#297: "Church (Take Me Back)" by Cochran and Co.

Released November 11, 2019 by More Than a Song - Michelle Nezat


You know the saying, "There's no going back?" Well, thank goodness that sentiment doesn't apply to returning to the people and the ways of God. Our song this week by Cochran and Co. is "Church (Take Me Back)" and inspired me to explore a story of returning in the Old Testament. Naomi returns to her homeland, her people, and the ways of God. Let's explore it together in the book of Ruth. On this episode I discuss: Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture - this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Explore the historical background Write in your Bible Read in context Read and keep on reading The theme of returning found in Ruth 1 Exploring where Naomi is returning FROM - Ruth 1:1-5 How the Moabites got their start - Genesis 19:30-38 How the leaders of Moab hired Balaam to curse Israel (entire context is Numbers 22-24) - Numbers 22:1-6 Moabites sent in the ladies to seduce the Israelite men into sexual immorality and ultimately idolatry by the people of Israel - Numbers 25:1-3, Numbers 31:16 Lasting consequences were placed by God on the Moabites - Deuteronomy 23:3-4 How King Eglon of Moab tormented the people for 18 years - Judges 3 The god of the Moabites, Chemosh, was worshipped through child sacrifice A quote by Christopher Ash from his book, "Teaching Ruth and Esther" - Amazon link Looking for the theme of "returning" in Ruth 1 - Ruth 1:6-22 How God is a restorer of life...a causer of us to return...to Him and His land of promise through the life, death, and resurrection of His Son the ultimate Redeemer of our souls Additional Resources The story behind the song "Church (Take Me Back)" by Cochran and Co. - YouTube Video Chords and lyrics - CochrenMusic.com This Week's Challenge Read the book of Ruth for yourself. Highlight or mark all instances of turning back or returning. Really meditate on this theme and consider what God may be saying to you through His Holy Word.