#288: "Nobody" by Casting Crowns feat. Matthew West

Released September 9, 2019 by More Than a Song - Michelle Nezat


Every somebody started out as a nobody. Inspired by Casting Crowns' song, "Nobody," I consider the early days of Samuel's life. Even though Samuel was the son of a barren woman who was dedicated to the Lord for a life of service, he still had to GROW from somewhere. Join me as we zero in on Samuel's beginning to see what we can learn from this "nobody" who eventually had two books of the God's Holy Word bear his name. On this episode I discuss: Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture - this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Read in context Study a topic Consider the opposite Consult an outside resource Share with a friend Reading Samuel's story with an eye toward the details of his life...everyone comes from somewhere - 1 Samuel 1-3 Considering the opposite of a nobody Coming to the conclusion that it's out of a life of obedience that Samuel actualizes a life of significance Understanding where Samuel comes from by learning more about his birth and dedication (and ultimately his mother's commitment to God) The idea that Hannah probably passed on her devotion to God to her young son The first time God reveals Himself to Samuel in a personal way - 1 Samuel 3:1-10 The context of Samuel's "world" at that time in history Examining some reasons as to why Samuel and Eli did not immediately recognize the voice of God Recognizing that we are NOT like the Israelites. The Word of the Lord is NOT rare in our time...it is revealed! All we have to do is read it!     Additional Resources Lyrics and chords - Praise Charts Behind the song "Nobody" by Casting Crowns - FreeCCM This Week's Challenge Read 1 Samuel 1-3. Spend some time really taking in the context of the world around Samuel's existence. Grab a friend and discuss the details together. Once you've read and re-read the text a few times, it's okay to peek down at your study Bible notes, or seek out a trusted commentary. And the next time you hear God speaking to you, be sure to obey. It may just be like it was for Samuel...more about your obedience and less about the message.