There is a difference between complaining and lament. While bringing our complaints to the Father is part of the pattern of lament we discover in Scripture, it doesn't end there. Alisa Turner offers us a song of lament similar in pattern to what we see in Scripture. In her song "Miracle Or Not," she gives voice to her questions while keeping her feet firmly on the path of praise and trust. King David does the same in the Psalms. Let's explore one of his songs of lament together and see what we discover. In this episode I discuss: Taking a B.I.T.E. out of Scripture - this week's Bible Interaction Tool Exercises include: Consult an outside resource Meditate on Scripture Make a list Journal Read in a variety of translations The 30 Day Music Challenge Alisa Turner's life story - YouTube Video The story behind the song "Miracle Or Not" - YouTube Video The idea of pouring out our grief and complaint into writing a lament as shared by my listener Margot - The Habit Podcast Season 3 Episode 7 How one-third of the Psalms are songs of lament Introducing Psalm 13 as our Psalm to meditate on for the week The resource I gleaned from heavily when considering the topic of lament - "Dark Clouds Deep Mercy: Discovering the Grace of Lament" by Mark Vroegop The podcasts I listened to that introduced me to Pastor Mark's book - Revive Our Hearts Podcast episodes featuring Mark Vroegop Defining lament Wrestling with feelings that "I shouldn't be feeling this way" Not rushing to the end of sorrow Following a pattern of sorrow that ultimately leads to trust The pattern of lament as found in Scripture Turn to God in prayer Bring your complaint Ask boldly Choose to trust Making a list of King David's questions of complaint in Psalm 13:1-2 Making sure our complaints are based on God's truth. Like the complaint of God seeming to forget when we know from Isaiah 49:14-16 that He does NOT forget. Being raw and real with God -- even journaling our thoughts, questions, complaints, and frustrations -- with the ultimate goal of moving TOWARD God Asking boldly - Hebrews 4:14-16 Reorienting our vision to the ways of God that leads to praise and trust Additional Resources Lyrics and chords - The story behind the song "Miracle Or Not" by Alisa Turner - YouTube Video "The Heartbreaking, Hopeful Story of Alisa Turner" - New Release Today Article "What Are The Psalms of Lament" - Article "Psalm 13" by Alisa Turner - YouTube Audio This Week's Challenge Read and meditate on Psalm 13. Consider the pattern of lament described in Mark Vroegop's book "Dark Clouds Deep Mercy: Discovering the Grace of Lament." Then, journal your own genuine questions and frustrations, keeping a Biblical boundary of complaining out of understanding who God is and what He's like compared to your current situation.