm Waiting by John Waller & Psalm 40

Released January 26, 2015 by More Than a Song - Michelle Nezat


We wait. We wait in grocery lines and at the bank. We wait for vacations and new jobs. We wait for opportunity, we wait for healing. We spend a good portion of our life in the in-between times, so what should we do with all that waiting? That is what this week's song, "While I'm Waiting" by John Waller and our Scripture emphasis in Psalm 40 both talk about.

Perhaps God is developing something in you in the wait that will be necessary in the arrival.
On this week's episode I discuss:

The podcast episode with Michael Hyatt and Michele Cushatt that inspired me to choose the song
Major Biblical figures forced to wait long periods of time before God brought them to a place of success
How waiting does not just accompany faith, it is woven into the fabric of our faith because it is woven into the fabric of our lives
David's song of waiting - Psalm 40
How David waited and God's response - Psalm 40:1
The hardest part of waiting
How trouble and temptations can develop patience in us - James 1:2-4
How God steadies us even on solid ground - Psalm 40:2
Embracing the wait and learning what God has for us - Psalm 40:6
A quote from Jeff Goins' book, "The In-Between"
Worshiping in the wait - Psalm 40:5
Serving in the wait - Psalm 40:10
The good that can come out of the wait - Psalm 40:3
A reminder to TRUST GOD in the wait - Psalm 40:4
There will always be seasons of wait - Psalm 40:13, 17

 Additional Resources

Behind the Song with Kevin Davis on New Release Tuesday
Transcript of Michael Hyatt's podcast episode on "Waiting"
"What To Do While You're Waiting" by Daniel Darling

This Week's Challenge

Spend some time in Psalm 40 for yourself! There is much more to discover. God knows you intimately and will reveal things to you if you will invest some time in the process. Read Psalm 40 over and over again this week. Read it in different versions. Read it aloud. Then allow God to pull out the truths that He wants to impact this season of your life. Have a conversation with God about what you are reading. Embrace the wait until next week's podcast!