Sitting in a dark room, even the flame from the smallest candle can invade. No wonder Isaiah describes the impact of Christ on our dark world as a "great light." Inspired by We The Kingdom's song "Light of the World" I explore what we can learn about Jesus as the Light of the world. Come along for the journey as we sit in a large chunk of Scripture and then explore the theme of "light" this week. In this episode, I discuss: Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture - our Bible Interaction Tool Exercises this week are: Studying a theme Reading in context Reading larger chunks of Scripture Making observations of the text Making a list Consulting an outside resource Considering the historical context The 30 Day Music Challenge - ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE HERE Using Christmas lights to remind us that Christ is the "Light of the world" Studying the context of John 1:1-18 because of verse 9 - John 1:9 Observing the details in the text "Light" is repeated 7 times "Word" is introduced and repeated four times "He/Him" is repeated 18 times Using an outside resource to deepen my understanding of why John used the Greek word "logos" to describe Jesus - Article Listing out the times John talks about Jesus being "the Word" and what we learn about Him Jesus is eternal Jesus was with God before coming to earth Jesus is God Jesus is Creator Jesus is the giver of life Jesus became human The theme of light pointing to Christ throughout Scripture Creation of the first light - Genesis 1:3-4; with the Jesus connection in 2 Corinthians 4:6 God is the source of Israel's light - Exodus 13:21-22 God is the source of our individual light - Psalm 27:1 and Psalm 18:28 God's Word is our source of light - Psalm 119:105 and Psalm 119:130 Jesus is the greatest light of all - John 1:4-5 Jesus declares himself the "light of the world" - John 8:12 The prophet Isaiah speaks of the future glory of a restored Israel - Isaiah 60:1-3 Jesus is the lamp for all eternity in the New Jerusalem - Revelation 21:22-27 How we, too, are to shine with the light of Christ - Matthew 5:14-16 I know you may feel like the darkness is overtaking you but cling fast to the hope of the truth that the darkness will not overcome the light. Â Â Additional Resources Lyrics and chords - Performance and story behind the song "Light of the World" by We The Kingdom - YouTube Video What do John 1:1,14 mean when they declare that Jesus is the Word of God? - Article The meaning of the candles in the Messianic Jewish Candle Lighting Ceremony - Yeshua Ha'Mashiach Ministries Article Weekly Challenge Dive into John 1. Read all about Jesus the Word and the light of the world. Make observations. Make lists. Go on a scavenger hunt throughout the Bible to see references to light and ponder their connection to God's revelation of His Son as the Light of the World. Â Â