#101: "Worn" by Tenth Avenue North

Released January 25, 2016 by More Than a Song - Michelle Nezat


Hearing the stories of others can give us hope and encouragement in our own struggles. This week's song, "Worn" by Tenth Avenue North, puts into words what many of us are feeling in our own wearying circumstances. This week we meet up with Jacob in the book of Genesis. I start to feel worn just recapping his life's journey!
Let's see what we can learn from Jacob's encounter with God.
On this episode I discuss:

A video discussing the inspiration for writing the song
A video journal of the lead singer of Tenth Avenue North examining a time in his life when he was worn
Stating our sorrows, but rehearsing God's faithfulness
Admitting our weariness in our circumstances, but confessing God's greatness
Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture with this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercise of reading greater sections of Scripture to get the big picture
A recap of Jacob's life...I got wiped out just reading the highlights!
Jacob's experience with God in Genesis 28:10-22
Jesus is the "ladder" leading to heaven - John 1:51
Taking our hard places, setting them up as stones of remembrance and anointing them for God's holy use in our lives and His kingdom
Taking ownership of our own faith 

Additional Resources
This Week's Challenge
Put this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercise into practice and read all about Jacob in Genesis 25-35. It's a chance for you to take ownership of your own faith and see an example of redemption winning.