#96: "Noel" by Chris Tomlin ft. Lauren Daigle

Released December 21, 2015 by More Than a Song - Michelle Nezat


When you drive up to a traffic circle and encounter a red triangular sign, it triggers a behavior to yield to traffic in the circle. If you're married and gaze upon your wedding band, it may trigger memories of your wedding day or perhaps just bring your spouse's face to mind. There are signs and symbols everywhere that prick our memories or guide our behaviors -- especially at Christmas. This week, we will use "Noel" as sung by Lauren Daigle on Chris Tomlin's new Christmas album to point us to the symbols of Christmas and Scriptural truth we can take with us all year long.
Invest in some time learning Scripture references that the symbols of Christmas can spark in your mind for years to come.
On this episode I discuss:

What the word "sign" means in the Greek - Luke 2:12
The symbols of Christmas and what they can point to in Scripture

Christmas tree

Evergreen tree points to everlasting life in Christ - John 17:3
A tree reminds us to be rooted in Christ - Colossians 2:7
A Christmas tree gives up it's thriving life to bring us joy and blessing in our homes just as Christ gave up His life for us


The wise men from the east followed the star to find Jesus - Matthew 2:1-11
The star led the wise men to Jesus. Who led you to Jesus?
Wise men still seek Jesus


Angels appear throughout the Christmas story in Luke 1, Matthew 1 and Luke 2
Just as the angel's role was to proclaim Jesus to the shepherds, our role is to proclaim Christ as well - Colossians 1:28

Tree lights

The lights brighten the dark shadows in a Christmas tree
We are to shine like lights in a dark world - Matthew 5:16

Candy cane

Upside down it is a "J" for Jesus
Right side up it looks like a shepherd's staff and reminds us that Jesus is our good shepherd - John 10:11
The red and white colors remind us of Jesus' shed blood and His pure and sinless life


Jesus is the light of the world - John 8:12


Ornaments do not shine with their own light, but reflect the light instead
We are designed to reflect the light of Christ - 2 Corinthians 3:18


Snowflakes softly float to the ground - Be still and know - Psalm 46:10
Our scarlet sins have been made white as snow through the sacrifice of Christ - Isaiah 1:18


The thorny leaves on a holly leaf can serve to remind us of the crown of thorns that tore into Christ's brow at the crucifixion - John 19:2
The red berries again remind us of Christ's blood shed for us


Stockings are for feet and point directly to the armor of God where we are taught that our feet are to be fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace - Ephesians 6:15
Our feet should be bringing the good news and proclaiming salvation to all - Isaiah 52:7


We can remember the gifts the wise men brought Jesus in Matthew 2
Jesus is the best gift of all - 2 Corinthians 9:15

Additional Resources

The Legend of the Candy Cane - The Candymaker's Gift - YouTube Video
The Legend of the Candy Cane by Lori Walburg - Amazon
The Legend of the Christmas Tree by Pat Matuszak - Amazon

This Week's Challenge

Read the Christmas story this week.  Read Matthew 1:18-24, then Luke 2:1-20, then Matthew 2:1-12 and you'll get it all in! If you're up for a greater challenge, take the list of Christmas symbols and the references found in this week's show notes and dig in!