#258: "Maybe It's Ok" by We Are Messengers

Released January 28, 2019 by More Than a Song - Michelle Nezat


Your emotions and feelings are real, but they are not reliable. This week we will use "Maybe It's Ok" by We Are Messengers to explore the truth about God so that we can truly say, "It's okay that I'm not okay." We can trust God to hold it all together even when we feel like it's all falling apart. Let's discover this together in Scripture. On this episode I discuss: Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture - this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Reading in context Make a list Follow the cross references The wonderful conference I attended - Proclaim Truth Conference Your emotions and feelings are real, but they are not reliable Instead of taking our cues from our emotions, we rely upon who God has told us He is It is wrong to seek knowledge of self independent of our knowledge of God Reading Colossians 1:15-20 to discover the characteristics of Christ Discovering that not only did Christ create all things, but He holds all things together Following the cross reference to John 1:1-3 Making a list of all the things Christ created How all things are created for Christ...not us Christ is the sustainer of all things - Hebrews 1:3   Additional Resources The story behind the song "Maybe It's OK" by We Are Messengers - YouTube Lyrics - Klove This Week's Challenge Read Colossians this week and then take a few moments to home in on Colossians 1:15-20. Make a list of the characteristics of Christ you see here. Use a study Bible or online resource to follow cross-references to other parts of God’s Word to see what it says about these characteristics of Christ. Really consider these characteristics and then view your “not ok” circumstances through the lens of the Savior who holds all things together.