#81: "Cast My Cares" by Finding Favour

Released September 7, 2015 by More Than a Song - Michelle Nezat


With all of the distractions around us, it is important to get really clear on what God wants to be the center of our attention. Like a fancy camera lens, let's focus clearly and allow the troubles of this world to blur in the background. "Cast My Cares" by Finding Favour leads us straight to 1 Peter and what God's Word has to teach on how to accomplish this clarity.
Are you truly willing to trade the troubles of this world for God's peace?
On this episode I discuss:

The lyrics of the song that point to our memory verse this week - 1 Peter 5:7
The Bible interaction tool of reading the entire text - watch the whole movie!
The Bible interaction tool of listening to the text while on the go - YouVersion App
The Bible interaction tool of prayer to ask God for His power to stay focused and understand
The Bible interaction tool of reading out loud to remove distractions
How Peter begins with the end in mind in his letter - 1 Peter 1:3-5
What our center of interest should be...what should we be focusing on anyway?
How do we get focused?

Gird up the loins of our mind - 1 Peter 1:13
Be sober - 1 Peter 1:13
Rest our hope on the coming grace - 1 Peter 1:13
Don't conform - 1 Peter 1:14
Be holy - 1 Peter 1:16
Be purified by obedience 1 Peter 1:22

Some of the distractions Peter discusses in the letter
The context of our memory verse
A prayer of blessing over you - 1 Peter 5:10

Additional Resources

Story Behind the Song - New Release Today Article

This Week's Challenge

Read all of 1 Peter. Try the tools I used this week. Listen to the audio version of 1 Peter, read it out loud, pray before reading and try reading in a new version...or better yet, read it several times in several versions. I just scratched the surface of this powerful letter of instruction from someone who had suffered, made some pretty embarrassing choices and had matured in the Lord.