#345: "Pray" by Koryn Hawthorne

Released October 12, 2020 by More Than a Song - Michelle Nezat


When I write the word "discipline," what do you think of? Do you think of correcting disobedience or do you think of training toward a good habit? Prayer is a spiritual discipline that is modeled by our Savior and sung about by Koryn Hawthorne in her song, "Pray." Let's explore what Scripture has to say about this spiritual discipline. In this episode I discuss: Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture - our Bible Interaction Tool Exercises this week are: Explore a theme/topic in Scripture Reading in context The 30 Day Music Challenge - ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE HERE Spiritual disciplines essential to our walk with Christ Unpacking some of the phrases found in the chorus The Lord hears us when we pray - 1 Peter 3:12, 2 Corinthians 5:21 God responds when we pray - Jeremiah 33:3, Mark 11:24 Pray when we feel like we're not going to make it - Philippians 4:6-7 HOW to pray - Luke 11:1 How prayer is something that can be learned and needs to be practiced Timothy Keller's book, "Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God" Jesus' model for prayer - Luke 11:2-4 Another location for Jesus' prayer model - Matthew 6:5-13 Breaking down the model Jesus gave us to pray Adoration Reorienting our view to God's priorities Asking for our daily sustenance Prayer of watchfulness Additional Resources Lyrics - Zion Lyrics A news release about the song - Jubilee Cast This Week's Challenge Focus on your prayer life this week. Examine how you normally pray and compare it to the model Jesus gives us in Luke 11 and Matthew 6. Consider the truths that God not only hears us when we pray, but He responds. Prayer matters! Deepen this spiritual discipline in your life through study and then practice. Â