#95: "What a Glorious Night" by Sidewalk Prophets

Released December 14, 2015 by More Than a Song - Michelle Nezat


Reviewing the Christmas story can warm our hearts with the familiar, but examining the characters in new ways can bring a richness to the story you may never have considered. Sidewalk Prophet's song, "What a Glorious Night," puts the shepherds (and their experience in the Christmas story) front and center. It gives us a unique opportunity to consider this repeated story in a fresh and exciting way.
I pray my response to God's message will always be the same as the shepherds that glorious night.
On this episode I discuss:

Several of my favorite Bible Interaction Tools that make covering familiar passages exciting

Remembering the characters are real
Slowing down to ponder and meditate on the details
Reading the same section of Scripture in a variety of translations
Reading in context
Reading/studying with others

Considering the shepherd's 5 senses and what they may have experienced - Luke 2:8-12
How to define the "radiance of the Lord's glory"

AW Tozer devotion
Quote from Nancy Guthrie's Family Devotional - Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room

What we can learn from the shepherd's response to confirm what the angel said - Luke 2:15-16
Thinking of the shepherds as the first evangelists - Luke 2:17-18

Additional Resources

Lyrics and Story Behind the Song - New Release Today
Behind the Song with Sidewalk Prophets on YouTube
Seven Characteristics of Highly Evangelistic Christians - by Thom Rainer - The Christian Post

This Week's Challenge

Read Luke 2:8-20 this week. Don't forget that the shepherds were real people, living in a real place, during a real epic event that impacts you and me for eternity. Consider what they may have experienced as you ponder the 5 senses. Slow down. Meditate on what you are reading. Read in a variety of translations. Read the story in context of all that came before. But most of all this week...if you use no other Bible interaction tool...read it and discuss it with a friend.