#241: "Satisfied In You (Psalm 42)" by The Sing Team

Released October 1, 2018 by More Than a Song - Michelle Nezat


The Rolling Stones really captured the essence of culture when they sang, "I can't get no satisfaction." Our world is in a constant state of discontent. When you weigh the philosophy of this week's song by The Sing Team, "Satisfied In You (Psalm 42)," you discover that our satisfaction doesn't lie in our effort as sung by our friend Mick, but rather in God. There are unlikely discoveries in a Psalm you may know in part. Join me this week as we pore over Psalm 42. On this week's episode I discuss: Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture - this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Context Meditate on God's Word Repetition One word Study with a friend My overwhelming week and how I had to adjust to stay in God's Word A familiar part of Psalm 42 I have sung since a young girl - Psalm 42:1-2 The roller coaster of ups and downs of Psalm 42...and how it reflects my own feelings A.W. Tozer - “For it is not mere words that nourish the soul, but God Himself, and unless and until the hearers find God in personal experience they are not the better for having heard the truth.” - The Pursuit of God Longing for God in a deep way - Psalm 42:1-2 Remembering God's faithfulness as a balm to our soul - Psalm 42:4 Giving you permission to skip parts you don't understand (for now) - Psalm 42:6 Identifying with cutting and hurtful words and what they do to us - Psalm 42:3 Talking to your soul - Psalm 42:11 Three verbs - Psalm 42:11 Put Will Praise Refocusing the soul to put hope in God and choosing praise over lament My "one word"s (and the process to find your own) Thirsts - a deep longing for God Deer - an animal that will die separate from this source of life Meet - not a member of the kings court kissing the ring, but fellowshipping in the private chambers   Additional Resources Lyrics and chords - Mars Hill Music PDF Spotify Link to "Satisfied In You (Psalm 42)" by The Sing Team   This Week's Challenge Spend some time in Psalm 42 this week. Share it with a friend and exchange the “one word” that jumps out at you as you meditate on it. Release yourself from having to understand every part or taking on more. Allow your heart, mind, soul, and strength to meditate on God’s Word. Find comfort in this psalmist who represents another’s soul who is downcast…it’s perfectly natural…but ultimately find satisfaction in God — put your hope in Him.