#82: "From the Day" by I Am They

Released September 14, 2015 by More Than a Song - Michelle Nezat


There is an eternal hope that we can look forward to. Our salvation begins when we become followers of Christ, but it is a forever kind of salvation. "From the Day" by I Am They is a song that celebrates this salvation, but also leads us to exciting descriptions of what our forever-salvation will look like.
I can't wait to share with you what I found in Scripture this week!
On this episode I discuss:

The story behind the song as told in an article by Kevin Davis on NewReleaseToday.com
One of the key verses the band infused into the song - Isaiah 51:11
When we accept the salvation our Redeemer Jesus Christ offers, we will enter the holy city crowned with everlasting joy
Comparing Isaiah 51:6 to Revelation 21:1-4 and Isaiah 65:17-19 to see aspects of the new heaven, new earth and new Jerusalem
Comparing our current state where death, sorrow, mourning and sadness prevail with our eternal promise of joy, happiness and delight and the ABSENCE of the former
The promise of restoration like Eden of old in Isaiah 51:3 and the description of an Eden-like environment in Revelation 22:1-5
God's justice as a light to the nations in Isaiah 51:4 and God's presence as the new source of light in Revelation 21:22-23
How we can enjoy hanging out with God in His Word even if we never have any wonderful "aha" moments of application

 Additional Resources

Story Behind the Song - New Release Today Article

This Week's Challenge

Read Isaiah 51 and Revelation 21 several times in several translations. Slip into Revelation 22 and explore the promised Eden-like environment and maybe even head over to the beginning of Genesis to compare and contrast. Get really clear on what is coming for those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life...perhaps it will help your current circumstances fade into the background in light of the brilliance of our forever with the Eternal.