#186: "Spirit Of The Living God" by Meredith Andrews

Released September 11, 2017 by More Than a Song - Michelle Nezat


Tragedy changes the way we see things. Most often in the midst of tragedy, what is MOST important rises to the surface. Unfortunately, that clarity is often temporary when the "new normal" takes over. Meredith Andrew's song, "Spirit of the Living God," calls on the Holy Spirit to change "what we see and what we seek." My prayer is that it will be a permanent correction. We see glimpses of truths related to the Holy Spirit in Galatians. We'll sit there this week. On this episode I discuss: Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture - this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Refer to an overview of the book Study a topic Narrow the area of Scripture and read in context The Color Method Observation Complete a word study Having a Biblical worldview (and what that means) Another episode where we learn specifically about the Holy Spirit - Episode #73 Favorite overviews provided by The Bible Project - The Bible Project: Galatians on YouTube New BITE! The Color Method by Lacey Dobrient - here's the podcast I learned from Not jumping straight to application until we've taken some time to make some observations Paul's stinging questions to the Galatians about what they received from the Holy Spirit - Galatians 3:1-5 The Spirit resides in our hearts - Galatians 4:6 Our intimacy with the Father comes from the Holy Spirit - Galatians 4:6 A word study on the word "Abba" - BibleHub.com Our flesh and Spirit are at war with one another - Galatians 5:16-18 We are to keep in step with the Spirit - Galatians 5:25 The opposite of keeping in step with the Spirit - Galatians 5:26 The choice we have to sow to the flesh or to sow to the Spirit - Galatians 6:7-8 The question we're left with..."How do I walk by the Spirit?"   Additional Resources Lyrics This Week's Challenge Grab your Bible and dive into Galatians! Watch the overview video by The Bible Project. Pick up a blue pen or pencil and underline every reference to the Holy Spirit that you see. Write down your observations in a journal. Identify the big ideas that you see. Allow the Holy Spirit to change what you see and what you seek.