#59: "Jesus Messiah" by Chris Tomlin & 2 Corinthians 5

Released April 6, 2015 by More Than a Song - Michelle Nezat


I uncovered a special assignment given by God this week just by reading the context of a verse quoted in this week's song by Chris Tomlin. "Jesus Messiah" is full of Scripture and leads us straight to God's Word and to the heart of His task for us. Then the song leads us back to a heart of worship.
It's going to be an adventure this week!
On this episode I discuss:

The first lyric of the song comes straight from Scripture! - 2 Corinthians 5:21
Rhythm and rhyme tuck Scripture deep into the recesses of your mind
How we get distracted from the tasks at hand
God's task for us found in 2 Corinthians 5:15, 18-21
The Greek word for reconciliation
We are God's ambassadors
Article discussing the meaning of the statement "He BECAME sin" found in our song and verses this week
Resource I created to assist in studying the Scriptures referenced by this week's song (Click Here)
Messiah means Anointed One

Additional Resources


This Week's Challenge

Use the resource I created to meditate on the Scriptures that relate to each lyric in this week's song. It will really make the song come alive, and in turn, the Scripture will come alive to you as you pair the two. Bonus points will be awarded if while you're meditating on a verse it inspires you to read it in context! (Click Here for the resource)