#221: "Witness" by Jordan Feliz

Released May 14, 2018 by More Than a Song - Michelle Nezat


God's goodness is unfathomable. David tries to explain it in Psalm 36 with really big metaphors as a witness to the awe he feels when considering God. Similarly, Jordan Feliz' song "Witness" calls us to testify to the virtues of our Father in heaven as well. Let's use the song to inspire us to read the Psalm and see what we learn, shall we? On this week's episode I discuss: Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture - this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Complete a word study Consider the opposite Consult an outside resource Listen to the audio version Make a list Pray Refer to an outline Tips on reading the Psalms Using the outside resources of "How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth" and "How to Read the Bible Book by Book" both by Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart How Yahweh is the center of everything and our lives are to be predicated on our covenant relationship with Him Seek God's face before you seek His hand Read the Psalms the way they were written...as songs...musical poetry Contemporary Christian music CANNOT be the only truth you absorb...you must read the Bible for yourself The divisions in Psalm 36 The qualities of the wicked in Psalm 36:1-4 The qualities of our God in Psalm 36:5-9 The direct benefits of serving our amazing God - Psalm 36:7-9   Additional Resources Lyrics Chords Story Behind the Song of "Witness" by Jordan Feliz - YouTube Video This Week's Challenge Dive into Psalm 36 — read it; listen to it; meditate on it. Store up in your heart these amazing characteristics of God. Consider the benefits to the upright in heart. Be warned by the folly of the sinner refusing to surrender to the limitless love, faithfulness, righteousness, justice, and care of the Father. Don’t stop at my few words and pondering — pray and ask God for fresh vision and revelation as you interact with His Word for yourself.